Requiem Of Fate.

Chapter 1: Reunion

It had been a little over one year since Shinji Ikari had stopped Third Impact from happening, and on that same day Shinji had disappeared off the face of the planet. Or so it seemed.

Life continued on even though the savior of man kind disappeared from the view of the public only to continue his serves to the people from the shadows. NERV still was up and running Misato was now the acting commander. Ritsuko took up a teaching position at a University in America teaching Science and History on Second Impact as well as telling alot of stories on the Angels and the man that forsaken a happy life for a life filled with nothing but pain for the better of mankind. Asuka remand in Japan as a pilot. Even Toji became a pilot. As for Kensuke he took up Ritsuko's position. Hikari became the nurse in-training and Rei took up painting.

For some people it had been the most painful year, mostly it was painful for Asuka. All the bad and hateful words she had ever said to Shinji she wished she could take then back or to at least apologize for them. Every night after coming home from school she would lock herself in Shinji's room while listening to his SDAT player and cry herself to sleep then wake up and repeat the hole thing again and again. This went on ever since Third Impact. Rei even moved in with Misato and took Asuka's room since Asuka had moved all her stuff in to Shinji's room.

Most of the time it was quiet at Misato's home, but some of the time there would be a fight with Rei and Asuka. Yes, Rei would fight back but the fights never ended in violence they were mostly words. When someone would bring Shinji in to the fight Misato would step in because in her eye's Shinji was her son. Plus she owed him many things, but mainly the thing she would never forget about him was that he gave her the most important gift in the world: a second chance at love.

That's right, Shinji brought back Kaji.

Misato and Kaji married and they have a child on the way, to which if it is a boy they were going to name him Shinji in Shinji's honor, or if it is a girl they were going to name it after Shinji's mother Yui.


The room was dark except for the one person sitting at the table.

Voice: here is your next mission: you are being made commander of NERV, also you can protect her. The man look at the photo then lite it on fire. Man: understood. (Misato place)

Asuka and Rei were all ready for school. This is one of their last years in school after this, it would be one more year before they were out of school. Misato was trying to get Kaji to run to the store to get something she was craving, so Asuka and Rei just left for school. Because after school they had to go meet there new commander, which Misato was not very happy about.


Rei met her boyfriend at the entrance to school (a/n yes she has one) she locked eyes with Kensuke as he held her hand softly. Asuka meet up with Hikari who was with her boyfriend Toji. Asuka still rejected all the boys that asked her out for a date, she just told them that she was waiting for somebody. All the friends meet up at lunch.

Asuka: I hear were getting a new commanding officer. Hikari: yeah I heard that too. Toji: (smiling at Hikari) Yeah we have to meet up with him. Rei: Ken-kun here is your lunch. Kensuke: (smiling as he took the lunch) thank Rei-chan you know I love your cooking.

The five friends made small talk all throughout lunch until it had to come to an end, then it was back to the pointless ramblings of the teacher.

Finally school had gotten out and the five friends arrived at NERV. They were in the briefing room, Misato was there to. Everybody was making small talk until the door opened and who stood in the doorway, none other then Shinji Ikari. Everybody just stared at him wondering if he was a ghost, that is until...

Shinji:(smiling) As of today I am the new acting commander and pilot of Unit 01, it's good to see all of you again.