Whoot! First story…


The Hyuugarazzi (As in paparazzi o.O)

Chapter One

If only he knew… Tenten found herself thinking…she quickly shook away that thought though. It just wasn't like her…She was a kunoichi, and not only that, but a jounin.

Emotions get in the way of strength…

She didn't really believe in it…True strength was having someone precious, someone who you want to protect no matter what, she thought, thinking of Naruto's words. Still…she needed to focus on her training. Her goal was, after all, to become the next Tsunade.

Now she was sitting, her back against a tree, swinging her kunai back and forth like the pendulum of Konoha's tower. She realized that she had been doing it without actually thinking about it, subconsciously. Neji and Lee were sparring. She tried to focus more on their fight. After all, she hadn't seen either of them for years, and Tenten knew she that after this day, it'd be a while before meeting with them again.

They reunited only about an hour ago. She arrived at their designated spot first, coming a little extra early, for she was excited to see the former members of Team Gai. Lee arrived next, also coming earlier than the set time. They had chatted cordially, and she became conscious of how much she had missed him. As jounins, all of their schedules were a bit…packed. She hadn't given much thought to her old teammates since…well, she couldn't remember since when. He hadn't changed much really. Tenten was a bit glad for that. He still had the same enthusiasm, same "Flames of Youth" talk, same eagerness to be face to face with Haruno Sakura, and same haircut. They had only spoken to each other for a little while though.

Then came Neji.

Ah yes, Neji, the Hyuuga prodigy, always in order, always on time. As with Lee, not many changes there…and she realized that her feelings for him hadn't changed either.

True, he was arrogant…and yes, he still talked about fate, though his mention of it had become appreciably less after his acquaintance with Naruto. Somehow, in the little time they had before Lee leapt forward and challenged him to a duel, he had even managed to fit in a short speech about it, of which, was still as monotonous as ever. Despite those things though, he could be a good person.

Tenten remembered about the time when she had first learned of his father's death. She felt sympathy. So that was the reason of his bitter hate towards the Head family…wasn't it? There really had been a happy Neji, a smiling one…

It had reminded her of Naruto, almost. They both had lost someone, they both needed to prove themselves to the world…they just dealt with it differently.

So now, here she was, and here he was. She cared for him, in a way that she felt he might never understand…

Unless she told him. Unfortunately for her, she also felt she'd never get the courage say it to his face. It wasn't that she wasn't brave…he was just…intimidating sometimes.

Would he laugh in her face? Would he tell her that love would only get in the way of strength? Or would his reaction be different…?

Neji acted differently towards her, everyone knew it. She knew it. He spent more time with her, talked (some) with her, trained with her, and once she made him half-smile, a very big thing for Hyuuga Neji. So maybe he did feel something for her…or he just liked her as a training partner. Yes, that was always what she told herself. He just likes to train with me…

"Tenten!" Lee's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Er…yeah?" She answered back, mentally slapping herself for letting them see her thinking like that. Oh no…They're probably going to think I was daydreaming…or something weird…

She was so different from the other girls. They would giggle and chat with her about guys…and she'd just nod and stare, looking intent, though she'd rather be talking about shurikens and katanas.

"Why so quiet?" Lee asked.

"I was…just… thinking…" Please don't ask me what I was thinking about…please don't ask me what I was thinking about… Tenten had never really been the best at lying on the spot.

"About what?"


"Er…about uh…my next mission…" she told him, quite satisfied with her answer.

"Oh….okay…" He looked suspicious.

He knows I'm lying…

"Hey!" Came another voice. It wasn't Neji's. The ninjas turned to see another shinobi, brown-haired and covered in dirt and grass, of whom they had never met before, running towards them. It was obvious that he had rushed to getting to them.

"Yes?" Neji spoke, joining Lee and Tenten.

"The Hokage… wants you three…she said something…about a mission… together…" He told them through his huffs and pants.

"A mission…together?"

He only nodded. So out of breath… Was it so urgent? That could mean it was dangerous. Still, Tenten couldn't help but smile. So, the old Team Gai reuniting to complete another mission? She couldn't wait. She saw that her teammates were pleased as well. Neji's smirk, which was about the closest thing to his actual smile, was planted across his face, and Lee's words expressed his feelings quite openly, and he said them without a moment's hesitation.

"Let's go!" Lee half-shouted-half-spoke, "Our flames of youth shall merge into one and we shall conquer the mission as TEAM GAI LIKE BEFORE!"



And off they set towards the Fifth's.


Woohoo! First chapter of me first fanfic:D It's a bit short…Sorry if the characters are in any way out of character…:( oh well… please leave a review! Criticisms are most welcome! Please don't be too harsh about it though…Yeppers…I don't know when I'll update this…