Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. In fact, I don't own anything. So no one can sue me. Mwaha.


Detective Inuyasha Takahashi pulled the baseball cap down a little lower onto his head before stepping out of his black corvette, keeping his composure as the flashing lights flickered in and out of his vision. The flurry of movement going into the double doors told him to move ahead. He maneuvered through the small crowd that had gathered after hearing the sirens, avoiding any questions thrown at him. He ducked under the yellow tape and hustled up the short flight of stairs to the set of wooden doors where a man with dark hair pulled back into a small ponytail waited for him.

"Inuyasha," the man greeted, handing him a pair of latex gloves.

"What've we got, Miroku?" Inuyasha asked as he pulled them on. "Fluffy said a double homicide."

"That's all?" Miroku said as he led Inuyasha into the lavishly decorated mansion and toward the stairwell.

"And to get my ass over here," Inuyasha said as they quickly climbed the staircase.

"Two girls," Miroku said as he pulled Inuyasha to the right where several Crime Scene Investigators were darting from room to room. "Two very pretty girls in fact. I was astounded at how—"

In a louder voice than normal, Inuyasha said, "Have you been raping corpses again, Miroku?"

Miroku laughed at the many heads that turned. "Now, now, you mustn't spread my naughty little secret!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and took the first left on his own accord. He and Miroku stood at the door and watched as CSI processed the room. They were looking at a delicately adorned bathroom in a light blue with accented white, dressed in glossy tile and smooth marble. On top of the sink, random items of unimportance were cluttered wherever they could be fitted, and an open cabinet over the toilet showed tampons, razors, and the like unceremoniously strewn about. Soft carpet and silver fixtures would have made the bathroom seem elegant if it weren't for the thin layer of red water at the bottom of the bathtub. A young woman was placed neatly inside, her hands at her side and her head resting gently on her shoulder.

"Cause of death?" Inuyasha said, emotionless as he looked at the corpse.

"Gunshot wound to the head," Miroku said. "Approximated death time is one to three hours ago."


"Arisa Higurashi," Miroku said. "Sole proprietor of this manor. Her father, Ginta Higurashi, recently passed away of a heart attack. Two children: Sota and Kagome. Sota is currently missing, and you're about to meet Kagome."

"That sounds good," Inuyasha commented sarcastically as he and Miroku returned to the hallway and went on to the next door. Again on their left, they entered what was clearly a girl's room. The pink bed was neatly made, accented with a few fluffy pillows. A desk stood in the far corner, a few stacks of papers unceremoniously on top. A dresser to match the bed was next to this, littered with perfumes, make-up, and a hairbrush that didn't hide how frequently it was used. It was in the space between the dresser and the bed that the CSI were clustered.

"Kagome Higurashi," Miroku said. "Senior in college completing a degree in law. Straight A student and aspiring lawyer before a bullet went through her head. Kagome had been dead no more than half an hour when we got here, likely even less than that. Someone had dialed 911 on her cell phone, so some men came to check it out. They ended up breaking in because things didn't look right, and then found these two."

Inuyasha tried to peer around the huddle of men and women. "So just where is Kagome Higurashi?"

"Hmm?" Miroku said, now trying to see past the CSI himself. His eyes widened. "She was just here a few minutes ago."

"Her body was moved to the ambulance already," came a female voice behind them. "They wanted a better look at the blood spatter and her cell phone. Her body was in the way."

Inuyasha and Miroku turned. Miroku smiled charmingly. "And you are?"

"Kagura Kouji," the dark-haired woman said, fixing the bun her hair was in. "CSI. You two aren't supposed to be here."

"Ms. Kouji, I am Miroku Watase of the FBI, and this is Detective Inuyasha Takahashi. We're both working this case."

"I don't care," Kagura said. "We haven't cleared this scene yet."

"Then maybe we can help," Miroku said, not noticing that his companion was staring intently at the crime scene again. "Both of us trained to be CSI, just instead chose the FBI."

"Are you CSI?" Kagura said.

"No," Miroku admitted slowly.

"Then get out."


