Disclaimer: I don't own anything off the Gilmore Girls.

(Story is slighly OOC takes place after the second season everything has happen until the thrid season.)

Rory was sitting at Luke's with her mom eating breakfast this was her first day as a senior at Chilton they made them start on a Thursday they couldn't wait for next week. She was finally finishing hell as she had called it so very often she was now vice president and was very confused with her feelings towards Dean and Jess and someone new or was he someone old. Dean was her first boyfriend and love her first everything almost everything. Jess had showed up he was different then any other person she has known outside of Chilton.

Jess walked down the stairs and saw Rory eating with her mom and he went to work. Did he like Rory? Yes. Did he want to get back at Dean? Of course he did. Did he want her to be in the middle? Of course, not so he had to let her go for the last time he needed to talk to her. Jess walked over to her when Dean walked in so he decided to hold off the talk with her until later.

Dean walked in, sat down beside Rory, and was looking at Jess who was still looking at him. Dean new Jess liked Rory and she might like him back but right now, she was with him not Jess. Dean knew if they were to breakup it would be tough on him unlike the first time which he convince himself it was her fault but it was his fault to but she was with him now not Jess. Dean was going to take her to school since she started earlier then he did so after she ate they headed for his truck and left for Chilton.

Tristan was driving his 1971 Plymouth Hemi Barracuda convertible while all the other kids were driving the new cars he like the classics. This car was his baby his grandfather gave it to him one of only seven ever made with the 440-6pack he loved this car. This was one of the few times he has driven it since coming back for his grandfather's funnel earlier this summer. If it was not for his grandfathers dying wish of his return he would still be in North Carolina or where he spent most of his summer. Tristan was driving in the parking lot when he saw it Dean's truck he knew he should have left earlier then he did to avoid this. The two were standing in right in front of a parking spot his spot. When they did not move Tristan was getting pissed.

"Hey bagboy move your ass." Tristan yelled out the window as the two parted.

"Are you going to make me?" Tristan pushed the gas and mover closer to the two and Rory moved but Dean did not move at all.

"I would hit you but my car is worth more then your life so move the hell out of the way." Rory grabbed Dean and pulled him out of the way Tristan just looked at the two and shook his head and parked his car.

Tristan walked inside and went to the headmaster's office and get reregistered for classes and the new secretary treated him like a new student tell him where all the classes were at and handing him a map she must not have looked in his folder and saw he used to go to school here. Tristan was walking out of the office and he throws the map away, looked over at the secretary, and smirked at her.

The day was half over and it was lunchtime Rory was sitting with Paris, Louise, and Madeline at the lunch table when Tristan passed them and smirked at the four.

"Mmm Tristan looks better then before." Louise said licking her lips as Madeline nodded her head as Paris and Rory rolled there eyes.

"Rory I'm still coming over tonight to work on some new things for school."

"Yes Paris you have told me a thousand times today."

"Just don't forget then we are having our first meeting tomorrow to name members to our team."

"Yes Paris you told me that too." The rest of lunch went by with just normal talking about Tristan which Rory or Paris didn't join the talk between the two.

Rory had the next class with Paris and Tristan when someone from the office knocked on the door.

"Mr. Dugrey first day back and the headmaster wants to see you nice work."

"I try my best sir."

"What's this Miss. Gilmore and Miss. Geller are also wanted in the office take your books." The three got up and left the girls were following Tristan down the hall.

"Way to go Tristan getting us in trouble with you."

"Paris I've done nothing wrong today yet."

"Then way are we going to the office for?"

"Here is an idea ask Charleston when you get there." Paris walked ahead of the two, she was the first one in the office, and sat down. After about five minutes, the intercom buzzed and the secretary looked at the teens.

"Headmaster Charleston will see you now."

"Which one of us?" Rory asked standing up with the other two.

"All three of you."

When the three of them walked into the office Charleston was looking over some papers. He looked up and motioned for them to set down.

"Miss. Geller do you have any openings on your staff?"

"Some of the lower levels sir."

"Well I would like you to put Mr. Dugrey on your staff."

