A/N: Oh, wow. That took forever. I have been working on this as much as I can in the past few weeks since getting private message asking for me to continue, and wondering if Sasuke and the gang were on hiatus? Oh, not intentionally, but it did kind of seem like it for a while. So, here's chapter 13. There's a lot going on, so I'll start with a short explanation of the situation. For those of you who are just now realizing it, Sasuke is not a bad guy. He's learned a lot, but so has everyone else. We get to see Mogei in action again in this chapter, as well as Naruto doing some really cool collaboration tracking stuff with Kyuubi! Kakashi's administering the second stage of the exam, which scares me just a little, but there's a reason for it. Also, we are starting to get an inkling of how much of a badass Sakura might actually be.

Last time...

"What did you do, baka?" Moegi asked, her tone sharp.

"My jutsu. I pretended to drop my pencil, and went under the desk for it. When I was under there, I did another version of my concealment jutsu after making a shadow clone—thanks for teaching me that, by the way, Sasuke—then only moved through shadows to move through the desks. Do you have any idea how strange it feels to be a piece of paper?" The boy chuckled exhaustedly. "I'm starving." Sasuke frowned. They had been given forty-five minutes to do their exam, and then there were approximately five minutes until they were done with the final question. Konohamaru had held his jutsu for nearly an hour. He couldn't pretend that he wasn't impressed by the boy's improvement.

Moegi made an annoyed noise in the back of her throat. She scooped up her teammate, and carried him out of the room, and Sasuke followed. Kurenai stopped him before he could get out of the door. "Sasuke," she asked in the near-empty room, "How are they?"

"They're doing fine, Kurenai-san. Don't worry about them. They've improved greatly. I just hope we'll be alright in the forest." She nodded. Her face seemed drawn, as if she weren't really sure that they would be. That didn't exactly give Sasuke very much confidence. "I'll take care of them." She seemed a little more assured when he said that. As long as Moegi didn't lose her head, and Konohamaru kept his cool, they would be fine.

"Make sure that you do, Sasuke. They're the closest thing I have to family."

Time: 4.5 years after Sasuke' departure

Place: Forest of Death

Mission: Surviving the Chuunin Exam

Chapter 13: To Catch a Shadow

08:00 hours

Northeast side, Forest of Death

Chuunin Selection Exam, Stage II

Day 1

48:00:00 hours remaining

Moegi looked around, taking in the remaining competitors. The creepy guy she sat next to from Grass was still around, which didn't bode well for her. He seemed to have it out for her, which was just her luck, really. She took a deep breath. Sasuke was right. She had to stay calm. There was no way she was going to get through this without keeping her nerve. The night before, she'd met with Kurenai. The woman was concerned.

"Moegi, I want you to be careful. I have a bad feeling about the exam."

"Kurenai-sensei, please just calm down. Nothing bad's going to happen. We're going to be watching each other's backs." Though she tried to reassure her teacher, the woman seemed adamant. After more urging, Moegi had said, "I'll take care of them," and smiled. She was a bit more confident now, and it must have showed. Finally, Kurenai had relented. "Don't worry so much. We'll be fine."

And they would be. Moegi's hands drifted to her scrolls. She had re-written all of them, and had an extra one in her bag, so that she would have a little bit of a trick up her sleeve for later on. The more she looked at that yellow-eyed boy who was twice her height, the more she was scared of him, which meant that she just wanted even more to be able to prove herself. But, it wasn't like she felt as if she was ready for this. No one was ever really ready for the Forest of Death. Not even the geniuses. It was proof enough that Sasuke was still a Genin.

Konohamaru saw Moegi eying the rest of the participants. She looked more like she was sizing them up than she was scared of them. That was good. The last thing they needed was for her to lose her nerve. He saw that the pervvy chick from the Sand was still around. He chuckled as she glanced at him; when he raised an eyebrow at her suggestively, the girl looked away. Konohamaru smirked openly. Of course, he cut it out quickly when he felt eyes on him. He knew whose gaze he was under, and he wasn't about to provoke her. He turned around to see Hanabi. Her arms were folded under her tiny hint of a bosom. He signed to her, Psychological torture. To his surprise, she nodded gravely, signing back, Just don't enjoy it too much, idiot.

