Disclaimer the characters I own are as follows the rest belongs to Ms. Rowlings and her affiliates. Original characters in order of appearance: Homer Seybold Agatha Seybold. Nicholson, Aidan, tiramisu, Accalia, Joshua, Lana, Victoria, Olivia Samantha and of course everybody's favorite ice queen Isabella Fontaine.

Authors note: at long last the end is here. Sorry it took so long but what can you do. Before we get on with the story I want to thank my wonderful fantastic talented beta Aerohead1980 for her work not to mention Taint of Tia without the efforts of these two people this story would not be possible

Chapter 18

Saying Goodbye

By Empathicallychosen

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."--Antoine de Saint-Exupery


June came all too quickly, even though Peter was the only one glad to see its arrival. Given the extenuating circumstances, Professor Dumbledore allowed Sirius, James, Remus and Lily to leave school at the beginning of the month. He even allowed Olivia and Victoria to leave school a week early to say their goodbyes. Activity in the Potter household was running rampant. Aidan and Accalia wanted to make sure they had their bases covered. James, Remus, Sirius and Lily wanted to make sure they had built up Harry's confidence enough so that he would be able to survive at the Dursleys for as long as he was forced to live there. They also wanted to be sure that they had made some positive memories with Hermione and Ron.

Lily, Victoria and Olivia took Hermione on a girl's only shopping trip and to Hermione's great relief, no one got lost or kidnaped. While the girls were gone Remus, James and Sirius showed Harry and Ron how to cause a little mischief without getting caught. Harry thought to himself that Lily would not be happy if she found out about what they were doing.

Later Sirius took Harry on a walk through the woods behind the Potter's house. Sirius said that he needed some time alone with Harry to bond with his godchild. The woods were very beautiful and to Harry's surprise Sirius knew a lot about nature. He even showed Harry what he was supposed to do if he ever got lost. Secretly, Sirius had an ulterior motive for showing Harry these things. He didn't know how the Dursleys would react to his father's intimidation tactics, but from what he heard he wouldn't put it passed them to take Harry to the middle of nowhere and leave him there.

"Padfoot, what's a godfather," Harry asked when they stopped to rest a minute.

"Well it means that it's my job to help your mum and dad take care of you, to protect you," Sirius explained.

"Dudley doesn't have a godfather," Harry told him seeming rather pleased.

This was a common theme with Harry these days. It was like he was looking for things that he had that Dudley didn't. Sirius assumed Harry was just trying to create a list of things that made Harry special even though the Dursleys said that he wasn't. The two of them stayed out there in the woods for a long time just talking and playing tag with one another before heading back to the house.

When they arrived Remus came over and invited Harry to come listen to some music with him as well as Ron and Hermione.

"Wow," he said. "Everybody wants to play with us today, don't they Hedwig?"

He was right. Even his grandparents were spending an extraordinary amount of time with the three friends. Aidan let them play in his study while he worked and he took a break to do a puzzle with them. They spent hours doing crafts with Accalia and even helped her cook enormous, rich dinners which she had started making every night that week. Harry, Ron and Hermione were so busy doing everything with everyone that they didn't really have time to process the fact that they would be leaving any day now. Unfortunately, though everyone tried to stay in a good mood around Harry, Hermione and Ron, that was all anyone else could focus on and tempers were rising higher and higher as the one-year mark on the trio's visit to their time drew nearer.

"THIS IS JUST MENTAL," James shouted at Aidan one night after putting Harry, Ron and Hermione to bed. "ARE YOU REALLY TELLING ME THAT WE'RE JUST GOING TO HAND HARRY BACK TO THOSE MONSTERS WHO BEAT HIM?!"


James sunk miserably into an armchair, "So what, I'm just supposed to let him go knowing that Vernon and Petunia are going to beat the tar out of him every day."

"Of course not. I would never let that happen," said Aidan comfortingly. "I've thought about this quite a bit and I've decided to put special wards on their house that will alert your mother and I if they so much as raise a finger to Harry."

Harry woke up bright and early on the morning before the children were due to go back to their own time thinking that he would try and play a joke on Remus, Sirius and James, certain that he could get the girls to help him. He was completely unaware that Aidan and Accalia were the only ones home with them. Curiously Harry, Ron and Hermione crept around from room to room trying to find one of the teenagers in hopes that they would be able to play a trick on them, which they enjoyed very much. But much to there dismay they were unable to find anyone. Beginning to fear that they were completely alone, Harry, Ron and Hermione raced down the stairs and were relieved to see Accalia sitting alone at the kitchen table drinking a cup of herbal ice tea.

"GRAMS! GRAMS," Harry panted.

"What's the matter love," Accalia asked slightly alarmed by the urgency in her grandson's voice.

"Padfoot got kidnaped, he's not in his bed, hurry," Harry said desperately pulling on his grandmother's arm.

Accalia chuckled.

"Sirius is just fine, he and the others had a few errands to run. They should be back soon though," she said placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"But the sun just woke up," said Ron puzzled.

