The night was warm… very warm… too warm. Hisoka slowly opened his eyes to darkness. The sun had set, but he wasn't outside, as he last remembered. He blinked his eyes to get used to the dark, and that's when he noticed that he was securely wrapped in his sleeping bag in his tent. He could barely move, but when he felt a slight blow of wind blowing through the tent, he felt better. He sighed and tried to settle back, but a slight movement to his attention. There, he saw Tusuzki curled up in his own sleeping bag, asleep. For a long time, he could only stare at his partner's peaceful face, but he jumped when the man started to wake. When he saw that Hisoka was awake, he smiled.

"Welcome back, Hisoka."

"Tsuzuki…is it over?"

"Yeah. It's over now…"

Tsuzuki reached over and patted the boy on the head. Then, he sleepily smiled and pulled his hand back.

"Go back to sleep, 'Soka… everything will be alright in the morning!"

Hisoka smiled, and gave in to sleep. This time, Tsuzuki watched him, until the sun began to set, and then he closed his eyes, smiling. They would be going back to the ministry soon, and he was glad they would all be going back together.