"C'mon, Miroku," Inuyasha said, nodding away from the room. "Let's just wait until they're finished. We'll be back here soon enough."

Miroku looked highly surprised at Inuyasha's actions, but mutely obeyed. Inuyasha was his superior, after all. Inuyasha led his friend through the hallway, down the stairs, and outside once more before he spoke again. Miroku was anxiously expecting an explanation.

"We will be back there soon," Inuyasha said. "I want to see this Kagome girl."

As he spoke, however, the ambulance was pulling out of the driveway.

"What the hell?" Inuyasha said in an annoyed tone as he noticed the movement of the vehicle. "Where do they think they're going? Yo, girl! Yeah, you! Get your ass over here!"

The girl Inuyasha was so kindly yelling at had long silver hair, obviously dyed, and startling turquoise eyes. They were, however, cold as they gazed upon Inuyasha. "And just who are you?"

"Inuyasha Takahashi. I'm overseeing this case. Where the hell is that ambulance going?"
The girl shrugged. "To Touran, probably. That's where they always go."

Inuyasha and Miroku both knew the name Touran. Touran Kugyo was a coroner, and a very good one at that. She was an anatomical expert, and along with her three siblings, was a part of one of the greatest criminology families around. The woman knew what she was doing, Inuyasha gave her that much, but he had several cases that suggested she gave out the wrong diagnosis on purpose because some money exchanged hands. Since this theory began forming in his brain, Inuyasha had always made a point of double-checking her work. He hadn't caught her wrong yet, but he was waiting for the day he did.

"Who the hell said the bodies were ready to be taken away? One of them is still inside! I didn't authorize this!"

"No," said a dangerous voice behind them, "I did."

Inuyasha and Miroku turned with scornful looks on their faces. "Naraku."

"Inuyasha and Miroku," Naraku greeted with a smirk. "A pleasure, though I am insulted at the incompetence you pin against me. As if I would leave one of the bodies behind. It was just loaded into the ambulance, and as soon as that was done, there was no reason for them to remain."

"I didn't give you permission to do that!" Inuyasha growled. "I hadn't seen the body of the Kagome girl and you sent her away! You don't have the authority to do that!"

"I am the CSI supervisor here," Naraku said. "I have climbed up the ranks, or didn't you know? Those bodies were under my jurisdiction, and I saw it fit to have them taken to the coroner."

"Yeah, well I am the case supervisor and I didn't give anyone permission to move those bodies from their original locations!"

"Forgive me," Naraku said. "I wasn't aware of your arrival. I don't expect people in such high positions to be late, you see, so I assumed you had more important things to take care of." His eyes flashed. "Women, I presumed."

Inuyasha's face grew heated. "Don't even start, you bastard! I don't care that I wasn't here; those bodies were not yours to move. If I didn't show up all damn night, I'd have expected those corpses to be in the exact same place they were found in! He put me in charge of this case, not you."

"Ah, yes," Naraku said, flipping his long hair behind his back. "Playing favorites with his family, I see."

"The hell he is!"

"Inuyasha!" Miroku said, grabbing his friend's arm in a rough manner to prevent Inuyasha from doing anything he would regret. "Stay calm. We're all on the same side here, remember?"

Inuyasha's glare didn't decrease in the slightest, though Naraku took this as his cue to go. "The crime scene has been cleared, Inuyasha. You're free to go destroy it now."

Miroku squeezed Inuyasha's arm rather painfully to remind him to keep his mouth shut. In an effort to do so, Inuyasha's teeth barred into his tongue like razors, and the iron taste of blood slithered over his taste buds. His eyes flashed as Naraku turned out of his vision, and his gaze turned back to Miroku.

"One of these days, I'm going to smash that man's head into a brick wall and claim it was an accident."

"Somehow I don't doubt that," Miroku said. "You could even frame it as murder. You're a detective, so you know all the back roads, what can't be traced. The murderer would never be found. And what irony if you were working the case!"

"You know," Inuyasha said maniacally, though he gave the appearance of giving Miroku's words some thought, "I just might do that."

