Entry #1- My new home...

Blast! This planet is hotter than Mustafar! A man will age well beyond his years living in this desolate wasteland. I can understand why Anakin never spoke fondly of this place. It's been more than thirteen years since I've been here and it seems that nothing has change. Even with the fall of the Republic the locals seem oblivious to the threat that looms in the distance. I suppose I shouldn't blame them. I doubt even Palpatine could find a reason to cast an eye this far into the outer rim. Young Luke should be safe for now.

Owen Lars in an interesting man. He's hard working and loyal to his family. I believe it is a wise decision to leave Luke in his care. It does worry me that he is so wary of my presence. He doesn't know much of the Jedi ways and I don't think he fully trusts me. I haven't told him much about Anakin, just that he's dead. I don't think he wants to know more than that and I think it's best not to tell him too much at this time.

Beru is very quiet and compassionate and yet very capable and strong. She always has a gentle smile on her face. She will be a good mother to Luke. She seemed sad when I told her of Anakin's death; I think she was hoping to see him again. She spoke very fondly of Shmi.

I need to go into Mos Eisley soon to get some supplies for my new 'home'. It's not much but it will protect me from the harsh environment. I don't think it will be hard to blend in. This is, after all, a place where people prefer to mind their own business.