Chapter One – A Break From The World

"So where are we going again?" She queried, as the Doctor rushed around pressing buttons in the TARDIS.

"I told you, Hexatoraquadriactalblathereen II in the Colat system." He said in his know-it-all tone of voice. "Hold that lever down would you?"

Rose rolled her eyes and reached toward the lever he had implied.

"You're such a know-it-all." She commented. "You make me feel like I have the intelligence of…."

"Jack?" He offered.

She laughed. "Not exactly the term I was looking for…"

"No I mean, Jack!" He grinned and pointed.

Rose looked up to see that Jack had entered the room. Dressed in his jeans and plain t-shirt, he looked the same as ever. Except for a large cowboy hat sitting snugly on his head…

"Er…" She shot the Doctor a look as he continued running around the console pushing buttons. "Nice hat."

"Thanks," he said as he made a face at her. "So, what did I miss?" Jack glanced at the both of them with a devilish grin on his face as he removed the hat and left it on a console.

"I was just commenting on the Doctor's Know-it-all-ism." She replied, greeting him with a quick smile.

"That's not really a word you know," Jack smirked.

"You're as bad as him!" Rose screeched at Jack who had come up to stand next to her. He put his hands on her shoulders and winked at her. "And don't you love me for it?"

She was about to form some witty response when the TARDIS launched into motion. She and Jack were immediately flung against the wall, soon followed by the Doctor who slammed into Jack, knocking them both to the floor.

As the Doctor picked himself up off Jack, then immediately fell back down as the TARDIS lurched into a landing. The Captain raised an eyebrow at the Doctor and shot "Doctor, not while the ladies watching!"

He grunted a response as he got up, also helping a laughing Rose up off the floor.

"So, did we land in the right place this time?" Rose was still giggling. "Because the last time you missed we ended up landing us nine years later in Cardiff where we got chased by a bunch of dead people."

Jack gave her a questioning look and Rose mouthed "Tell you later." He grinned in response and followed the Doctor to check out the information screen.

Her question was answered by the large grin from the Doctor. "Exactly where I predicted!" He gave Rose another I'm-So-Clever look. "Lets go then!" Jack exclaimed. He and The Doctor exchanged a look then linked their arms through Rose's, then half dragged, half carried Rose out of the TARDIS. She squealed as they lifted her over the threshold. As she took her first few steps on this new planet, she gasped at what she saw.

It was definitely the most beautiful planet the Doctor had ever taken her too. They had landed near the coast, with a long beach of white sand and sparkly pink water.

"Is it safe?" Rose questioned Jack.

"What, The water?" He checked a scan on his wrist device that he wore everywhere. "Oxygen and Hydrogen levels normal…" He grinned. "Perfectly safe." He glanced at the Doctor for confirmation, who nodded. "Just… pink" he replied.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Rose questioned. "Lets go swimming!"

After a quick change in the TARDIS wardrobe, Rose ran down to the beach where The Doctor and Jack were waiting. Jack was already in the water, his discarded t-shirt left on the sand. He was trying, unsuccessfully, to convince the Doctor to join him. The Doctor stood on the sand in bare feet, still wearing his trademark leather jacket, shaking his head and laughing at Jacks feeble attempts.

When Jack spotted Rose she saw a twinkle in his eye. She winked back at him and crept up behind the Doctor. Before he realised what was happening, The Doctor was shoved into the water. Jack burst into hysterics as the sodding Doctor stood up and tried to shake the water out of his leather jacker. He looked up at Rose and said "Oh I'll get you for that"

She screamed as she ran down the beach away from him and Jack roared with laughter. Unknowing that something was watching them beneath the surface… I mean, what sort of Doctor Who fan fiction would it be if there wasn't?

Jack was having the time of his life. This must be the first time he'd had so much fun since the time he conned a space traveller into buying a 20th century harmonica by convincing him that it could…

Jacks train of thought drifted away as he lay next to Rose and the Doctor on the sand. He sat up and grinned down at Rose, who looked troubled.

"What's the matter Rosie?" He queried as he poked her in the stomach.

"Oi!" She sat up and smiled back at him. They glanced at the Doctor who appeared to be dozing in the sand. "Ha, never sleeps my ass!"

"So…? You look unhappy Rose."

"Its just…" She paused. "Something doesn't feel right. I don't think me and the Doctor have ever had an outing where we didn't get chased around by some Slitheen, Gelth or Dalek."

"Or The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe?" She smiled at that.

"Don't Worry Rose, I'll protect you" His grin became wider, if that was possible. "The only thing YOU have to worry about is THIS!"

And with that he picked her up and carried her off to the water. "JACK!" She screeched and pounded his back with her fists. With a big splash he dropped Rose into the water and splashed in after her.

As they stood up in the water they were laughing so hard they were finding it hard to stop themselves falling over. Rose crawled up out of the water back onto the ledge that was the beach. A strange beach really, Jack thought. Pink and all… Lost in thought again he joined Rose in the shallows and they looked out across the water.

"It's so beautiful," She murmured, so quietly he had to strain to hear her.

"Yes, It is." He said glancing at her. She grinned back. "No flirting on holiday Harkness!"

He held up his hands and gave her an innocent offended look. "Flirting? Me? Never!"

"Yeah sure" She snorted and glanced over at the Doctor and gave Jack a cheeky smile, "Think we should wake him up?" She scooped up and handful of water and started sneaking over to where the Doctor was snoring away. He grinned and turned his attention back to the water. A shadow was moving underneath the pinkish surface… He frowned and leaned forward to get a better look.

He only managed to yell one word before he was dragged under. "ROSE!"