Meant to be:

Summary: Neji and Ten Ten have been brother and sister for 13 years….but that all changes when Ten Ten finds out she is not part of their family, and a strange girl named Hinata is. Will Neji's true feelings for Ten Ten be reveled?

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto….tho I wish I did

Chapter 4: Things start to get complicated

Ten Ten woke up in her bed. For some reason she felt really hot and really cold at the same exact time. She shivered, and got up, put on her robe, and walked downstairs through all the winding corridors. Her whole entire family was already there. (Since all the Hyuuga family lived in one HUGE mansion.) She felt a little embarrassed to be wearing her pajamas and a robe. She plopped down next to Neji and helped herself to some toast. She started buttering her toast. Suddenly it felt like a million firecrackers going off in her nose.


One hundred eyes starting from the end of the table looked at her. She rubbed her nose.

"What? I just sneezed."

"Yeah….all over me" Neji grumbled and disgustedly dumped his remaining food into the trash can. Now Ten Ten wasn't feeling too good. Her head burned and she wanted to sleep.

"Hey, Neji."


"can I stay home today. I think im sick."

"uh…sure. And I meant to ask you who put your underwear on the tree yesterday. Is it someone I know?"


"you have to tell me. For your sake."

"um….uh….." Ten Ten tried changing the subject. "so, what are you learning in defense class?"

"don't change the subject."

"fine. Hn! Hinata did it….i think."

"im going to have a little talk with this "Hinata". Shes in your class, right?

"…"Ten Ten froze.

"Don't be scared its not like im going to kill her or anything. Just give her a piece of my mind. A REALLY big piece."

"Don't! Please!" Neji ignored her.

"Goodbye everyone." Neji announced. "I'm going to school now." He bowed and left.

Ten Ten grumbled " How do I get myself into these messes?"

Ten Ten walked upstairs and got into bed.

9 hours later:

Ten Ten rubbed her eyes and looked at her clock. Hmm. 5:00 PM. Neji was just getting out of school. WAIT….Neji was getting out of school. This was not good. She jumped out of bed and put on a sweater and pants. She hoped she could make it in time. She got on her bike. (she doesn't really know how to ride a bike.) She rode toward the market, where she knew Hinata would be, because her mom owned a low class restaurant there, that's why Hinata couldn't afford pretty outfits. Sure enough when she got there Hinata was standing with her friends giggling about something. Hinata spotted Neji and blushed, waving shyly. Neji fixed his face with a hard scowl.

"no! don't do it Neji! Please!" Neji turned around and spotted his sister riding all wobbly on her bike. A truck honked its horn. In a split second, the front of the truck connected with Ten Ten's bike. The truck stopped. Ten Ten lay motionless on the ground.

"Oh my god…" Temari gasped and covered her mouth.

Transcendent Wings: awww….what will happen next? As the chapter name says, this is where the plot really starts to begin!