That made him smile. He really loved that girl. He just hoped he didn't end up having to fight her. She'd never forgive him if he kicked her ass. Turning back to face the rest of the others who were milling about, waiting for the examiner of the second test, who had yet to arrive, he also began looking around as Moegi was. Not only the one Sand chick and her team, but too many others. Far too many. This was going to suck.

A large cloud of smoke appeared at the head of the crowd, and they all turned toward it, waiting for it to clear away.

Sasuke nearly chuckled. Why on earth were they letting Kakashi administer the second part of the exam? Then again, from what Naruto had told him, with his partial control of the Sharingan, he might be able to see the Soul Eater, albeit that was just conjecture. His former sensei caught his eye, and made a sign at him. He remembered that one well. Caution. It was a mere flick of fingers to anyone else, but their team had developed a communication system that was highly effective, even in casual situations. It was because it was made up of natural body movements that it was so difficult to detect.

His lifted eyebrow indicated that he had received the message, and a small smirk while scratching his nose was the sign for Always. He thought he saw the man's mask form a small smile. His teacher was an enigma still. Then, the man said quietly, and in a voice so lazy he was sure Shikamaru was jealous somewhere, "Alright, shut up. Now, here's the deal. You all have forty-eight hours from the time you enter the forest to complete your tasks. And the task is…" He dug through his pockets, and pulled out what looked to be a broken glass ball, each piece marked with kanji. There were three pieces. Double elimination? Apparently, it was nothing so harsh.

Kakashi continued. "Your task will be to carry two pieces, and find the third. You must not under any circumstances put them together. For this reason, they will be given to you in small bags. None of you will know what teams have what pieces. What you must do is find other teams, and through reconnaissance or combat, discover what their pieces are, and then take the piece you need to complete your ball. All the while, you'll be traveling toward the tower at the center of the forest. Chuunin examiners, please take the Genin to their appropriate gates."

They were swiftly hustled off to gates surrounding the forest after picking up their pieces to their glass. One had the kanji for "mind" on it, while another had one for "spirit". Sasuke could only assume that the other would be "body". Now with less than a minute until the gates were opened, the entire group was nervous. Sasuke felt it. He looked at Moegi. She didn't look it, but she was actually trying not to shake. Konohamaru was feigning boredom. He needed to be a better actor. Sasuke was slightly nervous, but only because of what happened to him the last time he was in there. He knew he didn't have to worry about Orochimaru coming after him. The man wasn't an idiot. He knew that Sasuke was stronger than he was; if not stronger than Itachi, he was a very close second.

He growled curses under his breath at the gate as it opened, and he nodded at the Chuunin examiner who opened it. They proceeded at a fast pace, though with some caution. Sasuke signaled for a halt after twenty minutes. "Now, I know it's probably not exactly time yet, but I figure a little rest and planning would be good. First, we have to think about what happens if we come up against any teams from Kohoha."

Moegi smiled. "Bust them."

"No." Both Sasuke and Moegi looked askance at Konohamaru. "Come on, Sasuke. They're our comrades. What we should do is have the two of you make a diversion. I'll sneak in and find out what pieces they have, and if one of them is the one we need, I'll steal it." Sasuke liked the idea. Minimal risk, especially if the boy used his jutsu. They both looked to Moegi, who was pouting.

"Aw. I wanted to bust some heads. Now that we're in here, it doesn't seem so bad." Sasuke shook his head, cautioning her that the forest only seemed benign.

"So are we agreed on that? Recon and theft, rather than attacking and risking bodily injury, possible death, and delay?" Both of them nodded, although Moegi's nod was a little jerky. She must have really been serious. He couldn't imagine why. Especially with the way that Grass nin had been looking at her. The last time he saw anyone look like that was Orochimaru. The Grass nin gave him the creeps. If they came across Hanabi, he would ask her for information. She was good with that. And, he was pretty sure she could see through any disguises that Orochimaru might have.

After a long moment, Moegi said, "Oh, but could I pretend to be serious? That could be our diversion! I could pretend to fight with one of the members of each team!" The idea did have some merit. Depending on which member. When asked about this, she smiled. "Ishida, and that girl with the dread locks…what's her name?"

