Woohoo, second chapter…


/Flashback means "End Flashback."


The Hyuugarazzi

Chapter 2: Published

"Neji, behind you!"

"Watch out Neji!"


It was so annoying. Tenten hated all fangirls, but this one was, above all, tremendously obsessive and annoying. She was a crazed stalker who had gone to the extreme lengths of following them all the way out here on their mission.

Honestly…does she really plan to get his attention like this?

She was surprised the enemy ninjas didn't aim for Neji's stalker. With that mouth, she definitely would…if she had the heart, that is.

A kunai flew passed.



"Neji, Tenten, Lee," Tsunade-sama said.


"I have a mission here for you. It's on very short notice, but it's quite important. You see, we have been getting reports of people attacking others, from another village. We've tried to stop them in more…peaceful ways, but…well…they're insane. They seem to have a grudge against Konoha, probably from a war from some time ago. I need you three to stop these people. There aren't too many of them; more than you… but you can take them."


"Okay. They should be located near the hidden village of Rain. Take the upper route."

They nodded.

"Be careful. You're very strong, but these people are dangerous and have risked their lives to harm others."

They nodded.

"Now…any questions?"

Lee spoke up, "Tsunade-sama? Erm, I was just wondering…Why'd you choose us to complete this mission?"

She smiled, "Simple. You three are very capable, and I just figured… you'd all be quite eager to be in on this together."

The grinned, except for Neji, and were off.



Now they were here, fighting the attackers. As soon as they had seen Neji, Tenten, and Lee's headbands, they had charged them.

An opponent shinobi appeared from behind Tenten. She spun around, striking him with the back of her head, and knocked him down.

She gave a small nod at Neji. He smirked. He could tell what she was about to do.

"Lee, take cover."

He understood.

Tenten took out two scrolls, placing them on the ground, and performed various hand seals. Her signature move. The scrolls unraveled and rose into the air in the form of dragons. The intertwined themselves into each other. Tenten leaped into the air, into the center of the scrolls, and spun. Weapons materialized where her hands hit the scrolls. Shurikens, kunais, katanas, every type of weapon rained upon her opponents.

Lee was in the bushes. Neji however, stood where the foes were. As the shower of weapons came down, he turned, using his technique, the Kaiten. Anything that missed him would either hit the ground, a tree, or an enemy ninja. Anything that did fly at him would be repelled by his Kaiten, sending whatever came to him to the people around him, or also to the floor.

It got rid of more than half the shinobi. Lee leapt out from the bushes he was taking cover in, and immediately started using his taijutsu skills to crush them.

Tenten, at last, landed gracefully on her feet. She was taken by surprise when someone grabbed her, putting their hands over her waist and her mouth.

Neji came forth.

He darted forward, knocking over a few people, and landed a blow on the ninja that had seized Tenten. He fell aside, while Neji caught Tenten. They were in an awkward position. Neji was holding her.

CLICK. There was a flash.

"What was th—" Tenten started saying, until she saw Neji's fangirl standing and holding a camera in her hand. She had a sort of stunned look on her face like she couldn't believe what had happened. And then she was gone. Neji and Tenten stood there staring, as the crazy girl sped away, camera in hand, back in the direction of Konoha.

"I have a bad feeling about this…"

Lee finished of the last of the ninjas, and approached them.

"What happened?" He said, "You just…stopped attacking!"

"That girl…" Tenten began.

"You mean his stalker?"

"Yeah…she took a picture of us…"



"Well, what's she going to do with it?"

"…well…I guess you're right. Let's head back. We're done here." Tenten said.

They nodded in agreement.


It was morning. Tenten awoke to a brightly lit room. The previous day…it was tiring. Tsunade had been right. They were capable, and they defeated their enemies without too much trouble, but it definitely took its toll on her by the end of the day. So sleepy…

Last night… She had parted from Neji and Lee reluctantly. When would be the next time that they would see each other again?

Tenten slid off her bed groggily. She cleaned herself up a bit and made her way to the kitchen. After her small breakfast of cereal, she strolled outside, to where her daily newspaper would be lying. She picked it up, and regretted coming outside immediately.

The front of the newspaper wrote:

Hyuuga Has A Girlfriend?

Complete with a picture of Tenten in Neji's arms.

She saw several people outside looking at her. Well, why wouldn't they? Apparently, she was rumored to be the girlfriend of the very well-known Hyuuga prodigy.

She sighed.

This was going to be a long week.


Ooooooh…rumors… please leave a comment:D