Author's Note:
This is a little bit different than my usual writings, in that for one, it's not UsoKa, and for another, there's dialogue! Whoo, talking in my fics? Go figure!
I'm not worried about typos; this was just for fun.
Don't own One Piece, but I'd gladly take Usopp OR Kaya... or both.

Luffy had been uncharacteristically down in the dumps for the whole day, and it was beginning to spread to the rest of the crew; Sanji snapped at Usopp, who glared at Chopper, who cried to Zoro, who pretended not to notice... Only the two females seemed to escape the omniscent nastiness brought on by their captain's sour spirits, and even they were more lethargic than usual. Robin could hardly focus on her day's reading, and Nami moped listlessly, dragging her feet from one end of the rickety ship to the other. As she walked past the pouting Luffy for the fourth time, he sighed deeply.

Nami paused, and instantly all heads turned as though this were some great dusturbance in their busy depression.

Luffy cut his eyes around to gaze up at Nami's towering, lovely figure--a sight that most men would have gladly exchanged years of their lives for, but that he thought little of. he tried to smile, but failed, and instead lowered his gaze like an abused puppy.

Nami crouched next to him, and the eyes of the other crew members reverted to their blank and angry stares at each other. The orange-haired woman tilted her head curiously until she caught her captain's eyes again. She gave him a tiny smile and spoke to him, quietly, so that no one else would hear.

"Luffy," she murmured, "what's the matter with you today?"

Nami watched him as he shifted uncomfortably. "Earlier today... Sanji asked me what kind of sugar his recipe card said."

Luffy looked so distraught over such a small matter that the navigator had to stifle a laugh. With a straight face, however, she asked, "Why does that make you so upset?"

Nami placed a hand on his arm and his strange skin was warm from the bright sunlight.

Luffy sniffled, big tears splashing down his face. "I was too embarassed!"

Nami was thoroughly confused. "Why did Sanji asking you what his recipe said embarass you?"

Luffy hid his face in his hands and mumbled against them; when Nami told him she could not understand, he pulled her close and put his mouth next to her ear, whispering, "I can't read!"

Nami blinked in surprise, and made eye contact with the captain, who still sat leaned in close to her. She took a moment to regain her composure, then smiled and put her arms around his wiry shoulders in a loose hug. "Well, there's nothing to be embarassed about. Sanji wouldn't have laughed at you or anything."

Luffy shook his head frantically, pulling out of the hug to beg, "Please don't tell anyone! No one respects a captain who can't read!"

Nami chuckled. "It's not so uncommon for a pirate to not know how to read. Do you... want me to teach you?"

Luffy thought for a moment, then smiled and shook his head. "Nope," he answered. "No pirate king should read."

Nami laughed at the typical LUffy logic. He laughed, too, and instantly the crew began to perk up; Usopp even tentatively, as a sign of apology, showed Chopper the beautiful angel he was busy painting. It was as if Luffy's good mood fixed everyone else's bad, and Nami took the moment of diversion to grin and speak under her breath.

"Luffy..." she cooed mysteriously, "one more thing to cheer you up." She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him near, pressing her lips firmly against his for a full, unnoticed minute before releasing him.

Nami walked away with a loud laugh, but Luffy sat in stunned silence the rest of the day.


Did you catch the UsoKa reference? Also, make sure to note the fun thing I did with the beginnings of each paragraph. Thanks for reading! Please review!