In a dark shadow in the forest, he waited. There were bodies at his feet, killed for their souls. He had to keep his strength up, after all. Having this kind of body was a bit awkward. He hated it, actually. Inhabiting a human body was grating on his nerves. But he was stuck. The man he called "master" was nothing more than his jailer. None of the Soul Eaters had ever been confined. Yume (for that was his name) felt the shame trying to burn him alive. But he would not die. He was made of sterner stuff than that.

Because he had been summoned, then bound to this body, he could not allow his master to die. Orochimaru was his ticket to life after this. If he could make the man release him, he could destroy the summoning scroll. Then he would be free to roam the earth. He might even be able to find a mate. So, he protected the man, spied for him, and did his bidding. At the moment, he was waiting patiently for the younger brother. He could wait. He had all the time in the world. Being immortal made you rather patient, actually.

Sakura sat in the tower at the center of the Forest of Death. She and Anko had been assigned to watch the bank of television screens. After the disaster that was her first Chuunin exam, the Hokage had ordered the installation of hundreds of cameras in the forest. Sakura watched a wall of about two hundred screens, while Anko and her other helpers (whom she called her minions) watched the other four hundred. Already, she had a headache. She was the first to spot Sasuke's group. "Anko, put camera one six two on the big screen, and the ones surrounding." The next thing she knew, she was staring at a split screen of five images, all but one of which were blank. In the middle, there was Sasuke, Moegi, and Konohamaru.

They crouched behind a bush, watching another team. The team now walking out of the main frame and into the one in the upper left consisted of Hanabi, Ishida, and Keiko. Anko nearly choked. "Where did that brat go?" Sakura smiled. Konohamaru melted into the ground, and was most likely on his way to the other team. Moegi jumped out in front of Ishida, offering a challenge. Leaning back in her chair, Anko chuckled, "Ballsy chick, ain't she?"

Sakura knew this tactic. Distract, recon, theft. Kakashi, 101. Simple, but ludicrously effective. Speaking of her old sensei, where was he? Just then, one of the 'minions' piped up, "Anko-san, I think we've got a problem." Anko jumped up from her chair and went across the room to the screen the young man was looking at.

"Sakura! Go find Naruto. Neji, too. Now."

"Hai!" The medic had never run so fast in her life. Anko's voice left no room for refusal, and definitely no slouching. Just before she'd left the room, she had looked past Anko's shoulder. On the monitor, there were three dead bodies, and a strangely blurred spot. What the hell was that? It gave her an extremely bad feeling, just looking at it.

Naruto and Neji were both stationed at the tower, thank goodness, so she didn't have to go through the forest to look for them. They were on the roof, watching for signs of infiltration from above. Skidding to a stop, and panting, Sakura flapped her arms at the two ANBU. Panther and fox masks turned toward her, and Neji's panther tilted to one side in amusement. She made a rude gesture at him, and then straightened. Taking a deep breath, she said, "You two…surveillance room…now." Before she had a chance to say another word, they had disappeared, leaving her to grumble at not knowing all of those secret ANBU jutsus. By the time she had trudged down into the room again, they were already debating over the best course of action.

"Naruto, I think I should take this part of the forest. You have a great sense of smell, so the river is best for you to avoid. It will wash away any trace of the Soul Eater's smell." Neji had his mask pulled up, and his hair was falling over one side of his face as he pointed to an area on the large map-top table. This had to do with the Soul Eater?

"Ma, ma. Okay. Now, I'll take this part. Radio silence unless we find something." Naruto's eyes were narrowed in concentration. Neji nodded grimly. Sakura began to worry. Neither of them even looked at her on their way out. She looked at Anko, who tried to smile reassuringly, but it was a miserable attempt. Sakura screeched in frustration.

"Damn it!" The minions looked at her askance, and then returned quickly to their work when they saw her infuse her fist with chakra threateningly. "I hate feeling helpless!" Looking around, she had an idea. Once she'd adjusted a few things with the computer for her set of monitors, she found that things worked a lot easier. It was set so that none of them were displayed unless there was movement detected. No sooner had she done this than one of the screens lit up, showing one thing she most certainly did not want to see. "Anko, I'm leaving."

"Like hell you are." Anko's voice was annoyed, to say the least.

Sakura turned around, fixing her eyes on the woman, and jabbed a finger at the screen, then pressed a button, blowing the image up to full size on the big screen. On the enormous screen was a life-sized image of Uchiha Itachi, and he was staring directly into the camera, his Sharingan swirling. One of his hands moved in a strange way. Her eyes widened, then she played the image back. It was a sign. He's here. Time to end it. Her breath caught in her throat, as did Anko's.

