I am the Enemy. Authors Notes.

WOOOO finish time 1:05 am, Wednesday. Few! This took me so long to make. I kinda faulted near the end as I simply couldn't decide how to end it. I wanted to put in another JTHM reference but clearly I didn't. I do realise that I have Ooc many characters but only because I wanted them, or needed them, to have a good grasp of political ideals and such. This has to be the shortest bloody chapter I have ever written.

References (I love these)

Chapters 2 and 4 - Fillerbunny congrats to Rethtales for spotting it first. For the rest of you…you should have been faster!

Chapter 4 - Clockwork orange (obviously) and 1984.

Chapter 6- The Matrix (Even though it was unintentional) and V for Vendetta.

Chapters 7 to 8 – 1984.

Chapter 8 - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

P.S the entire Fic was, throughout, heavily influenced by the music of the Levellers. "Take the rope from round your neck and the blindfold from your eyes" are in-fact lyrics to one of their songs. I urge everybody who reads this to listen to them by any means necessary.

So why did I write this? I was sick of Dib-Irken fics that just went on and on about the biology of Irkens or how his family would miss him enough to bring him back and stuff. It was getting old to read and I wanted to know more about how they LIVE not how they WORK. In the end I just thought, screw it I'll do it myself.

I DID want to have a part where Zim explains the anatomy of Irken's and also a better defined part about how the PAK helps them live but I realised that it would just block space up in the story and it would be reverting the whole point of the fic so I cut it.

The whole Hitler/Nazi thing comes from the fact that politically I always thought of the Irkins to be sort of a mix between a Nazi ideologies with a Communist lifestyle (Woo taking politics as a collage lesson messes with your head).

In chapter 6 I wrote out an entire history of how and why the Irkens are now why there are and how they got there. Then I deleted it all and did what the Tallest would have done, I re-wrote it to fit them. The history of that chapter is all altered; hardly any of it is 'true' Irken history. You really think that Irkens just went to the machine without a fight? That there was no resistance to the PAK? Don't believe everything you read…

My favourite chapter is chapter 4 obviously. But my second favourite has to be chapter 7 then chapter 6, that 'I control everything now' crept even me out. The chapter I most hate is ether chapter 5 or chapter 7 because chapter 5 is crap (by my view) and chapter 7 almost caused me to collapse because it took so long to write.

I would like to address those who have said I am one of the best on the site. I am not one of the greatest on this site so do not give me credit I'm not worth. I think the only reason that you would think this is because I did something that no one had ever done before. I said, openly and honestly, that Zim and the Irkens are (or living under) an oppressive, fascist, dictatorship. Unlike all the other Dib-Irken fics, Dibs decision to stay or go in this one was not of a romance element or of a feeling to be wanted by his family or something. It was a political decision, disdain and freedom or power and slavery. I mean, he ACTUALLY enjoyed being an Irken, something I don't see in other Dib-Irken fics…

What choice did I think he took? Well…that's for me to know and you to never find out.

Of course I will continue with this style, I am not finished with being original, political and writing about the afore-mentioned yet. Next fic (That's not a colab)? Earthly Addictions…

R&R, for there will never be an official sequel to this however I am thinking of a reversal of situation if you know what I mean… (Man that's precocious)

Oh and If you want this is a bit of chapter 6 that I actually liked but had to cut for space. I wrote it as I did think that Irkens could just teleport right to the deck of the massive, they have to go though some security right? Anyway here it is it's just after Dib was teleported from Zim's labs.

He was standing in a rather large and very busy room. The room was large and looked like an airport terminal; it even had security checkpoints with odd looking metal detectors and large x-ray machines. Cameras where flying around everywhere, as where the security on there hover bikes. The noise of the teliporter terminal was so loud that he didn't hear the terminal Irken until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Dib turned around, clearly overwhelmed with the controlled chaos of the terminal, to face an Irken with a yellow and blue uniform.

Dib barley heard his shout as he cupped his mouth to where Dibs ear used to be. "ARE. YOU. HERE. TO. SEE. THE. TALLEST?"

Dib nodded, deciding it would be easier then trying to shout his answer. The Irken smiled "GOOD. GO. THAT. WAY." And he pointed to a checkout with a large sign above it that read 'Main Deck' in Irken. Dib nodded and smiled mouthing "Thank you" to the Irken before beginning to wade through the mass crowd of Irkens. After what felt like an age he finally got to the checkpoint and he winced as he felt his bruised ribs. He must have been poked, prodded and elbowed everywhere while coming though the crowd.

He passed the checkpoint, despite some odd stairs from the workers and was directed towards another teliporter. Just before he got in a large, burly looking, Irken stopped him. The Irken looked down at an electronic clipboard and began asking questions in a no-nonsense sort of way. "Ok kid lets get this over with I haven't got all day. State your name, rank and number."

Dib raised an antenna. "Ermm...My names Dib and I don't have a rank or number."

The guard looked up. "No rank or number? Then you cannot go though."

Dib raised an antenna again, but this time in annoyance. "Oh come on...I'm going to see the Tallest to get a rank and number."

The guard put his hands on his hips and looked at the pleading Dib, also getting annoyed. "Look kid, I'm sorry but those are the rules. I can't send you to the main deck if you don't have a rank or number. What are you a defective? I mean, for all I know you could want to blow the Tallest up!"

Dib scoffed. "Yer right, look if you just send me up I can GET a rank and number. I have nothing on me that could in anyway hurt the Tallest. In fact they ASKED me to come and see them!"

The guard looked at Dib, considering his request. He then sighed in acceptance. "Ok fine, but don't tell ANYONE I sent you though 'k? I could lose my life for this."

Dib got into the teleported and said. "Don't you mean your job?"

He guard laughed nervously. "Yea sure kid."