Switches Chapter 8- Child's Game Part Two

Hiya all! Originally, Child's Game was supposed to be one chapter, but because of school and life and all that jazz, I had to make it two, just to shorten it up. And because one game took 3 pages, and I am considering putting in more games… maybe.

But, seriously. I am SUCH a loser. I actually wrote everyone's names on a sheet of paper, and set them in a circle. Then I spun the little spinner thing from twister to decide who kisses/dares/truths who. Most of the truth-or-dare stuff comes from that. xD

Here is the list. The ones with a + sign next to them have been healed.

Lucius has Karel's personality

Kent has Nino's personality +

Sain has Eliwood's personality +

Florina has Hector's personality +

Legault has Florina's personality +

Karel has Lucius's personality

Raven has Sain's personality

Matthew has Kent's personality +

Serra has Raven's personality

Nino has Rath's personality +

Jaffar has Wil's personality

Rath has Guy's personality +

Wil has Legault's personality +

Eliwood has Jaffar's personality +

Hector has Serra's personality +

Lyn, Heath and the Tactician didn't switch +

WARNINGS: This chapter contains coarse language, mild sexual references, and Pyro's sick mind.

Enjoy! xD


Wil's eyes shone. "Then I have an idea. Let's play… spin the bottle, mixed with truth-or-dare."

Hector smirked. "I like it. How do we play?"

Wil grinned. He began to rattle-off the rules. "We have three chickens. You can choose either truth, dare, or kiss. You can pick truth only once in a row, dare twice, and kiss three times in a row. After you kiss one person three times, you have to make-out with them for ten seconds. Sound fun?"

Everyone grinned, and nodded.

"Then let's play the game."


The group moved to a small clearing off to the left of the campfire. Sitting in a circle, they sat the bottle in the middle of the group, their plain white tunics and nightshirts glowing bright in the firelight. And then the game began.

"I'll start." Wil said, grinning. He spun the bottle, and the glass glinted in the firelight as it spun around and around.

It landed on Sain.

"Okay, Sain, choose… truth, dare, or kiss." Wil's voice broke the silence.

"Hmmm… I would pick Kiss, but then I bet Kent would call me a horny bastard, so… I pick Dare."

Kent snorted as Wil whooped with delight.

"I'm the king of dares!" Wil snickered. "Okay… Sain, I want you to spin the bottle. Whoever you land on, you have to sit on their lap until you are spun next."

Florina's terrified squeak echoed around the campsite.

Wil looked smug as Sain paled a little. He picked up the bottle and gave it a good spin.

Sain watched, as if in slow motion, as the bottle spun around and around, and just when it seemed like it was never going to slow…

…It came to a sudden stop, landing on Kent.

"Shit." Kent breathed. But he nevertheless shifted into a cross-legged position.

Sain shakily stood up, and eased himself into Kent's lap. It was surprisingly comfortable, actually…

Sain could swear that he heard a small contented sigh come from Kent. He wrapped his arms around Sain's waist.

Sain blushed, and asked, "Okay, what next?"

"You have to spin to see who is called on next. Oh, and while we're on the subject, if the bottle lands on you and Kent, it's Kent's turn. You aren't called on until the bottle lands on your old spot, Sain."

Sain nodded, and spun. The bottle landed on Heath.

He squeaked very loudly.

Sain snickered, and directed his gaze toward Heath. "Okay, Heath… truth, dare, or kiss?"


"Chicken!" Matthew declared, smirking. "Pick dare, come on!"

The rest of the group joined in.

"Fine, fine!" Heath spat. "I pick dare."

Sain grinned widely, clearly prepared. "All right, Heath… I want you to talk dirty into Legault's ear for thirty seconds."

Heath gasped, eyes widening. "What!?"

Chuckling, Wil prompted, "Do it, Heath. You picked dare, after all."

Heath growled, and shuffled a few feet over to Legault. He sat on his knees, and began to whisper quietly into Legault's ear.

Legault gasped with surprise. He sat there, eyes wide, for a few seconds, and his eyes grew dark with desire. He shifted his position several times, and he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Wow," Guy whispered to Matthew. "Heath must really be laying it on him to make Legault, of all people, uncomfortable with dirty talk."

"I don't think he's uncomfortable, Guy," Matthew whispered back, grinning. "I think he got… happy."

As soon as his thirty seconds were up, Heath stood up with a slight smirk. He loved making Legault squirm, for a change.

The thief pulled his legs up to his chest with a slight whimper. A few people giggled, and the game resumed. Heath spun the bottle, and it landed on Wil.

Wil blinked twice. "Shit."

Heath snickered, and asked, "Truth, dare, or kiss?"

Wil debated for a second, then sighed. "Kiss."

Heath nodded, and then spun for Wil.

It spun around the circle three times, before finally stopping on Sain.

Wil and Sain made eye contact, and Sain sighed. "You'll have to come over here. I'm not allowed to get up." He patted Kent's leg.

Wil sighed, stood up, and walked over to Sain.

"First kiss of the evening." Wil said, grinning, as he knelt down and quickly kissed Sain.

Sain grinned, and mock-saluted Wil. "Great doing business with you."

Kent shifted uncomfortably under Sain's weight.

"All right, I guess I have to spin again…" Wil sighed. He spun the bottle, and it landed on Kent and Sain.

"All right, Kent, it's your turn. Truth, dare, or kiss?" Wil asked, with a devilish smirk.

Kent answered without a pause. "Truth."

Sounds of protest echoed across the camp. Sain began to prompt him to pick something else.

Wil grinned. "Okay, who votes that we get rid of "truth" all together?"

Everyone raised their hands but Heath and Florina.

"Well, then, I suppose majority rules! No more truth option!"

Sain laughed. "Pick something else, dear Kent!"

Kent growled. "Fine. Dare."

As the group whooped with delight, Wil smirked. "Okay, then… I dare you to make-out with Sain for twenty seconds."

Kent paled.

Wil smirked again. "Go on. Do it."

Sain paled.

The group waited.

Kent sighed, the color returning to his cheeks in a bright scarlet flush. He turned to Sain. "Okay, I suppose we…"

Sain instantly grabbed the back of Kent's neck and pulled him into him. Their lips met, and Sain pushed roughly into the other man's mouth.

Whistles were heard as their tongues danced, and Sain faintly heard Kent moan.

They pulled apart as Sain felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Wil.

"Um, Sain… you can stop now. It's been over a minute."

Laughter rippled through the group as Kent and Sain flushed bright red.

This continued on through the night, and long past the dawn.


Oh my god, that was so weird. xD When Sain was spinning to see whose lap he had to sit on, I spun just for the hell of it (I was already planning on picking Kent) but it actually DID land on Kent. xD

Funny stuff.

Anyways, when I started this chapter, I was all of a sudden like, "Holy fuck. Kent needs to make-out with Sain."

Kent: -is disturbed-

And thus… is the life of a fangirl.