Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Naruto

A/N: Sorry for not updating! Really sorry I hope you guys will forgive me! I promise to write more….

Chapter 13 – Taking a break from love?

Kagome stirred and took time to analyze her surroundings. 'What am I doing here?' she thought, managing to sit up. She rubbed her fairly sore head as she began to think back to yesterday's events. In the spur of the moment she had professed her love for Inuyasha, broke Sasuke's heart AND had chosen Kakashi…

"Damnit why does this have to be so confusing… It feels like I'm part of some screwed up reverse harem anime!" Kagome mumbled to herself angrily. 'Now that I think about it, I've always liked those reverse harem animes...' She brought her knees to her chest and sat there in silence. "Love's too confusing – too complicated… I think I'll take a break from it… A short one would be ok too." Kagome got up and headed towards the house with that thought in mind.

The screen opened, sounding with a crack. Stepping in Kagome looked up to see Kakashi with a bright smile on his face. Inside she felt so many conflicting emotions – why was she always thinking about herself? Why was she so damn selfish?

"Kagome are you alright?" Kakashi asked upon seeing the pained expression in her eyes. Slowly, he put his cup of tea down and took a step towards her. In return she took a step back shaking her head.

"I'm sorry I've been so selfish… All this time I've only been thinking about myself and disregarding everyone's feelings. This isn't a reverse harem anime where I can just toy with emotions and so what I please… I'm sorry…" Kagome's shoulders trembled as she tried to keep herself from crying.

"Kagome…." Kakashi sighed. "I understand." Kagome looked up, shock clearly evident in her features. "What? Are you shocked?" Kakashi laughed, running a hand through his hair. "You just need time to sort out your feeling right? Besides, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'll be the last one standing in the end."

"Thanks." She smiled warmly before walking away.

On the streets of Konoha

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura called, waving her hands frantically in the air. Looking up Sasuke saw the pink haired menaced and resumed his walk – completely ignoring her. Sakura's hand fell back to her side broken-heartedly. This was the last straw. 'Why does Sasuke always ignore me? Why does he treat he like this? Who the hell does Kagome think she is stealing him from me? I've known him longer I deserve him more!' inner Sakura cried in an outburst of emotion. She ran up to him and hugged him from behind.

"Sakura get off." Sasuke told her, standing completely still he only felt her grip tighten further. Sakura shook her head.

"No" she said solidly –she wasn't going to let him go, not now, not ever. In one quick motion Sasuke moved away from her, he looked up. Her arms still held the shape of his form – she eyes widened in shock. He stared at her in silence, his cold stare freezing her very soul. Her head bent in defeat, tears pelting to the dry ground.

"Why?" she asked in frustration. "Why are you so cruel?" Sakura asked, anger taking the best of her emotions.

"What?" Sasuke asked – his voice held as much indifference as ever.

"You've known all this time that I liked you! All these years I waited patiently hoping that one day you would somehow accept my feelings and stop being so frickkin' cold. Then some slut comes along and you completely change saying all these love struck things and just falling for her like an idiot! You don't even know what you look like do you – when she's around? She's been whoring herself around all the men in this village! How could you possibly choose her over me?!"

"Sakura that's enough!" Sasuke yelled, clenching his fists at his side. "Yes, I do know that you've liked – no obsessed over me these past few years. But what am I supposed to do about it? I regard you as a friend shouldn't that be enough? I can't love you Sakura you're too much like a sister to me so why don't you start acting like one!? Stop obsessing over me! Because you know I'll never like you. Shouldn't you be happy that I found someone I actually love?" Sasuke looked at her, his cold eyes slightly warmer.

Sakura's tears seemed to be the only answer. "You will never love me…" With haste she began to wipe them away. "You cold hearted bastard!" With this she slapped him across the face – shocked that he didn't try to avoid it. "Why didn't you move away?"

"Because I deserve it." Sasuke told her, stuffing his hands in his pockets before turning his back to her and walk away. "This ends here." Sakura sprinted towards him and embraced him once more "Just for a bit…" Sasuke relaxed and allowed her to… This was the last time after all. Something caught Sasuke's eye and he struggled out of Sakura's grasp.

"Kagome." He stood and looked at her; she looked back with a smile on her face as if nothing was wrong.

"Good Morning" Kagome smiled, it was a painful and forced smile, but she was pretty used to it… Seeing that she had to put on the exact same face whenever Inuyasha lied about not being with Kikyo.

Sasuke's heart fell. Somehow he wanted a much more dramatic reaction from her. Possibly tears? A profession of love? Feelings of jealousy… But then again this wasn't a shoujo anime…. This was real life.

"I need to go sharpen my kunai…" Sakura lied, fleeing from the scene. She knew that Sasuke would never lover her, she knew that she had possibly turned Kagome against her…

"You heard everything didn't you?" Sasuke said, bringing the subject back to what had happened. Kagome nodded in response.

"Sakura only said those things out of anger – she probably doesn't mean it… She is telling the truth though… I've been treating everything like it was a reverse harem anime… I've been so selfish." Kagome sighed, she continued to walk down the path, plum blossoms lined both sides. Sasuke followed behind her silence.

"Do I really say lame and love stuck things?" Sasuke asked her, a blush appeared on his usually cold features.

"Yep, you really are quite the drama queen at times." Kagome laughed softly. "But then again, everyone is..."

"I've never acted like this, been this nice, or talked as much in my entire life…At least after my brother…." He trailed off. He wasn't ready to talk about this yet….

"Love makes idiots out of all of us" Kagome paused to reach for a plum blossom but fell short. From the corner of her eye she could see a hand reach out a grab one. She turned around.

"You…Want this?" Sasuke said, holding out a plum blossom.

"Yeah…" Kagome blushed. "I'm sorry I'm so short."

"It's alright… Ochibi-chan" Sasuke said, a small and extremely rare smile spread across his face.

"HEY! Just because I'm vertically challenged doesn't mean you have to make fun of me!" She pouted, hitting Sasuke.

"That hurt." Sasuke told her, his voice serious all of a sudden. He turned his gaze to her; a fire seemed to burn in his coal black eyes. "You'll pay for that…" He took a step closer and watched her take a step back before tripping and falling. Still, he continued to approach her.

"Sasuke… You're scaring me" Kagome stammered, moving away from him, as he began to get closer and closer to her. He didn't respond. She shut her eyes and braced herself for whatever he had in mind.

Suddenly, she felt something warm on her forehead, she looked up and saw Sasuke, he kissed her…

"Hey! I really thought you were going to punch me or something!" Kagome exclaimed, looking at Sasuke angrily.

"Do you want me to?" He asked, bringing his fist up in front of her face.

"I hate you" Kagome frowned, pushing him to the ground. She stood up and brushed some dust off her.

"I love you too Kagome" Sasuke whispered, picking himself off the ground, his back to her.

"What?" Kagome's eyes widened as she turned to face him. Her heart beating faster and it ever had.

"Are you deaf? I said. I – love – you" Sasuke repeated, his stolid face showing no expression. Kagome could only stand in silence.

'Wasn't I supposed to be taking a break from love?'

End Chapter 13

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a whole year! I really didn't know what to write! Anyways, for those of you who voted for Sasuke/Kagome I wrote a little something just to make you guys happy… Tell me what you guys think… Sorry it's kind of short… I was forcing myself not to stop…. Hopefully, I haven't lost my touch….

Tell me what you guys think!