"Okay I'll see where to put him."

"I want Mr. Dugrey to lead the Student Senate."

"That has already been filled sir."

"Well Miss Geller Mr. Dugrey here was voted on by his classmates in his last school as vice president as you are while aware so he deserves a chance here at Chilton. Since you can't have two vice presidents he will be the third in line then."

"Don't I get a say in this sir?"

"Of course you do and so does Miss. Gilmore."

"Well then I say no."

"Ouch Paris I'm sitting right here." Tristan put his hand on his chest.

"What do you say Miss. Gilmore?" Rory looked at the three Paris was giving her the death glare. Tristan was just looking at her, and Charleston was staring at her.

"Umm we have already filled the spot sir it won't be fair to Josh if we take him out of the spot."

"Well I already talked to him today and he said he would accept a lower position so it's settled Mr. Dugrey will head up the student senate. Mr. Dugrey don't let me down now."

"I won't sir thank you."

"You are free to go since this is the last class you my leave school grounds."

Rory walked to her locker and opened it after some sweet-talking to it then a beat down. Rory looked over at Tristan who was watching her and he smiled a real smile, which made her smile.

"Gilmore why are you smiling you should be mad." Rory jumped some and looked over to Paris

"Paris knock on a locker next time will yea."

"This is not a joking matter we're going to have to be around Tristan all the time he can stop anything we put out there this year."

"Paris we spent most of the summer around him it wasn't that bad." Tristan walked over and leaned on the locker beside Rory's and the smirk was back on his face.

"Ladies what are we talking about?"

"If you mess this up for me Tristan I swear I'll kill you."

"Okay Paris I promise to be on my best behavior for now on." Tristan said in a little boy's voice, which Rory laughed at him.

"We are meeting at Rory's house at six don't be late." Paris walked away leaving Rory and Tristan behind.

"Sounds like fun Paris. Do you need a ride home or is lover boy picking you up?"

"I'm riding the bus."

"Not today you're riding with me come on unless he is waiting for you."

"He is working today."

"So it's settled you are riding with me now let's get the hell out of here." Tristan grabbed her wrist and they walked out to his car.

Tristan unlocked the passenger side door, opened it up for Rory, closed it, walked over to the driver side door, and got in. Rory was looking around the car.

"We are going to go to my house first so I can change ok."

"That's fine." The drive to his house was short about ten or so minutes.

Tristan took her up to his room and Rory sat down on his bed as Tristan changed. He walked out form his closet without his shirt on, Rory was looking at him, and Tristan smirked at her. Rory looked down blushing.

"Tristan we need to talk."

"Let me talk first please. Do you regret anything we have ever done?"

"The answer is no Tristan but everything with Dean is confusing and now there is Jess and you're back."

"Rory our past is that past and one day it might be right for us but nobody will have to know about what happen if you don't want them to."

"Thank you Tristan for everything now let's get going." Rory hugged him and they walked out to Tristan's car and got in Rory was looking at the radio and then up at Tristan.

"What kind of radio is this?"

"This is the original radio Rory."

"Why don't you put a new one in?"

"The value will go down."

"Where did you get it form?"

"When Grandpa died he left it to me."

"I didn't mean to bring that up Tristan."

"Its fine Rory I'm okay about it."

"I didn't see your parents."

"That's because they weren't home they went on vacation."

"When are they coming back?" Tristan shrugged his shoulders.

"They didn't say hopeful never." Rory saw his eyes on decided to drop the conversation for now.

The drive to Stars Hollow was filled with Rory talking to the radio trying to find a good song on it, which she only found about three songs. Tristan laughed at her, which earned him a death glare then a smile from her. They pulled into the driveway of her home and Jess was waiting for her Rory was surprised.

"Jess what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"Okay." Tristan took Rory's bag and walked inside as Rory and Jess sat down on the steps.

"Rory I like you but I don't want to come in between you Dean and I don't want to not be friends with you so how about we be just friends." Rory was a little sad but at least she could put most of this behind her since Jess was settled only two were left.

