cookiiex:MUhahaa I'm BACKK! ;) Well this is a Inuyasha/Naruto/YuYu Hakusho crossover. Yes I have developed a psychaotic idea and it is killing me NOT to post it and share it with guys.Yes I love you guys, you keeping me posting. cookiiex acts like she's recieving a grammy award. Well here's the story. Hope you like and don't flame.

Just What We Needed
Authoress: cookiiex
Chapter 0NE: WE'RE BACK!

"Tsunade! TSUNADE- SAMA!" screamed Shizune.

"What do you want!" screamed Tsunade who had a hang over from the night before. As if Shizune screaming wasn't enough, Shizune was screaming louder! "Dammit, Shizune, CALM YOUR ASS DOWN!" After those words were muttered the room was silent.

Tsunade sighed. "Now CALMLY, start again."

After 45 minutes of explaining, Tsunade sat in shock.

"Oh my god, they're back!" Tsunade asked incredibaly. 'Onee-san is back!'

Shizune smiled. The village gurdians are back after twelve years. "Yes Tsunade, in fact they want to see you. They're outside the door." Tsunade grinned. "Well what are ya' waiting for? Bring 'em in!"

THe door opened reveal a group of eight people. Tsunade practially jumped out of her seat. "ONEE-SAN!" she screamed as she ran to the people. The one standing in front, a female smiled.

"No time,no see Tsunade-imouto." She said waving, then stopped her face turned serious. "We have something to discuss."


"SASUKE-KUN!" screamed like 5 dozen girls, kunochi or non-kunochi. Sasuke ran like he never ran before. But sooner or later he was going to get caught. I mean really there's 60 girls running after and you don't think you'll get caught! Well after a two hour chase Sasuke was caught by ...Hinata!

'Huh Hinata's a fangirl? No way she's into Naruto.'

Sasuke looked at her. Hinata stared at him. Then realizing who she was staring at she strated fiddling with her fingers.

"A-ahh S-Sasuke- S-san, T-Tsunade - S-sama a-a-sked f-f-or y-you to r-re-port to h-er o-off-ice. "she stuttered as she looked up Sasuke was already gone. ' I wonder if he heard what I said..'

Sasuke raced to the fifth hokage's office as fast as he could.

Sasuke cursed. 'Damn my sexy-ness!'

Upon reaching the fifth hokage's offfice, he saw Tenten also waiting for the hokage. 'Well atleast she isn't attacking me like those damn fangirls.' he thought with relief.

Tenten turned around, spotting Sasuke in the process. She smiled.

"Hello, Sasuke..? That's your name right?" He looked at her.


"Not much of a talker are you?"


"I are you in for?"

"Hn. The hokage called me here."

Tenten's eyes widened. "Seriously? She called me here too."


"Well that's one --" "The hokage wishes for your presences." said one of the guards,cutting off what Tenten was going to say.

The two genins entered the hokage's office to be greeted by a site of eight hooded figures laughing and talking to the hokage. Well only three of the hooded figures were laughing and talking the other five remained quiet.

Well the hokage took notice of the genins, she quieted down and faced the two.

"Sasuke, Tenten. Do you by any chance know of the legend of the 'Renekai no Tama 10' that protected this village for years? THen they were K.I.A-ed? (Killed in Action)?"

"Of course! They protected the villages for several decades but when some of the group were discovered demons they weren't respected at much. People believe that on their last mission they purposly died." Tenten exclaimed.

"Hn." Sasuke said with a nod, agreeing with what Tenten just said.

"Well...I was just informed they are not dead." THe hokage informed.

"So, what does that have to do with us?"Sasuke asked, quite irritated. Not only did he not care if the Renekai no Tama 10 is alive, he also had better things to do.

One of the hooded figures look to a hooded figure sitting on the window sill. "Geez, he's just like you Hiei, he just have to get your genes!" the first hooded figure said to the one on the window sill witha femine voice.

"Hn." the on on the window sill said, his voice sounding maculine.

The first figure folded her arms."Hmph. Atleast the girl inhertied my genes.

The one on the window sill perked up. "And thats a good thing?"

THe first figure raised her fist. She growled. " Yes, actually, it is a good thing. I atleast have something you don't. The skill to socialize." Sasuke was on the edge to beating the crtap out of the female figure.

The hokage apparently felt Sasuke's rage too. "DAMMIT' I HAVE THINGS TO DO TOO ONEE-CHAN!"

'Onee-chan?' Sasuke and Tenten thought at the same time. Then it struck the two, GENES?

"What do you mean by genes!" demanded Tenten. The two hooded figures smirked at each other.

"Well..." Began the male hooded figure. The two took of their capes.

"Don't you remeber your parents?" finished the female.

"NANI!" Sasuke and Tenten screamed.


cookiiex: Lol what a way to end, huh? LMAO, well hate it or love it? REVIEW please. No this is not a HinataxSasuke pairing. Nor is it a TentenxSasuke, or makebelieve incest. Pairings.. you'll see later on.