In a voice that sounded of apology, Anko said, "I'll find another minion. Hurry."

And hurry she did.

Northeast corner, Forest of Death

"Sorry 'bout that, Hanabi." Moegi was now helping Ishida up from the ground.

"What about me, you twit!" The boy grated, his bright green eyes narrowing as his dark bangs fell into his face. "You kicked the shit out of me!" Indeed, the boy was bleeding from his nose, and it might very well be broken.

"Can it, ass-wipe." The entire group blinked. None of them had ever heard Hanabi swear before. They all turned to her, and she said, "We've got company. Thank you so much, Ishida-baka. Get ready." No sooner had they all dropped into ready stances than they were greeted by a team from the Grass.

One very familiar-looking nin stepped forward and directed his taunts toward Moegi. "I didn't know they let midgets be ninjas in Konoha! You look even shorter when you stand up, little one."

The red-head raised an eyebrow appraisingly at the annoying newcomer. "May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of the idiot I'm about to kick the crap out of?"

Surprisingly, the young man bowed formally. "My name is Aki. And you are?"

"The name's Moegi. You, sir, can call me whatever you want. It won't make a difference." Konohamaru balked. The girl was hot-headed, but he really thought she had more sense than to go picking a fight with someone who was twice her size. Sasuke put a hand on his arm when he started to interfere. Apparently, the elder Genin was altogether keen on letting her get her ass handed back to her in the most painful way possible. When he looked at Sasuke, the man's eyes told him to stay put, but also that this was something that was more of a test of the girl's will than anything.

As none of the other Grass nins had stepped forward, the rest of the Konoha Genin remained content to stay where they were, warily watching the proceedings. Aki moved so quickly that Konohamaru could not see him, and kicked at Moegi's midsection. The girl was laughing so loud he was sure that the entire forest heard her. When they looked up at where her voice had come from, she was glued feet-first onto the underside of a tree-branch, fifteen feet above Aki's head. A tiny glow of chakra was seen between her feet and the bark of the tree.

Aki threw three kunai at Moegi as she dropped back toward the ground. The girl landed on the ground with a cloud of dust, and when it began to settle, the taller nin was surprised to find that he had not missed his target, but she had not been hurt in the least. That is to say that she had caught all three weapons, one in each hand, and the other with her teeth. Spitting out the blade in her mouth, she kicked it and it embedded itself in the tree just behind his head. "Moron." The other two kunai were thrown back to their owner, and he caught them, still rather stunned. "Don't tell me that's all you've got."

The golden-eyed boy smiled to himself. "You know, if you weren't so annoying, I'd say you were cute." At that, he and his teammates disappeared.

Konohamaru blinked. "That was odd."

Hanabi was just as confused. She looked at him, and made a small gesture. He nodded. "Well, thanks for sticking with us while Moegi took out her aggressions…" They began to withdraw, and go their separate ways, but Hanabi made another sign, which he raised an eyebrow at. It said simply, Take care of yourself. Usually, she called him an idiot, or any of a multitude of other names. This time, though, she just told him to take care. Was she worried? He smiled his best smile at her, in an attempt to reassure her. The girl was placated, and the two teams took off in opposite directions.

"So?" Moegi asked, as soon as they were out of earshot.

"They had the red bag with the "mind" fragment, and the green one with the "spirit" piece, but no "body", which is what we need. That bag is white. So far, we're screwed." Sasuke smiled a little at that, saying it wasn't over until it was over.

20:42 hours

West half, Forest of Death

Chuunin Selection Examination, Stage II

Day 1, 35:18:02 hours remaining

Neji's Byakagun would not be able to see the Soul Eater. He knew that. His and Naruto's job wasn't to kill it. He had serious doubts that they would be able to, anyway. His own strength was his eyes, and against this particular enemy, they were useless. It was more than a little frustrating. But, he had to concentrate on the task at hand. Naruto was on the other side of the forest, and they were only to track the thing, and maybe contact Sakura and Anko to find Sasuke's position.

"Neji." The masked Hyuuga's eyes narrowed. What was Anko doing on an ANBU-only channel? He pressed the switch at his neck to reply.

"Hai. What is it, Anko?"