"That sounds good Jess." Jess stood up and help her up and he walked over to Tristan's car and started to look at it. Tristan opened up the door and saw Jess and Rory looking at his car.

"Mariano step away from the car."

"Dugrey I'm just looking."

"Remember the last time we were near a car together?"

"You crashed it."

"You grabbed the wheel and you crashed the car."

"Thank your dad again for helping me."

"He didn't have much of a choice now did he?" Rory was looking at the two guys talking.

"How… When… You guys know each other?"

"It seems that way. We meet in New York a few years back my dad had business to take care of and we might've taken his new Jag and wrecked it." Tristan said as Jess laughed and shook Tristan's hand.

"You never told me about this." Rory was poking Tristan's chest and he put his hands up.

"A lot of people are named Jess you should've used his last name." Rory throw her hand's up and walked inside as Tristan was showing Jess the car.

"So how long have you liked her?" Jess asked sitting in the passenger seat as Tristan got into the driver's seat.

"Awhile now you?"

"Since I came here."

"We're pathetic aren't we?"

"Very." Jess and Tristan caught up on old times.

Rory looked out of her window, saw the two talking, and smiled at least someone other then herself like Jess around here. She walked out on the porch and sat down on the swing watching them joking around as they got out of the car and walked over to her and sat down on each side of her. Lorelai pulled up behind Tristan's car and saw Rory sitting on the swing with Jess and someone she has never saw before.

"Rory what have I told you about feeding stray dogs they keep coming back."

"But look at them they are so cute can I keep them?"

"Are you going to clean up there accidents if they have any on the carpet?"

"Yes mom so can I keep them?"

"I guess but them they stayed tied up though."

"Yes mom thank you mom I'm going to name this one Jess and this one Tristan." Rory patted them on the head. Tristan smirk and leaned in so only Rory could hear him.

"You're going to tie me up I like that idea Rory." Rory blushed and Lorelai noticed this.

"Hi I'm Lorelai Gilmore Rory's mom."

"Tristan Dugrey nice to meet you Miss Gilmore." Tristan put his hand out which she didn't take.

"It's Lorelai." She walked inside the house.

"Wow I feel welcomed in your home tonight."

"She doesn't like me either." Tristan laughed and Paris pulled up at five thirty, walked up to the porch, and saw Rory, Tristan, and a new person.

"Who is he, he doesn't go to Chilton what is he doing here."

"This is Jess he is Luke's nephew and our friend. Jess this is Paris our classmate." Jess shook her hand and got up.

"I'm going to go before Luke sends out a search party." Jess walked off the porch and Paris sat down beside Rory, opened up her folder, and handed them a stack of papers.

"This is what I want done before the New Year and list of meetings and the times and places we'll spilt them between our houses and school, if you need to cancel give me forty-eight hours notice to find a replacement site." Paris went on about the events and changes she wanted to make. Tristan was drawling on some of the papers Paris gave him as Rory tried to stay awake. Rory put her head on Tristan's shoulder and closed her eyes. Paris looked over at them and shook Rory awake.

"Come on we have more to cover."

"Paris it's been two hours I need to get home some time tonight and Rory is drooling on my shoulder." Rory's picked her head up and smacked Tristan's arm.

"I do not drool."

"Sorry my mistake."

"Fine we meet at your house tomorrow then I have to get home anywise see you at school then." Paris walked off the porch and into her car and left. Tristan stood up and offered Rory his hand and helped her up.

"I'll give you a ride home after the meeting tomorrow."

"You don't have to mom can pick me up."

"It's okay I'm going to hang out with Jess tomorrow after dropping you off."

"Okay bye Tristan."

"See yea Rory."

Rory walked inside and was going into her room when her mom walked from outside and she was hot about something.

"Rory sit down now." Rory sat down at the table. "I was putting some clothes away when I found these care to explain." Lorelai throw an open box of condoms on the table and all color left Rory's face as she looked up at her mom.

A/N Okay here is my new story don't really know how good it is but I like. The title of the story isa song by Default the Cd isOne Things Remains if you don't have it get it the Cd is good.