Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko or the songs/singers in this fic.

"Okay guys the party's a go." Yumi Isiyama said running up to the Lyoko gang. "My parents are going out of town Friday. So invite whoever you want the party starts at 7:00."

"Cool!" Odd said. "This party is going to rock!"

Yumi smiled as the bell rang and the group split up and went to there classes.

That Friday

Yumi kissed her parent's good bye and waved as they drove down the street and disappeared from her sight.

Then she took Hiroki to one of his friend's house for the night.

Yumi took all the valuable items in the house and put them in her parent's room. Then she got dressed and rush down stairs to let in her guest.

The night was going great they had spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven going in to different corners of the room. People dancing in one room and eating and talking in another.

Yumi had walked up to her room followed by Ulrich.

They were sitting on her bed talking when Ulrich leaned over and kissed her on the lips

Yumi fell back against the bed as Ulrich kissed her again. Yumi's hand hit a button on the CD player.

A song by Jessica Simpson began to play.

Sweetest Sin

Can you imagine us,
Making love...
The way you would feel the first time that we touched,
Can you think of it...
The way I dream of it,
I want you to see like I'm seeing you...
It's a picture of perfection,
The vision of you and me...

Your lips upon my lips,
Can you just picture this...
Your finger tips on my finger tips,
Your skin upon my skin...
Would be the Sweetest Sin,
Would be the Sweetest Sin...

All night I lie awake,
Cause it's too much to take...
Dreamin' about the love that we could make...All day,
I think of scenes...
To get you next to me,
I want you so bad that I can barely breathe...
It's a sign of my obsession,
That I can't stop thinkin bout'

Your lips upon my lips,
Can you invision this...
Temptation that I could never resist,
Your skin upon my skin...
Would be the Sweetest Sin...

It would feel so good,
To be so bad...
You don't know how bad...I want that,
I would do anything to feel your love...

Your lips upon my lips,
Can you just picture this...
Your finger tips on my finger tips,
Your skin upon my skin...
Would be the Sweetest Sin,
That would be the Sweetest Sin...

Your lips upon my lips,
Can you invision this...
Temptation that I could never resist,
Your skin upon my skin...
Would be the Sweetest Sin,
Would be the Sweetest Sin...

Your lips upon my lips...would be the Sweetest Sin

Yumi and Ulrich began to take off each others clothing. (A/N: You know what happens next so I won't go into detail of telling you.)

A Month after the party

Yumi's mother had taken Yumi to the doctor after Yumi had spent the morning throwing up.

The doctor had entered the room examined her. Then he had taken a serious of test on her.

He reentered the room and asked to speak to her mother in the hall.

When they came back in her mother looked angry.

"What is it? What's wrong with me?" Yumi asked.

"You are pregnant Ms. Yumi." The doctor said.

"I'm what!" Yumi yelled.

"The throwing up is caused from morning sickness." The doctor repeated.

Yumi just starred at him her face was as white as a ghost.

Mrs. Isiyama helped Yumi out to the car. Then she yelled at her the whole way home.

Yumi touched her now throbbing head.

"MOM could you please shut up I know that I messed up! I don't need you to tell me that!"

Mrs. Isiyama looked at Yumi as the pulled out of the parking lot.

Later that night

Yumi's parents were sitting at the dinner table discussing what Yumi should do.

"Yumi should tell Ulrich and they should both decide together!" Ms. Isiyama yelled.

"She should get an abortion!" Mr. Isiyama yelled.

They went on like this for about 2 hours then Yumi yelled. "IT'S MY CHOICE! I'M GOING TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO." Yumi ran out of the room and up the stairs to her and locked the door.

The next morning

Yumi got dressed and ran to school without eating breakfast so she wouldn't have to see her father or mother.

When Yumi got to school the next day she couldn't believe what she saw.

Ulrich was leaning over Sissi giving her a passionate kiss. Yumi felt her stomach turn.

She turned her back feeling the tears welling up in her eyes and ran out of the school and to her house.

Yumi rushed through the front door of her house.

"Mom!" Yumi yelled as her mom came into the living room. "I want to move to Japan and live with Grandma."

"What? Yumi, why?" Mrs. Isiyama asked walking over to Yumi.

"Ulrich's in love with another girl."

Mrs. Isiyama gasped and then she rapped Yumi in a tight hug.

"Yumi I am so sorry honey. But are you sure you want to move to Japan?"

"Yes I'm sure. I'm going to pack right now and I want to leave tomorrow morning." Yumi said as she rushed up the stairs to her room and started packing.

Nine months later

Yumi smiled down at her identical twin daughters. Kathleen Renee Stern and Ashley Dawn Stern.

Mrs. Isiyama and Mr. Isiyama were standing outside her door and the minute the doctor gave them the okay the came running into the room. Her parents looked down at there new granddaughters.

Mr. Isiyama handed Yumi two small boxes. Yumi opened the boxes inside each was a silver bracelet with a silver heart one was labeled Kathleen and the other Ashley.

Yumi smiled and kissed her dad on the cheek. Then she fastened the bracelet on the girl's right wrist as the nurse came into the room and took the babies away to clean and dress them.

A/N: Yumi is in Japan when she has the girls. Just so you know. Hope you like. Please R&R if you want me to continue!