Yes, I know. It's been an incredibly long time since I've updated this, but I finally got another idea for it. I don't know how much longer this story will go on. But we shall see.

WARNING: Gay relationship. Ennis/Jack of course. Don't like don't read. Nothing big and graphic, just kisses and cuddles.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Brokeback Mountain, but damn I wish I had thought of this idea.

Time passed quickly on the ranch. Winter went away, the earth thawed, Ennis, Jack, and Alma Junior were raising three new horses. The horses were doing well, the ranch was going well, and they hired two other ranch hands to work there. It was around this time that Jack got a call from his mother. He was walking back in after getting the mail when he heard the phone ringing. He ran forward and picked up the receiver on the third ring.

"Hello?" he said jovially.

"Jack? Is that you?" said his mother's soft voice.

"Momma?" he said hesitantly. He could tell by the tone of her voice that something was wrong. "What's wrong?"

"Honey," she started and he could tell she was trying to keep from crying, "your Daddy died this morning. He had a heart attack."

"Oh Momma," he muttered sitting down at the table. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," she said trying to lie. "When is the earliest you can get here?"

"I can be there tomorrow morning. We've hired more people to work the ranch. They can handle it for a couple of days." He heard footsteps behind him and a gentle hand on his shoulder. Even without looking he knew it was Ennis. He reached with his free hand to the hand on his shoulder and their fingers interlaced.

"Will you be coming up here alone?"

"I don't know... Momma. Would it be all right with you if I brought Ennis with me?"

"Of course it would be all right honey," she replied. "I've always wanted to meet him anyway."

"I'll talk to him about it." Jack looked up to Ennis but Ennis was all ready nodding. "We'll be there tomorrow Momma. I love you."

"I love you too, Jack. I'll see you tomorrow."

"We'll be there. Bye bye."

"Bye." He heard his mother hang up the phone and Ennis took the receiver from his hand and hung it up on the phone on the wall. Ennis sat down at the table and held Jack's hand in his.

"What happened?" he said gently.

"My Daddy died this morning," said Jack trying to hold it together. "He had a heart attack. Ennis, you don't have-"

"I want to come with you. Alma and the others can handle this place for a couple of days. I'll go tell them." Ennis kissed Jack on the hand and walked out the door to tell Alma and the ranch hands who were outside working the horses. Everything seemed kind of far away and warped to Jack. He also felt sick to his stomach. He slowly got up from the table and walked up the stairs to their bedroom again. He didn't feel like facing the day anymore. He pulled off his boots and curled up in bed in his clothes. It was a cooler April morning and he pulled the blankets up to his chin. He heard voices outside and the sound of the horses trotting around. But he felt like he was in a different world. Nothing felt quite right. He heard boot steps coming up the stairs and a quiet knock on the bedroom door.

"I'm in here," he called out quietly knowing that it was Ennis trying to find him. Ennis walked into the room and sat down on the side of the bed.

"You ok rodeo?" he asked quietly stroking Jack's hair.

"Not really," said Jack shaking his head. "I don't know what to think about all this."

"There is no set thing to think about here. You take a nap, I'll pack our stuff. You want to head out before or after lunch? Either way I think Junior is going to insist on making some for us."

"I'd rather get on the road as soon as possible. Tell Junior to just make us some sandwiches and pack them up."

"Ok. I'll let her know." Ennis kissed Jack on his forehead and then started to pack. For a little while Jack watched him pack, but then he dozed off into a restless sleep. Ennis finished the packing in about twenty minutes. He put their best suits in a garment back that he had bought once long ago. Then he took everything downstairs and out to the truck. He came back in and walked into the kitchen where Junior was all ready fixing sandwiches.

"If you don't mind Junior," he said to his daughter, "could you pack a few of those away for Jack and me? We'll probably be eating on the road."

"I figured that," she said putting away some of the sandwiches in their Igloo cooler with a few bags of ice. "I put some bottles of cold water and a few beers in here too. I put some of those chocolate chip cookies I made in here too. I know Jack likes them." Ennis smiled at his daughter and patted her on the shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll like what you did for him."

"I just keep thinking about what I'd do without you," Junior says looking up at Ennis. "I don't know what I'd do."

"It's ok, honey," he said putting an arm around her. "Knowing Jack he won't let that happen for a long time."

"I'm not letting it happen for a long time either." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"With all the people I've got taking care of me I'm probably going to live to be a hundred." He closed the lid on the cooler and took it out to the truck where he put it on the floor board in front of the passenger seat.

"I'm gonna go wake Jack," said Ennis as he walked back in. "Might as well get on the road as soon as possible." Junior nodded as she wiped her hands on a towel. Ennis quickly took the steps two at a time and found Jack sitting up on the bed.

"Everything ready?" Jack asked as he pulled his boots back on.

"Car's loaded up and everything," Ennis replied. Jack nodded and stood up. "Ready to meet far more of my family than you probably want to?"

"It will be fine little darlin'," Ennis replied walking forward and pulling Jack into his arms. "I'll be with you the whole time." He kissed Jack gently and they walked down the stairs.

"We'll be back in a couple of days Junior," Ennis said as they walked past the kitchen.

"Give me a call when you get there!" Junior shouted back.

"Will do!" They got into the truck and drove away towards Lightning Flat.