"There's another…problem." Neji knew that Naruto could also hear this conversation, so he supposed it was meant for both of them. "Uchiha Itachi is in the forest." Neji's lips compressed into a hard line. Itachi in the forest? This was just getting better and better.

"I'll see what I can—"

"No. You don't understand." Anko sounded rather upset. "Sakura went after him."

Suddenly, there was a strangled croaking sound coming over the radio. Then, Naruto said, "Is she insane?" That made Neji smile. The man was still extremely protective of his friend. "What should we do?"

Neji sighed before answering. Pressing the little button at his neck, he said, "We continue with our mission. If she needs help, we can send someone. Sakura isn't stupid, Naruto. She's probably just going to keep an eye on him."

"Hm." Naruto's voice sounded as if he didn't wholly believe that. "Okay, we continue."

East half, Forest of Death

Naruto had stopped moving. He stood on a ridge in the forest, and pulled off his ANBU mask. Breathing in deeply with his eyes closed, he allowed his senses to take in all of the surrounding scents, sounds, the way the air tasted, and the way it moved. Good, kid. Now, what do you see?

"Jack shit."

That's not helping. You have to be able to find it without seeing it if you're going to track the damned thing.

"Sorry. I'm just really feeling like I should be able to see it."

You want my help or not?

Had he not still been trying to follow the instructions that Kyuubi had given, he would have held up his hands in a defensive posture. Now. Start again. Naruto did as he was told. Stand still. Relax your muscles. Let go of fear. Breathe in through the nose, but with the mouth open to taste the air.

After a long moment, it was almost as if he could feel the area around him. The world had narrowed to a fifty-meter radius, and he could reach out and touch it all. He could taste the leaves of the trees, and feel the grit of the dirt. A bird passing by felt as if it brushed its wings against his face. And off to the northeast, there, just at the very edge of his sightless world, was a scent he recognized. The Kyuubi chuckled. There you go, kid. The trail is there. Now, just don't let the scent get too fresh, or you'll be in deep shit. Therefore, I will be in deep shit, and if I'm in deep shit, I'll have to haul your ass out of it. And we both know what happens when I do that. Naruto nodded vigorously. He didn't want that to ever happen again. Can I go now?

"Sure. Thanks, bastard-fox." A grumble thundered in his head, and Naruto grinned as he put the mask back on. All he had to do was make sure the scent didn't get too fresh. Easier said than done.

Northwest corner, Forest of Death

Sakura could feel it. There was a large amount of chakra being manipulated ahead, and the user had made no attempt to hide it. Only a few people had that much, and she was certain that Naruto and the Sannin would have the presence of mind to mask it. That left only one person. Uchiha Itachi. She could be making a huge mistake. Or, she could be doing the village and Sasuke a huge favor. Either way, she had to try. Her theory was half-baked at best, but she'd had worse ones that had proved true.

Then, she saw what had given off so much chakra. There was a Genin team up ahead, fighting against another. That couldn't be right. She stopped, clinging to a branch, and watching for a moment. There were three girls from the Sand, pitted against a team of boys from Grass. The person with the intense chakra signature was one of the Sand girls. She was standing in the middle of a ring of trees, and was forming a complicated jutsu. Sakura's eyes had just a little trouble following it, but then she recognized it, and her eyes narrowed.

How many Genin could do summoning jutsu? The girl smiled sweetly as the eagle she had summoned bore down on the Grass nins, and they scattered to the winds. She stopped herself from making an annoyed sound, and kept on going. So, maybe she was wrong. But she was glad that she'd picked up a radio just before she'd left the tower. Setting the frequency to the tower channel, she said, "Anko, what's Uchiha Itachi's position?" This, she did as she stood intentionally in front of one of the cameras.

"Half a kilometer to the south-west of you. He's just…standing there." Anko seemed a little stunned at this.

"Okay. I'll be there in less than a minute." Sakura used every ounce of speed she had, and arrived in the clearing where Itachi was standing. He was staring at a tree, it seemed. "Itachi?" Now, Sakura felt like she was leaving herself open, and she certainly felt dreadfully exposed, but she was trusting to what she knew about the man standing in the middle of the grass. He didn't fight unless it was absolutely necessary.

The man turned to her. "Yes?" Red eyes blinked at her slowly. He looked very much like his brother, but so much older that it would never be said that they were twins.