"What now?" Miroku smiled, though quickly grew serious again.

Again Inuyasha seemed to be giving Miroku's words some thought, an uncommon act in itself. "Let's go back in the house. I want to go over those rooms again."

Miroku followed Inuyasha through the route they had just come, into the house, up the stairs, and down the hallway. Their first pause was at the bathroom, where just as Naraku said, Arisa Higurashi was no more. The bathtub was still coated with her blood, and the bathroom still otherwise looking magnificent in it's eloquent blue. The two remained here for only a moment in silence before Inuyasha turned back into the hallway again and then walked over to what was presumably Kagome's room. Now that the CSI were cleared out of it, he gleaned a better image of the crime scene. The puddle of blood wasn't very extensive, supporting the idea that Kagome hadn't been dead long before she was found. Her cell phone was missing, likely taken by Naraku for prints. Other than that, the room seemed orderly.

Inuyasha sat down on Kagome's bed and stared blankly at the room.

"What're you thinking?" Miroku said, taking the space next to Inuyasha.

"The bathroom," Inuyasha said. "The body and the blood were there, but there was no bullet hole or any blood spatter. If that was our real crime scene, we should find both of those."

Miroku nodded in understanding. "Arisa wasn't killed in that bathroom."

"And this room," Inuyasha said, looking around it again. "The only thing wrong with it is the blood on the floor. Everything else looks completely undisturbed."

"Kagome was killed here either?"

Inuyasha leaned back on his arms, his eyes now fixed on the door. "No, I think she was. I'm saying that whoever murdered Kagome knew her. There's no sign of a struggle, meaning Kagome wasn't worried that the murderer was in her bedroom."

"Unless the murderer wasn't in her bedroom," Miroku pointed out. "He could have just opened the door, saw her, and shot her."

Inuyasha gave an aggravated sigh. "What do we know about the situations of these two? Anything yet?"

"Lemme check," Miroku said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his cell phone. Pushing a number from speed dial and then another to put the call on speaker, he laid the phone on the bed. Inuyasha stood up and began surveying the room again from different angles as he listened to the phone ring.

"Kyokutou," came the voice from the black device.

"Hachi," Miroku said, "what have you found out about the Higurashis?"

"Oh, Miroku," the man called Hachi Kyokutou said. "Nothing much yet. Arisa clocked into her job at the Bank of America at 7:03 this morning and clocked back out at 3:56. I checked with American Express and found she used her credit card at 4:28 at Publix. As for Kagome, she showed up at Shikon University and went to all of her classes."

"That's all?" Miroku said.

"I've only had time to get the official stuff. If you want more, go interview someone."

"Yeah, thanks," Miroku said. He sighed and turned to face Inuyasha. "That wasn't quite what I was hoping for."

Inuyasha, however, was paying Miroku no attention. He had frozen where he stood and was staring intently at Kagome's wall. Miroku looked at Inuyasha in confusion, not sure what had stolen Inuyasha's attention.

"What is it?"

"Shh!" Inuyasha growled. "Do you hear that?"

Miroku became silent and listened. At first, Miroku didn't understand what had ensnared Inuyasha. The house was silent, except for the static sound that silence itself gave off. Then his eyes widened as he realized that that wasn't the static of silence, but the nearly inaudible static of a television turned on but muted.

"A television," Miroku said.

Inuyasha didn't answer, but instead crept over to Kagome's door, as though if he made a noise the television would turn itself off and never be heard from again. Miroku followed him as he slipped out the door and looked up and down the hallway for a moment. To their left, the last door down the hallway was slightly ajar. Placing the noise as coming from there, Inuyasha and Miroku silently made their way over to it, walking against the wall.

Inuyasha couldn't explain the eerie feeling he was getting, as though this were a horror movie and the killer was about to jump out at him. As this thought came into his mind, however, he refused to take a chance. Just as silently as he made it to the door, he reached behind him and took a revolver from its holster. Miroku followed Inuyasha's lead and shared a look with him. The superior began mouthing numbers, and when his lips formed the word "three", both he and Miroku bashed open the door, guns raised, peering into the unlit room for any reason to fire.

