Everyone else made their way back to the house and went to the "book room". Ashley was still laying on the couch peacefully.
"Are you sure that this is what she meant?" Piper asked as Lynn prepared for the spell.
"Yes. I am sure." Lynn replied.
Lynn put candles to make a square. One side was orange candles, the other blue candles, the other green candles, and the last side black.
Lynn lit all the candles and they placed Ashley in the middle of the giant square.
Everyone stood outside of the square and started to chant a spell.
"Life is precious,
Life is grand.
Against this evil
We take a stand."
Nothing happened.
"It should have worked!" Lynn said.
"You need one more." Lynn's grandmother said, then she joined in the chanting.
After the second time, a powerful wind whirled through the room and blew all the candles out and everything blew all over and they were in the dark. Ashley's body was lifted into the air by the wind and it hovered there until the wind stopped. Her body slowly floated back down and she opened her eyes.
"What happened?" Ashley asked weakly.
"We did it! Yes!" Lynn said and they all started crying tears of joy and hugging.
An hour later, everyone was in the dining room drinking tea and Ashley knew the full details of what had happened.
"Wow. I can't believe that I could have died." Ashley said holding her tea cup.
"I would have never have let you die." Lynn told her.
"I know, but I could have. That's pretty scary." Ashley said.
"I know. I've almost died before myself." Lynn said.
"This has been quite the day." Prue said.
"Yep. We fought demons and we even found a new amulet protector." Piper said.
"I will never forget this visit. Then again, I haven't forgotten any of our visits." Phoebe said and smiled.
Just then, Leo orbed in.
"Oh hello. What are you doing here?" Piper asked.
"I've come to take you all home." Leo said.
"And we were having so much fun too!" Prue said a little sarcastically.
"I know. The Elders have told me everything." Leo said.
"It was really fun though. Well, sort of. I saw a side of myself that I don't like too much, but I did learn a lot." Lynn said.
"Leo, I don't want to go back with you. I mean, then we won't have a flashy exit like they do." Phoebe said half joking, half not.
"Disappearing in a cloud of orbs iisn't flashy enough?" Leo asked.
"Oh, I suppose it'll do alright for now. But next time I want to disappear in a puff of smoke!" Phoebe exclaimed.
The Charmed Ones and Leo got together and with a few goodbyes, they orbed out.
And so, the six friends were seperated again.