I got the idea for this after watching the 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chcocolate Factory on television. I thought of both the Wonkas and how rediculous it would be if they met, and I couldn't resist writing this.

Charlie blinked as the morning light filtered into his room. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and rolled over in bed before realizing what time it must have been. His eyes flew open, and fixed themselves on the clock ticking beside his bed. He was supposed to meet with Mr. Wonka in 5 minutes! Flying out of bed, he managed to throw on a sweater, brush his teeth, and grab a piece of toast in record time. He bid his family goodbye between bites of toast and bounded out the crooked door of his humble home and across the mint grass meadow towards the Great Glass Elevator. He made with a whole 15 seconds to catch his breath and make it appear as though he had been ready for hours before the Elevator came to an abrupt halt in front of him, it's occupant hardly phased by the sudden stop. The elevator doors opened with a ding, and Mr. Willy Wonka scrutinized his young apprentice a moment before breaking into a fit of high pitched giggles. "Now who has a funny haircut?" he said, smiling with smug satisfaction.

Charlie's eyes shot up to his forhead, noticing a lock of hair sticking straight out. He quickly ran his fingers though his hair and turned bright red. In his rush to meet Mr. Wonka on time he had completely forgotten to glance in a mirror, which was quite unfortunate considering his hair was matted and sticking out at every angle imaginable. Before he could give an explanation Mr. Wonka spoke again. "Come on! We better get going if we ever hope to get everything done today!"

Charlie grinned and quickly got into the elevator. For the past couple of weeks, he and Willy had develpoed a routine of meeting early in the morning in the Great Glass Elevator and systematically going through the elevator buttons for a couple of hours before getting to work on new candy ideas the rest of the day. Charlie absolutley adored this time of the day. Every room they visited brought something new and exciting that Charlie had never seen before, and Mr. Wonka seemed to enjoy showing the factory to Charlie nearly as much as Charlie enjoyed seeing it.

Charlie eyed the wall of buttons carefully. After just over two weeks of exploring the factory, they were just to the bottom of the second row. He crouched low, his eyes scanning over some of his favortie rooms that they aready visited before. The buttons labled Rock Candy Mine, Tasting Room, Confectionarium, and Dessert Island brought a smile to the boy's face just reading them. He finally found the buttons of the rooms they had visited yesterday. Charlie read the names to himself as he looked for where they had left off. Mintventoy...Whizzdoodles... Drink Fizzery...Panda Grooming... ah! Here we go! thought Charlie has he read a button they hadn't visited yet. Pan-Dem-Onium. His brows sudddenly furrowed as he noticed that this button seemed to be all on its own at the very bottom, as if added as an afterthought. In fact, Charlie was sure it hadn't been there yesterday. He looked up at Willy, who had that familiar faraway gaze in his eyes.

"Mr. Wonka?"

"Hmmm?" said Willy, only partially snapping out of his semi-trance.

"Mr. Wonka, what's this button? I think it might be new."

"Huh? Oh! Willy leaned over and scrutinized the button. "I dunno." he murmured, brows furrowing to match Charlie's a moment before his face lit up. "I betcha the Oompa Loompas put it in! Always making jokes!" Willy announced, ending with a giggle. He noticed Charlie was still staring at the button and grinned down at the boy.

"Go 'head" He said brightly. "Press it !"

"Are you sure?"

" 'Course I'm sure! How else will we figure out where it goes?"

Well, he certainly couldn't argue with that logic. Charlie took a deep breath and pressed the button.

Random Trivia: All the elevator buttons appear on the Great Glass Elevator in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. If you find a list of them, take a look, they're hilarious!

The next chapter should be posted soon. Please leave a review and let me know what you think!