"Why are you here?"

Those red eyes narrowed, but not before the Sharingan began to spin. "I'm hunting snakes. But there's something else here."

"You're here to kill Orochimaru?" He nodded in answer to her question. Sakura took a deep breath. "Well, then I suppose I should explain something to you. First, I want your word that you will not touch Sasuke." Sakura felt a strange currend of some unknown emotion flow from him, and she wondered if she had gone too far. It was altogether like attempting to pick up a porcupine. One is never sure which way to handle it.

Nodding, the man said, "I will not attack him today. He is not my objective."

Sakura nearly sagged in relief. "Now, sit." She plopped down on the ground, adjusting her uniform pants. To her surprise, he obeyed. After a rather protracted explanation of the Soul Eater and many questions from Itachi, the man sat for a long time, looking at the ground. "Well?"

The missing-nin looked up at her and smiled. It was a very odd expression on him, but it seemed genuine. "Thank you for the information. I would leave the area, if I were you. By way of the easterly route. I am beginning to feel something approaching. It may be the Soul Eater." Sakura nodded, and rose to leave.

"Wait. Who are you?" Itachi's voice was curious. Sakura rolled her eyes before she looked back over her shoulder.

"Haruno Sakura." And she jumped, grabbing the lowest branch of a tree and swinging upward. Now in the treetops, it was a simple matter to skip from branch to branch. Why were things seeming so easy? It was like when Sasuke came back with them. Yes, Itachi may be pretending that he was being civil. He might very well attempt to kill her at any moment. But for some reason, Sakura doubted that. She soon became lost in her thoughts. Veering further east, she headed back to the tower.

Then, she had to swing around a tree as she came to a halt. There was a very complex trap up ahead. It was all chakra-infused trip wires and exploding tags. It looked like there was some kind of underground pressure bomb, as well. Someone was going all-out. She smirked and simply went through. That is, until something from below took hold of her foot and dragged her violently to the ground.

Rolling in midair, Sakura extricated herself from the wire that had snagged her foot, and sent chakra to her feet to land safely. When she straightened completely, she looked around her. It was like a spider had woven a complex web of chakra all around the small clearing. When she followed the glowing blue wires, she saw that they all led to one place. There was a small, quite wiry boy from the Rock sitting on the ground. He looked up at her with dull brown eyes, and smiled.

Sakura pulled out a kunai. "I am acting on orders from the examinations office. There is no need for—" Sakura's speech was cut off as raised a hand, and the kunai was knocked from her grasp by another yet another wire, which wrapped itself around her wrist and constricted painfully. That same wire twined itself around her arm, up to her shoulder, and around her neck before it did the same to her other arm. Another found its way around her torso and legs. "Let me go, you little brat." Sakura was beginning to become angry. The boy merely smiled. It was at this point that his teammates entered the clearing.

"Jinto, you're a moron." A tall girl with long green hair said. "This—" She jabbed a finger at Sakura "—is a Chuunin. She's not involved in the exam. You need to let her go." The girl was sneering at Sakura's captor, who was now pouting. They proceeded to squabble over whether they should just kill her or not. All the while, Sakura's near-legendary temper began to heat up, nearing the boiling point. Finally, she'd had quite enough.

Sakura twisted her hands in their bonds, igniting chakra scalpels around her index fingers on each hand. It was a simple matter to sever them once she did that, and she did the same with the one that held her lower body. Then, she decided that a taste of his own medicine would be just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. She reached into the pouch at her waist, and pulled out two things. Infusing both with chakra would prolong their effects. "You kids better get a move on. This is a test." Sakura casually walked toward them, her hands glowing with chakra. Then, she tossed both to the ground, directly in front of the boy. The flash-bang went off first, as planned. Then the smoke bomb exploded.

"Idiots." Sakura shook her head as she sped off through the forest in order to reach the tower once more. "Never will learn." That had to be the fifth time enemy nins had thought she was not worth trifling with. She wished that they would just take her seriously.

A/N: Well. that was a decent chapter, but it does leave you hanging a bit, doesn't it? I mean, there's the Soul Eater, the whole Uchiha feud, Sakura's insecurities, and then there's the fact that for some reason, it looks like everone's going to converge at the same place: the tower. I wonder if that old building will be able to survive?