Sorry it took me so long guys, I hit writers block...and hard. Hope you enjoy the next installment of Echo Lake!- Angel

Chapter Three

Dean let out a contented sigh as he let the hot water cascade down his body. He had finally fallen into silence after singing a few of his favorite songs- mainly for Sammy's benefit- but now thoughts of the future, both immediate and long term, were plaguing him.

Although Dean didn't want to be here, up in this cabin. (Whoever this Laurie chick was he felt no connections to her; so they should be out on the road, doing their job.) 'But Sam trusts her, and he believes something supernatural is happening here- I'll give him three days to prove it.' Dean concluded, finishing up his shower quickly so that Sam could have some hot water too.

The room was full of watery mist as Dean stepped out into the bathroom towards the mirror. Laurie must have made some adjustments for them to enjoy such modern comforts. A shiver worked its way through Dean's body as he raised a hand to wipe the steam off of the mirror, and an unnerving thought raced through his mind- if he just got out of the shower; why was the mist…cold?


Sam's breath hitched in his throat as the ghostly hand trailed up his back slowly, almost teasingly. He repressed the urge to shrink away, half because he truly had nowhere to go, and the other half was because this wasn't his first experience with the undead, and hopefully, it wouldn't be his last.

A strange scratching type sound reached his ears and he blinked- wondering what it was…while something else told him that he didn't want to find out.

'Joe please…please just calm down! Joe please, Joe…stop-STOP!' A frantic voice pleaded in the darkness. Sam froze as he listened to what seemed like struggling behind him, followed once again by that weird scratching sound.

A loud scream startled Sam and caused him to let go of the handle and cover his ears as his little show grew louder and louder. 'GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!' An unearthly voice screeched at him before the sound happened again and it finally clicked in his head what it was- the sound of something being dragged…

A bright light exploded behind his eyes as something hit him upside the head and he fell further into darkness. 'Leave now…or you never will…' A voice whispered softly in his ears before he felt his air supply cut off. Like something was strangling him- yet not touching him at all.

"D...Dean…" Sam managed to choke out before he went under, leaving himself at the complete mercy of the ghost…


Dean's entire body went on alert as he quickly got dressed, since he didn't want to fight Casper in nothing but a wrap around towel. Dean's head snapped up as the lights above the mirror started to flicker.

'So Laurie was telling the truth…' Dean mused as he reached for the shotgun that he had filled with rock salt. 'Come on…show yourself you undead-' Dean's thought was abruptly cut off when the chill that had descended upon the room left and the flickering lights stopped. 'What in the world?' Dean wondered as he opened the door to the bathroom to see if everything outside was fine.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everything was quiet, and exactly as it had been before he got into the shower. Dean shook his head. It was a beginning prank that most spooks liked to play on newcomers. Well it would just have to try harder because the Winchester boys knew all of their tricks. Dean grabbed his stuff and dropped it into the master bedroom so that he could deal with it later. He was hungry already and was starting to wonder what Sam had found downstairs.

Dean was making his way back down the hall, but he spared a quick glance into the bathroom, and his feet rooted to their spots on the floor. His eyes were glued on the mirror at the far end of the bathroom…there on the surface written on the steam that clung to the glass surface was one word.


Dean's mind was already working in circles. When had that appeared? And why didn't he see it? Pantry? What kind of warning was that? Normally if they connected with you on this sort of level they wrote 'get out' or something along those lines but pantry? Dean quickly broke it down. If there was a spirit here and it was pointing to the pantry- maybe there was something special down there, maybe it wanted to leave just as much as the boys wanted to ship it off.

Wait…pantry… Dean froze, silence- there was eerie silence that was settled throughout the cabin, but if Sam was cooking- or even doing anything, he would be making noise. Dean spun towards the kitchen and rushed down the upstairs hall. Sam would have needed to go into the pantry if he was going to see what he had to work with…what if- what if…

"Sam?" Dean called running down the stairs. He tried to keep his voice calm, just incase his fear was playing tricks on him and Sam answered him. Several moments passed by and Sam didn't respond to his call. "Sammy?" Dean called a little louder, appearing in the kitchen looking for his baby brother. His eyes scanned the immediate area, but there was no sign of the younger Winchester.

Dean quickly took in the sights, looking mainly for a certain one, and his body was already moving towards it before his mind registered it. The closed door of the pantry looked innocent enough, and Dean reached a hand out and grabbed the doorknob, twisting it quickly and pulling the door open.

It was dark, and Dean's hand snaked its way along the wall for the light switch. When he found it he flipped it on, and his breath caught in his throat as light flooded into the small area. There, lying up against the far wall of the room in a crumpled heap, was Sam.

"Sam!" Dean called as he rushed to his brother's aid. He quickly knelt down and checked him for any outstanding injuries. As Dean slowly leaned Sam's head back to check for head trauma, a sticky substance coated his fingers. 'No…not that, anything but that…' Dean prayed as he pulled back to examine his hand, and his stomach tightened as he saw blood all over it- Sam's blood. "Okay, time to get you out of here." Dean muttered to himself as he leaned over to brace himself and drag Sam out of there when the said boy jumped with a start, and moaned.

"D…Dean?" Sam asked softly as his eyes fluttered open and he looked around confused. "What…what happened?" Dean shook his head.

"I don't know Sammy…I don't know."

Yeah I know, really short, but I didn't know what to do with it after there, and I didn't think that you wanted to wait for me to figure it out.

So, straight from the hospital's computer to your's...did anyone even know that hospital's even had internet for their patients rooms? Sorry random rant

Anyway...tell me what you think!
