Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, blah blah blah...


It was just like any other night. Jack had made the average amount of tips, nothing special, and was on his way home. It wasn't too late, only about 10ish, so Jack didn't really have a problem walking home. Why did these guys have to pick him? They were much stronger than him and weighed at least twice as much. Jack was extremely skinny, 'underweight' the doctors would tell him, and extremely tall for his weight. Obviously the term "pick on someone your own size" didn't matter to them at all. As soon as he walked out of the bar, he saw them coming towards him. Hedid his best to hidethe fear that was rising in the pit of his stomach because he didn't want to show them just how weak he was. He soon found out that it didn't matter if he showed his fear or not, these guys were going to do something to him, and the thought of him not knowing what was about to happen is what scared him the most.

"What you up to, boy?" The taller and dirtier of the two men asked him.

"Nothing, just on my way home." Jack said, hoping they didn't hear his voice shaking.

"Is that so?" They other man said, stepping in front of him.

Jack stopped, he had two, they were blocking his way. His mind was racing on what he should do next.

They both grabbed him and forced him to the ground. One of the men then pinned Jack's arms behind his back and the other started to undo and pull down his pants.

"Please, stop. I give you whatever you want, just please, stop…" Jack tried to reason.

"I think you know what we want." Was the only reply Jack got.

His torture only worsened as the men started to rape him. Jack tried to fight against it, but only seemed to fuel them more. He was pushed down harder and was violated worse and worse. It seemed like they would never stop, but just when Jack thought he couldn't take any more, the men backed off, got dressed and just walked away.

Jack immediately got dressed and backed himself into a corner. He was breathing heavily and shaking uncontrollably. The tears were streaming down his face nonstop. He pulled his legs tightly to his chest and sat there in the alley. He was afraid that if he moved, if he didn't make himself as small as he could be, then it would happen again, they would find him.

He didn't know how long he was sitting there, and quite frankly he didn't care. He felt dirty and worthless. And he didn't know how he would ever get rid of that feeling.


Reviews are always appreciated. This is my first story I've posted so please don't be too harsh!
: )