There was none. After a moment, Miroku, who was closest to the light switch, flipped it on. The television was in the right corner of the room, frozen on an image of Dakota Fanning in tears. A couch and two chairs made a semicircle around it, though all were empty. In another corner, a computer was displaying its screensaver. On the left wall was a long bookcase full of movies, videos, games, and PC software all mixed together.

Inuyasha walked over to the corner with the furniture and television and surveyed the area. "Sodas and snack foods, a textbook, a novel, War of the Worlds DVD case, and a Playstation. Looks normal enough."

"Romeo and Juliet, A Walk to Remember, The Forgotten, Charlie's Angels, Dr. Dolittle, X-Men, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, all for different things. Quite the odd assortment of entertainment choices, but whatever suits her fancy. Charlie's Angels was a good one."

"Lecher," Inuyasha commented as he made his way over to the computer. He moved the mouse to remove the screensaver, and it was replaced by the desktop. The wallpaper was a photograph of two very pretty girls, one with long black hair lying against her back and the other with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail. Both were laughing and waving at the camera, and the girl with brown hair unknowingly had bunny ears atop her head. In the background, a boy who also had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, staring intently at the two girls with a small smile on his face. "Our first priority is to find out who the two girls in this picture are."

Miroku looked over to the desktop and scrunched his eyebrows together. He moved behind the chair Inuyasha had taken a seat in and stared at the photograph for several moments. "Yeah, I'm sure of it. The girl with the black hair is Kagome Higurashi."

Inuyasha looked closely at the girl, memorizing every inch of her. This was the victim he hadn't seen, and yet he felt like he had seen her. The girl's resemblance to Kikyo was uncanny. After Inuyasha felt certain he wouldn't forget the girl's appearance, he began to study the brunette next to her. "I don't suppose you know this girl?"

Miroku shook his head. "No. Too young to be the girl's mother, and much prettier. Not to say Arisa wasn't pretty, but this maiden's beauty stretches far beyond the reach of English literature."

"That was almost poetic," Inuyasha commented dryly. His gaze moved back to the figure leaning against the wall. "And this man. We need to find out who he is too. And who took this picture, where it's at, when it was taken. Now that Naraku's gone, I want this whole place—"

Inuyasha was interrupted by his own cell phone. Miroku nodded in understanding of what Inuyasha was going to say—strip the house and find everything of note that Naraku hadn't taken. Inuyasha got up from the chair and Miroku took his place, opening up the internet. Inuyasha flipped open his cell phone and put it to his ear.


"Sesshomaru said you were in charge!"

Inuyasha recognized the tone instantly as Touran Kugyo's, the coroner. "Yeah. Why do you sound so pissed off?"

"What IDIOT diagnosed the bodies?"

"I don't know; I came late. What the hell is going on?"

"I'll tell you what the hell is going on! Some idiot under your command decided that just because a body wasn't moving, it was deceased! You've really screwed up this time, Takahashi! Someone in CSI is a complete moron, and there's going to be hell to pay for this one!"

"Touran, you stupid wench, what the hell are you talking about?"

The voice over the phone growled in frustration at Inuyasha's lack of comprehension. "Someone had better get fired, Takahashi, because Kagome Higurashi is alive!"



I was having a CSI marathon because I just got into the show and taped a gazillion episodes. So I was thinking and came up with this idea. I don't know CSI well enough to make it a CSI fic, so here comes Detective Takahashi! I've been trying to get a good Inuyasha fic going for a while now… I don't like the way mine turn out. They start off on the right track, but then it just dies. Hopefully this one won't…

Next chapter Inuyasha's going to get himself into a lot of trouble when he meets Onigumo Tsuzitani, his first suspect, and Kaede Arakawa. And Inuyasha is taken by surprise when he discovers that his almost-victim knows Kikyo, but how?

Thankx for reading, but since you've bothered to read it, take a moment (or several, since long reviews rock) to review it and tell me your opinions. Thankx again!
