Authors Note:


I'm Linth, eighteen years old. I always liked reading fanfiction, so I decided I would have a shot at writing one myself. This is my first fanfiction ever.

I'm from Holland, so if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please notify me, I know how annoying they can get. I've tried to pay attention to using the right time, though…

This is my version of what happened in those three famous years before the androids attack between Bulma, Yamcha and Vegeta. I'm using changing POV's in a he/she kind of story. (Not an I-story)

I wanted to write a story totally based on the clues that were given to us in the tv-show. I'm not going to change any of this. Furthermore, I'm going to try and NOT cause a 'style-break', meaning I will use the language that is used by the characters in the tv-show.

Critics are welcome! That is, as long as it's helpful to improving the story…

Tell me what you think!

Read & Review…

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor possess, nor keep DBZ.

"Oh, and Bulma? I hope you have a healthy baby!" Goku said triumphantly. After that he blasted off in the sky, leaving Bulma and the others dumbfounded.

"Uhm, Bulma? What did he mean? Are you going to be a mum?" Krillin asked her.

No way! I don't know what Goku was talking about.

Yamcha blushed and said: "Well, he was trying to say, maybe it's about time we got married and started a family huh? I mean, it's not like you're getting any younger…

"And just what do you mean by that?" Bulma shot at him. "Are you saying I'm old?"

"No! No! Of course not"

Yeah right, Bulma thought and glared at him. Then she folded her arms over her chest, turned around and stuck her nose in the air in a very conceited way. "I don't believe you" she answered him.

"Then suit yourself! I'm outta here!" he yelled, also getting angry.

Suddenly Bulma found herself left alone. Everyone had just flown off! How was she supposed to get home? Even Yamcha had just left her there without second thought! Oh, the nerve of that guy! He knew her well enough to realize she didn't mean it when she agreed to "finding herself another ride home".

Then again, she had yelled "FINE!" in his face, but the whole Z gang knew, well, everyone knew she had a bit of a temper sometimes, no matter how much she hated to admit that. Yamcha had carried her for at least three miles, so the ship must be around 4 miles away, Bulma thought.

The Saiyan Prince watched the woman standing there, staring at the sky with a thoughtful look on her face. He could tell she was annoyed about something. Probably that stupid earth weakling Yamcha. The fool had just left her there. But she had agreed to it herself. He had stayed a little while longer to get rid of Frieza's spaceship, taking some valuable things with him, of course. Slightly amused at the whole scene, Vegeta decided HE wasn't going to be the one to fly the woman to her house. She had gotten herself into this, then she could get out herself.

Bulma was still standing there when she spotted a dot of black hair above some rocks. Of course! Yamcha was hiding. She wondered why she hadn't thought of that before, it was so like him to do something that childish.

"All right Yamcha, you can come out now!" she yelled.

Vegeta was about to return to Capsule Corp. when he heard the woman's screams.

"The idiot has left a long time ago" he said, stepping away from the rocks.

Bulma turned a little pink, realizing she had just thought Vegeta to be Yamcha.

"I saw him leave myself" Vegeta went on.

"What" Bulma screamed, rapidly regaining her composure. "So you're saying he actually had the nerve to leave me here? I can't believe that man!" She weighed her chances, should she ask…? No, Vegeta would never do anything for somebody else if there was nothing in it for him. But then again…

Too late. Vegeta blasted off in the sky towards her house.

"I'm not going to let that bastard get away with this and I'm not the kind of girl to just give up! I'll show them I can get home myself perfectly!"

And she walked in the direction of the ship.

He needed to train! Vegeta thought wryly. With that new technique Kakarot learned, he definitely had another advantage on him and he couldn't let a third class Saiyan get away with surpassing him, the prince of them all!

He had put the machine on 150gs and was now doing push-ups on one finger. With those androids coming - that is if they would even come, which he seriously doubted – Kakarot would of course start training again, more and more, meaning HE had to train at least twice as hard. He intended on doing a little more than that, just to be sure. That's why he had threatened the old man a little, he insisted on training three times the gravity level Kakarot had trained at. He would soon reach it if he kept this speed up. And then, finally he would defeat Kakarot and become what he was supposed to be, the strongest in the universe.

