An: Hello readers. I am sad to say that this is the last chapter of this wonderful story I have created. Thank you for all the reviews. As for the game. A lot of you guess them right. I'll try adding you as a character in my other story A Vineyard Wedding Date.

Thank you all for reading this story. Hope you enjoy the last part.

Chapter 12- You and Me

The next day was Lorelai and Rory got up and went o Luke's. Luke had a day off so he was upstairs sleeping in.

Jess greeted Rory in the diner while Lorelai snuck upstairs to Luke's apartment.

When she got upstairs, she saw Luke curled up in his bed. She took off her shoes and decided to join him. Luke's arm immediately protectively went around her wait.

"Good morning," he whispered into her ear.

"Good morning, did I wake you?"

"No I've been up."

"Doing what?"


"Thinking about what?"

"Thinking about you." She gave him a kiss.

"So what are your plans for your day off?"

"Hmm I don't know?"

"How about you and I spend the day together. We can start off here in the bed, just you and me, no diner, no inn."

"I like that." He gave her a long passionate kiss which led to other things."



"Hey Rory," Miss Patty called out to Rory.

"Hello ladies," Rory greeted Miss Patty and Babette.

"How's that fancy school of yours?" Babette asked.

"Chilton's just fine."

"That's great honey," Patty said.

"So where's your mother? I saw her a little while ago and then she vanished," Babette wondered.

"Oh you know she's here and there."

"Very busy women she is," Patty added.

"You can say that."

Rory knew here mother was upstairs with Luke. She was trying hard not to think of what they could be doing up there because knowing Lorelai it was not kid appropriate.

"Where's Luke? I haven't seen him all morning." Babette asked.

"Jess had mentioned something about a day off. That could be today or something. Well look at the time I have to meet Lane. See ya later." Rory quickly said, figuring out that they were suspicious about something.

"Bye Suga."

"Bye Sweetie." Patty waited until Rory was out the diner door. "Lorelai and Luke are upstairs together and might I add are pleasing each other as we speak."

"Patty how do you know that?" Miss Patty told Babette all the evidence.


When Rory got to Lane's she called Lorelai.

"Whatever it is make it quick. I'm kind of in the middle of something," Lorelai answered the phone.

"Eww gross mom."


"Yes, this is Rory, your daughter calling to warn you that the gossip queens might know about you and Luke. They are sitting in the diner as we speak talking about it. When I was leaving Miss Patty and Babette called me over to there table and started asking questions about yours and Luke's whereabouts."

"What! Hold on a second Hun," Lorelai covered the phone with her hand. "Luke, Miss Patty and Babette have figured out that we are having it out."

"Aww jeez," Luke says, "how did they find out?"

"We don't know. Rory said they were asking her questions about where you and I were this morning."

Lorelai uncovered her hand from the phone and put her ear to it. "It's ok, just try to avoid them right now."

"Avoid got it. You know that they are probably going to sitting in the diner until you two come down."

"I know. They wouldn't be Miss Patty and Babette the gossip queens if they didn't."

"That's true, well I'll you get back to what you were doing."

"Thank you. Bye."

"Bye mom."

They both hung up the phone.

"Luke, what are we going to do? We have to tell the town. What are we going to tell them?" Lorelai panicked.

"Don't worry we will think about something."

"You know we can't leave your apartment, because as soon as we do we will be bombarded with questions."

"I know whatever will be do?" Luke said, trying to hint something.

"I don't know," Lorelai played along.

They went back to doing what they were doing.


A few hours pasted. Miss Patty and Babette were still sitting in the diner hoping they would finish up and come down soon.

Meanwhile upstairs, Luke and Lorelai were plotting how they were going to tell the town.

"However we do decide to tell them, Rory is going have to be there," Lorelai said first.

"Ok, then but how are we going to tell them?"

"Umm, how about we… No never mind."


They thought for awhile

"I got think I have the perfect idea," Luke told Lorelai the plan.


It was now 6:30pm. The whole diner was packed and Rory was told to be at the dinner at that time. She sat on a stool waiting for 'the plot' to begin.

A few minutes later, Lorelai came downstairs wearing one of Luke's blue flannel shirt and his baseball cap with jeans underneath. A few seconds later, Luke came down in an under shirt and no baseball cap obviously. They both met in the middle of the diner.

"I love you." Lorelai said loudly and gave Luke a hard kiss. Luke wrapped his arms around Lorelai's waist while Lorelai's hands were running through his hair and the other one on his cheek.

The diner was silence for a second and they started clapping and cheering.

They broke apart.

"I love you too," Luke replied back and gave her that same kind of kiss back.

The town started cheering and clapping.

They broke apart and rested their foreheads on each others'.

"Well that's one job done," Lorelai joked.

By the counter Rory and Jess watched the whole thing.

"Did you know they were going to do that?" Jess asked Rory.

"I knew they were going to do something I just didn't think that was it," Rory replied.

"Well they look happy."

"They are happy."

"I guess we did a good job then."

"We did great."

"We should set up more people."

"I think I'll pass on that."

"They can call us Matchmakers," Jess stated.

"Rory and Jess Matchmakers. As good as that sound I don't think we should do it again."

"Yeah, messing with people is not our thing."


"Look at them," Jess pointed.

"They are the perfect match."

"I agree the perfect match."


Thanks to: OkGoPrettyMuchRules, luv888, simplyawfulx3, Lolabelle26, Ronata, GilmoreHorseFreak04, normallyweirdm, pixiechick12, TopBanana, javajunkie101, suusje32, HeartGilmoreGrls, walkingonsunshine01, LukelovesLorelai, JavaJunkie22, lemonade113, LGCoffeeAddict, StarQueen456, J.Stone, lorelai gilmore danes1, Cheergirl79151, CreativeJuicesFlowing, fergie, lukelorelai-en, tara, LLfreak8285, sarah, xomusic4lifexo, maja, Cin, Lazy-Hazy-Crazy-Dayz, MarcyH, Alison, remm 3, LLlover17, inge-loves-lost, Javamaniac, disenchanted, Racheleigh, GilmoreGirlsFreakazoid, Laurthen, blutothejplover, blutothejplover, LorLukealways, hanselel, volleyballgilmoregirls, Cantante X Adri, epona9009, Rismonstar, kbam87, and thedragonflyislove522.

Thank you so much for reviewing.

Should I make a sequel? It's up to you.

Special Thanks to Abbi my Beta- Reader!

Read my other story.