"It was a very important errand," Accalia replied smiling.

"Where did they go," asked Hermione curiously.

"They had to run to Diagon Alley to get a few things," she said with a definitely secretive glimmer in her eyes.

"What are they buying," asked Harry interested.

"Who wants to help me get breakfast ready," Accalia asked evasively.

Harry, Ron and Hermione's enthusiasm was overwhelming. Making breakfast that morning was full of activity. The children were so energetic that it was almost impossible for Accalia to keep up. When James, Lily Remus, Olivia, Sirius and Victoria walked through the backdoor she saw Harry glance at them briefly before turning back to the food.

"Hi guys, do you think you would like to walk down to the park with us," Victoria asked as she and the others placed numerous shopping bags on the long table.

Hermione and Ron glimpsed back at the group smiling at each other, but turned back quickly.

"Sorry Tori, but we're having breakfast with Grams right now," Harry said pretending he was completely uninterested in their trip to the park.

Hermione and Ron giggled. Harry looked back again grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary, then he turned back to the food pretending to be completely engrossed in examining an apple. Accalia couldn't help but smile at Harry's newfound playful nature. If someone had told her that the fragile, abused little boy Harry had been when he arrived in their time would become the type of child that enjoyed mischievously teasing his family she probably wouldn't have believed it. She only hoped that Harry would stay that way forever. Accalia's stomach was in knots over having to send Harry home to those awful people, but she knew her husband was right. Harry didn't belong in this time and it wasn't fair to keep them there.

James, Remus and Sirius shared a look and crept up on the children and started tickling them mercilessly. Olivia, Lily and Victoria watched the interaction with amusement. Then when Accalia's sons had paused to allow the children to breathe Harry started to tickle his godfather. In all honesty Sirius wasn't really ticklish, but he laughed anyway so as not to discourage the small boy.

"What a very clever godson I have. I suppose that you fancy yourself a little joker do you?"

"Yup," said Harry with the rather satisfied smirk.

"We are funny," said Ron happily.

"Yeah, we're silly Marauders," said Hermione still giggling.

James stared at Lily with an expression that clearly stated: Did you here what your children just said? Unfortunately for James, Lily was quite unsympathetic. In fact she seemed to think that her children were indeed very comical.

"You see what happens when they're exposed to you for too long," she said examining her fingernail.

"You brought this on yourself," said Victoria nonchalantly.

"Don't look at me," said Olivia when Remus turned to her.

"So this is how it's going to be is it? Well I hate to break it to you mate, but you're coming to the park whether you like it or not," Sirius said feigning a commanding tone of voice.

Remus seized Ron and began steering him out the door. James carefully picked up Hermione and carried her over his shoulder. Accalia wasn't sure how he had done it, but she watched in amazement as Sirius grabbed Harry and carried him out under his arm like a briefcase.

"Bye Grams," said Harry happily as they headed out the door.

Accalia could barely contain her laughter until after they left.

"Are the kids gone yet," asked Aidan poking his head into the kitchen.

"They just left," Accalia replied rifling through the shopping bags. "Everything's here."

"Let's get started then, we only have a few hours to get everything ready," said Aidan helping his wife empty out the bags

Harry, Ron and Hermione had another full day. They played for a few hours at the park, but spent the better part of the day at the zoo and then went to the circus after that. Most people would tell the teenagers that they were over compensating and they would be right of course. The way James saw it was that this would be Harry's and maybe even Ron's last happy experiences for Merlin knows how long and they just wanted to make the most of it. Besides no one ever died from having too good a time at the circus.

When the group returned home that evening around six o'clock Harry, Ron and Hermione were loaded up with souvenirs and they were half a sleep. At least until James turned on the light and they were able to get a good look at the room. The entire house was decorated from floor to ceiling and it seemed that no expense had been spared. Harry giggled when he saw that the kitchen table had been placed in the parlor and had been weighted down with platter after platter of snacks, sweets and a few pitchers of pumpkin juice.

"That doesn't go there," he snickered.

The party was small, but was quite enjoyable nonetheless. Harry and his friends stayed up well after bedtime dancing, laughing, playing, singing songs and eating until they couldn't even look at another morsel of food. Everyone wished the time would just stand still so that the next day would never come. But no amount of magic could grant them their desires, so reluctantly James carried a sleeping Harry to the nursery knowing full well that it would be the last time.

The next morning was chaotic with activity. Aidan spent most of the early part of that morning looking up as much information about the solstice spell as he possibly could. As well as casting some protection charms on all three children that would, among other things, prevent Death Eaters from removing them from their proper time in the future. Accalia busied herself by doing laundry and packing an insane amount of socks for the children to take home with them. James, Sirius, Lily, Victoria, Remus and Olivia were sticking very close to Harry, Hermione and Ron as if they would evaporate without warning.

At 10:30 Dumbledore arrived in the Potters fireplace, prompt as usual, much to the dismay of his recently graduated pupils and without even a few minutes downtime. The preparations for sending Harry, Ron and Hermione home began.

