A/N: This is finally the last chapter. And I just want to thank everyone for all the reviews. They are very appreciated! Thank you! And thank yous to SallyLizzie my beta and constant poker and prodder to finish this fic. I guess that goest to LurkerLa as well.

I hope you guys enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you!

Chapter 7

The weather the next morning was bright and clear. The cold was still biting, but John and Elizabeth were happy to be wearing their own clothes again, and looking forward to finally return to Atlantis' warmer climate and normalcy.

The past week was not what they expected. They both got a glimpse of each others' "other side." John rather liked seeing Elizabeth as a woman and not the stressed out leader of an international expedition team. Though when she was sparring with him... That was another side he never expected to see. In fact, he may have learned more about her this past week than he did in the last two years, and she was perfect.

John began fiddling with the contraptions on his P-90 as he waited for Elizabeth to finish exchanging farewells and good-byes with the Feldarians. He was becoming restless and figured if they did not start moving soon, he would surely freeze in place. Just when it looked like Elizabeth was ready to come to him, Dolan appeared. John rolled his eyes, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and tried to keep himself warm.

He looked around at the area around him. It was completely white and beautiful as the first day they arrived in Feldara. This planet reminded him of the days he spent on Antarctica. Since this was another planet in another galaxy, John decided this planet should've been named Hoth. He took a moment to wonder if there were any Wampas or Tauntauns on the planet.

Moments later, Elizabeth was by his side rubbing her cold hands together ready for their trek through the snow back to the gate.

"Took you long enough," he mumbled and started to trudge through the snow.

"It was no more than five minutes," she said.

"Even with the Force, no one could survive standing out here for more than five minutes," he exaggerated.

Elizabeth shook her head. "All right, Han Solo. Let's head back to the Rebel Base."

"So what did Prince Charming say to you?" he asked nosily.

"Do the words 'personal space' mean anything to you?" she asked, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head.

John thought for a moment. "Nope. So what did Prince Charming say to you?" he asked again.

"What do you think he said to me?" she replied instead.

"I don't know... stuff?" he said bring his hands up to his mouth to blow into them.

"Stuff? Care to elaborate?"

"Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son!" he said imitating Darth Vader's heavy breathing. "Well, not the father and son part, but you know that."

Elizabeth chuckled. "You're just the one man Star Wars show today, aren't you?"

"What? Doesn't it feel like we are in a Star Wars movie?"

"Other than we are in a 'Galaxy far, far away'? No."

"You just lack an imagination."

"You've got enough for the both of us."

"Damn right, sweetheart," John said with a lopsided grin.

"Down the garbage chute, flyboy," she grinned.

"A woman who knows her science fiction... What else don't I know about you?"

Elizabeth only smiled and continued walking until they were about half a klick from the Stargate and noticed a peculiar mound of snow that was in the center of the clearing.

"I don't remember there being a hump in this area, do you?" he asked Elizabeth, who furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

John automatically took the lead and led them towards the mysterious mound of snow. "Whatever it is, it got buried really good in the blizzard," he said taking a gloved hand and brushing the snow aside. When he finally uncovered a small portion of the snow, he immediately recognized the sickly green knobby texture and took a step back holding his gun up.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked concerned.

Suddenly the top of the mound fell inward as the cockpit canopy dissolved.

Elizabeth gasped.

"Looks like they sent someone back to check up on the last rescue team."

"It must have got caught in the blizzard and crashed. Do you think it is still alive?" she asked stepping closer to John.

"Depends how bad it was injured in the crash and how recently it fed before coming out here, and it also depends if he's hibernating."

"Those are a lot of depends. What are we going to do?" she asked.

He signaled for her to stay where she was while he made his way back towards the downed Dart. With his P-90 in defensive position, he peered into the open cockpit and saw the Wraith inside, slumped forward, completely still.

John was not sure if the Wraith had died in the crash or if it was feigning death and waiting for him to come closer. He wasn't going to take a chance and shot a few rounds at the Wraith for any reaction, but it remained lifeless. He continued to cautiously step closer towards the dead Wraith. He noticed that the Wraith's clothes were burnt and bloody and that its mouth was frozen open in an agonizing scream or desperate struggle for air.

"He's dead." John confirmed, lowering his gun, and headed back towards Elizabeth.

"What are we going to do about him?" she asked.

"Nothing," John said as he noticed a couple of snowflakes falling. "We should be getting back to Atlantis before the next snowstorm arrives unless you want to spend another week here."

"One week is more than enough for me, but if you want to stay..." John made a face, and she suppressed a chuckle and continued walking towards the Stargate. "I think the Feldarians are lucky to have Mother Nature to protect them."

"If freezing your ass off is considered protection, then lucky them. I'd still much rather find an Ancient super weapon that works and won't blow up entire solar systems."

"Be patient, John. We'll find something, eventually. Besides, this gives us an excuse to keep exploring Pegasus."

"So that was your plan all along?"

"Not exactly, but having a ZPM does the take pressure off the need to find a super weapon a tad bit. As long as the Wraith don't show up at our door step any time soon, that is."

"Now you're just being optimistic."

"Well, one of us has to be optimistic in this wintry weather."

"I can be optimistic," John retorted.

"Really?" She arched an eyebrow at him. "So could you still be optimistic if I did this?" She threw her arms forward and released something.

Before John realized it, another snowball pegged him square in the chest.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"You're such an easy target," Elizabeth shrugged and smiled prettily.

John wiped the snow from the front of his vest and trudged towards Elizabeth. "Because I'm a nice guy, I won't seek revenge this time."

Elizabeth eyed him skeptically. "I don't believe you."

"But," he held up a finger to show that he was wasn't finished, "The last one to the DHD is a rotten egg!"

Elizabeth was still trying to comprehend John's juvenile suggestion when he started sprinting for the DHD.

He stopped running half way and yelled to her. "You're not even trying!"

She only shook her head and continued towards the Stargate at a normal pace. She decided it was best to let John expend all his excess energy, since he was probably suffering from a minor case of cabin fever.

This unexpected respite was pleasant enough, and being around John all day made it feel more like home than she expected. But she couldn't wait to get back and back to work. When she reached the DHD, John had already dialed the gate and received clearance to enter.

"Ladies first," he said gesturing for her to go before him.

"Thank you."

"But you're still a rotten egg," he whispered into her ear as she walked passed him.

"I may be a rotten egg, but I still get the final word," she said and entered the event horizon.

"Fair enough," he shrugged and followed Elizabeth home.