Frieza had not been wrong, the Saiyans had indeed intended on a mass attack on his ship. Of course, little did they know he was that strong. They had only seen his first form after all. But, the worst thing was, he had been the reason for it. When Frieza had taken him away from the royal palace, away from the training sessions with his father, away from his mother, something inside his father had snapped. Now, he was the cause of his fathers demise and of the destruction of his entire planet. Of course, they all would have died either way. Had they attacked then they still would have been no match for Frieza. And they couldn't have used their full strength, because he had been inside the ship somewhere and although he was quite strong (as a Saiyan Prince should be) he wouldn't have been able block all of their combined energy waves at the time.

He finished doing the 1000 push-ups and switched to sit-ups.

Still, it was the only thing he had ever felt a little guilty about. But he had pushed that feeling aside for so long that right now he didn't even remember what guilt felt like. He had become immune for it. He banned al thought from his head and finished his sit-ups.

The evening was coming, it was already starting to get dark. He knew the mother of the woman would soon call him for dinner, with her awful squeaky voice, so he might as well save his ears and go there now.

As he headed towards the kitchen, he saw the woman and her father sitting outside. He was putting something white, that looked a lot like what humans call toilet paper, around her foot. He raised an eyebrow and wondered what it was for, until he heard the woman cry out

"Ouch! Be careful dad"

"You're lucky it's not broken, you could have hurt yourself a lot worse" Mr. Briefs said.

Ah, so the woman was hurt.

"How did this happen anyway?" he went on

"Oh, I tried to climb a rock to get on the other side, but I slipped and fell, while my foot was still stuck in a hole. It took me ages to get it out" Bulma explained.

"I see. There, all done" Mr. Briefs replied as he finished wrapping the bandages around Bulma's ankle. Vegeta now saw she also had multiple scratches on her arms and legs. It was nothing too bad, considering she was a human it would all be gone within a week, he quickly counted. A Saiyan would have been healed in less than a day, even the women.

He shrugged and went inside, where a delighted Bunny was already pouring him some coffee.

Yamcha was throwing fast punches in the air and Puar was cheering him on. This week had been terrible. He was still angry, even though he and Bulma had made up. Or sort of made up. At least he was welcome again around the Capsule Corp. grounds.

First of all, Vegeta had returned to the planet. That arrogant ass had just come striding out of that space-ship of his, thinking he was welcome here. Just when peace and quiet had returned and he had wanted to pay some serious attention to his girlfriend, she told him she had had a dream about Vegeta kissing her, for goodness sake. It was like she had put a knife in his heart.

But he was about to let it slip, thinking they wouldn't ever see Vegeta again anyway, they saw him land on earth.

Even though it was foolish to think anything like that would ever happen he had immediately shot at him: "Vegeta, what do you want?"

"I was hoping Kakarot might have returned"

At this Yamcha had been slightly taken aback. "What? You mean you never found him in space?"

"Don't remind me" Vegeta answered threateningly "I'm angry enough to hurt someone and pounding you might just be the therapy I need."

But he never got that chance, because right then Bulma stepped in.

"Uh guys? What's that awful smell? Oh, its you" she'd stated. Yamcha had been stunned, no, thoroughly amazed at her courage. She seemed to have no fear whatsoever for Vegeta. When even he, who was a lot stronger than her, had been afraid.

"When is the last time you bathed, buddy? You need a bath! Please…this way…" she'd continued in a way that you'd say she had never thought of the possibility of him refusing. Just how did she do that? It was…female charm, he concluded and that very thought had made him angrier with the minute. But Vegeta still hadn't gone anywhere, until Bulma'd said: "Well, what are you waiting for? You want me to roll out the red carpet?"

At first, Yamcha had thought he was going to kill her, or at least hurt her in some way for mocking him. But then, Yamcha had seen the anger somehow melt off his face and he had followed her inside.

He had believed that Vegeta had just decided she was right and therefore let it slip. But when he'd finished his shower and she had given him the pink shirt (which she had obviously done on purpose) and she had mocked him again, he didn't do anything but say "Hn." But the most frustrating thing about it, was that the shirt, A PINK SHIRT, for goodness sake, had actually looked good on the guy. Bulma never let him wear pink, she thought it made him look like a little girl and somewhere deep inside Yamcha knew she was right.

Even the mysterious boy from the future had liked the shirt! It was enraging, and still, ridiculously enough, Yamcha couldn't quite figure out just why he would be angry at that…

A/N: There! Next chapter: How is Bulma doing? Yamcha continues his review on the passed week and I might throw in some Vegeta... :) Read & Review please!