"... No one but the six of you, myself, Hagrid and a few trusted staff members will remember their visit here..."

"Professor, can't they stay a little while longer? It's almost Harry's birthday!" Sirius said, trying the millionth thing he could think of to try and keep the trio with them, just like James, Remus, Olivia, Victoria and Lily had done. He had not only grown attached to them, he had grown to love each of them. However, just like the other 99,999 times, he failed, because Professor Dumbledore and Aidan knew that the six of them would just try and keep Harry, Hermione and Ron forever.

"That's okay, Padfoot, Dudley would just take the presents away from me anyway," Harry informed him, the sadness evident in his voice.

Lily was very weepy when saying goodbye. Not only that, she refused to let go of them and it took Aidan, Dumbledore and James's combined efforts to pull them apart. Even the wiry Olivia shed a few tears. As for Victoria, she couldn't think of anything to say, so she just kept hugging them repeatedly. Sirius's parting words to the trio were to inform Dudley that he had better start being nicer to them, or Padfoot would bite him in the leg.

Remus could not find the words to express everything the trio had given him. In the end, he settled for giving them all great big hugs and giving each of them a werewolf tooth pendant he had fashioned for them engraved with their nicknames.

"There," he said, after placing each one around a child's neck. "These will remind you that you are brave Marauders until we see you again... Don't worry, Dudley can't take these away."

Remus stepped back, and James stepped forward. He got down on one knee to look at Harry and they hugged, but for a long time James said nothing.

"Don't be scared of going back, your grandfather promised me he would give your aunt and uncle a talking to," James said matter-of-factly.

"Okay Daddy," said Harry mildly.

A very somber Accalia led Harry over to his friends who were waiting anxiously to see if the spell would work. Hermione was in tears, but not because she wanted to see her mother. This time she was in tears because she didn't want to say goodbye. Desperately she raced over and clung to Lily as if her life depended on it. Through a mouthful of tears she begged Lily to come with them. Just as tearfully Lily said it wasn't possible and set Hermione down next to Harry and promised that she would see them again soon.

Ron was a mess. He was finally around people who didn't think of him as a dreadful mistake and now he had to leave them. But he had to be strong for Harry. At least Ron could be with Mrs. Figg and the cats, Harry was forced to go back to the Dursleys. Trying to focus on something happy, Ron remembered what James, Remus and Sirius were always telling him ever since they had found out about Ron's real family, that he was a part of their family and as long as he remembered that he would be all right. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting Aidan and Professor Dumbledore raised their wands.

"Hey Harry," James said, as Professor Dumbledore and Aidan cast the spell to send them home.


"I love you, Bright Eyes."

In a haze of swirling white light the trio left behind a room full of people who were changed forever. For a long time no one spoke. There was nothing to be said. All that was left of Harry, Ron and Hermione were empty feelings and many questions. Dejectedly James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Victoria and Olivia left the room. Accalia and Aidan wished they could comfort the group, but there was nothing that they could say that would fill the void where the children had been. Huddled together in James's room Lily asked the question that was foremost on everyone's mind.

"Do you think they'll be okay," she asked dolefully.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. Dad hasn't let us down before," said Sirius, though his statement lacked a certain amount of confidence.

James didn't seem convinced at all and when Lily asked the question specifically to him, James took quite a while to respond.

"I don't know Lils, I just don't know," James replied finally.

1984 one-week after Harry, Ron and Hermione return home.

It was Saturday and Harry was cleaning up after Dudley when there was a knock at the door and Harry went to answer it before his aunt could yell at him to do so. For as long as Harry had lived at the Dursleys he had never once had a visitor, so naturally he assumed that it was just a neighbor who had come to borrow a cup of sugar or perhaps someone who was lost on their way to see their great Aunt Ethel or maybe someone who was there to ask for a donation. Therefore he was pleasantly surprised when he opened the door and saw a tall, but burly man with messy black hair that was starting to turn gray on top.

"GRANDDAD," Harry squealed happily.

Aidan responded by embracing Harry in an enormous bear hug, telling Harry in a husky voice that he missed the boy unbelievably.

"Granddad, it wasn't that long ago, I've only been gone a week," Harry reminded his grandfather.

"You're right," Aidan chuckled. "How silly of me."

Before Harry could say anything else his aunt and uncle came out of the kitchen to see who Harry was talking to. "Good morning, Petunia and Vernon Dursley I assume," Aidan asked pleasantly.

"That's right," responded Uncle Vernon gruffly.

"Harry, your grandmothers in the garden, why don't you go out and say hello," Aidan suggested waiting for his grandson to hurry outside before addressing the man and woman again. "My name is Aidan Potter, I'm Harry's grandfather. I think we need to talk."


Author wipes brow: well that's flat anyone feel sorry for Vernon and his pet Giraffe nah me either. Don't worry you'll see what happens next in the sequel. The title is reunion with darkness look for it soon.

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