Just so you know, I'm sorta making this play up, so I'm sorry if it's cheesy or anything like that, ok? Send in reviews,No FLAMES! Enjoy!


Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin were walking in the halls of Sheffield Institute. "I'm so glad school is over, I think I failed my French test", Irma said. "Yeah, I know, school was horrible...well more horrible", Taranee said. "Well hello, girls", Mrs. Knickerbocker's voice boomed to them from behind. "I hope she didn't hear us", Irma whispered to Will. "Hi...Mrs. Knickerbocker", Will said as they all turned around. "Excuse me ladies, but could I speak with Hay Lin for a moment", Mrs. Knickerbocker said. Hay Lin put a "Oh no I'm in trouble!" face. "Um, sure", Cornelia said with a fake smile. "Good luck, Hay Lin", Irma whispered as they left.

Hay Lin and Mrs. Knickerbocker went inside the office. Mrs. Knickerbocker took her seat in the big chair and pointed the little chair in front of her. Hay Lin sat down slowly. "So, what can I do you for, Mrs. Knickerbocker?", Hay Lin said nervously. "Hay Lin, this month is the month where we always hold a school play...", Mrs. Knickerbocker started. "Yes, I'm aware of that", Hay Lin responded confusingly. "And I wanted to ask you a little favor, Hay Lin", Mrs. Knickerbocker leaned in on her desk a little.

Hay Lin justnodded. "Well, our musicteacher, Mrs. Grounchy (I made that up), is usually thedirector and authorof the play. But it seems that shedidn't want to direct or write this years' play...", Mrs. Knickerbocker looked at Hay Lin in the eye. "So I decided that as extra credit, a student would do this job", Mrs. Knickerbocker put her head on theback of the chair. "Hay Lin, I am willing to give you 20 points on your weakest subject if you take this job". "What? With all due respect, why me?", Hay Lin asked with wide eyes. "Because, my dear, you have the highest grade from all this school in creative writing and art. You are the most "Artsie" there is in this school. Will you be willing to do this?", Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled.

Hay Lin looked down and thought for a while. "Will I be able to hold an audition?", Hay Lin said, still looking down. "Yes, of course", Mrs. Knickerbocker replied. "Do I get to design the costumes?",Hay Lin askd looking at Mrs. Knicker bocker. "If you feel THAT creative, then yes", she replied witha smile. "Do I chose whatever type of play it is?", Hay Lin asked with abig smile. "Actually, we were hoping that this year would be more romantic", Mrs.Knickerbocker repliedsquinting and smiling. "So far so good, but I have one final question before I accept your offer...", Hay Lin said looking up and thinking. Mrs. Knickerbocker leaned in, anxious to hear. "Do I get to pick the people who will be playing in the play", Hay Lin finished. "Yes, Hay Lin. Will you now take my offer? You'll have 2 weeks to write the play and script, and 3 more weeks to hold the audition and rehersals until the play", Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled and stood up. "Well...ok! Sure why not", Hay Lin said jumping up from her chair. "We've got a deal, but you've got to show me your play and script before you can continue further", Mrs. Knickerbocker and Hay Lin shook hands on it. "Yes, ma'am, I won't let you down", Hay Lin smiled and ran out of the principal's office.

Hay Lin skipped to the Silver Dragon (because the floor on top of it was her house if you didn't know that). She opened the doors and went into the kitchen. "Hello, Hay Lin, how was school?", her mother asked. She was cleaning the dishes. "It was awsome! I have to make up a play and direct it! I'm gonna start right now!", Hay Lin exclaimed and ran up the stairs. "That's wonderful, dear", her mother replied. Hay Lin walked down the hall and entered her room. She turned on her purple computer and opened Microsoft Word and started typing what came into hermind.

Hay Lin got online (you know, email, msn?). Dring! a message with Irma's name came up:

Irma: HayLin, wut did Mrs. Kb say?

Hay Lin: I have to write and direct the school play

Cornelia: Are you serious?

Hay Lin: Yeah, it's gonna be fun, Mrs. Kb says it has to be romance

Irma: Hi Corny!

Cornelia:...Hi Irma

Irma: So it has to be romance? Who are you gonna cast to be the two lovebirds?

Hay Lin: I think that the girl should be Cornelia, but you have to audition first, Corny

Cornelia: Aw you're so nice! I would so do perfect, and please, I'll beat those other girls anyway. It's probably gonna be the Grumper sisters anyway.

Irma: Yeah, Corny's got it in the bag

Hay Lin: Exactly, but I don't know who's gonna be Corny's loverboy

Cornelia: Don't put a geek into it, Hay Lin!

Irma: Haha!

Cornelia: Oh shut up, Irma! You know Hay Lin won't put me with anyone bad, right Hay Lin?

Hay Lin: Yeah, cause the guy has to be handsome anyway, hey guys, I have to start writing this thing, bye!

Hay Lin has just signed off

Cornelia: Bye Irma

Irma: Bye Corny

Cornelia: Will you stop calling me that?

Cornelia has just signed off

Irma has just signed off

"Alright, let's start writing this bad boy!", Hay Lin said and started typing on her computer.


This was just sorta like the intro, later on it will become total Cornelia&Caleb fluffiness I promise! Send in reviews, no flames!