Only Sleeping

A/N: This story is dedicated to my fellowship, a brilliant bunch! Roll on August!

The story is based purely on the movie. I am ashamed to say I have not yet completed The Lord of the Rings, having only read the fellowship of the ring so far. So I really hope that if I make any mistakes you will forgive me for them, I will read the whole thing one day soon.

Disclaimer:Obviously these characters do not belong to me, they are the incredible work of the marvellous Tolkien. Hmmm, if only I could find a way to nab Pippin...

Anyway, on with the story!

After all he had witnessed, all he had done, the one thing he needed was comfort. There was only one hobbit in the whole of Arda that would be able to reassure him that he was safe. The battle may be over, he thought to himself as he picked his way through the bodies that littered the field before him, but has Merry gone from me too?

It felt as though his insides had been turned to ice, cold fear gripped his heart. As he fought the mounting panic rising in his chest, he ran towards the body of a beast not far from him. He thought he could see his friend's feet protuding from under it. Please, let it be Merry.

With a considerable amount of effort he was able to push the beast aside. He found himself face to face with the seemingly lifeless body of his dearest friend. He fought the urge to just fall to pieces; Merry needed him. He knew he probably shouldn't touch him, that it would be best just to get some help, but instinct took over. He snatched his body from the ground and gently cradled him in his lap, leaning his head against his chest.

"Merry, it's me, Pip. I need you here with me, Merry, you can't leave me now, not now that I've found you again. Pease Merry, wake up."

He watched, not even daring to breathe, as his friend began to slowly open his eyes.


"It's okay Merry, I'm here."

"I knew you would find me, Pip"

"I have, and I'm going to take care of you from now on."

With that, he scooped his precious friend in to his arms and began to make his way back towards the city.

It seemed to him as though time was standing still, that Arda was holding her breath, awaiting the fate of one small hobbit from the Shire. He wasn't comforted in the slightest by his friend's clammy skin, pale complexion or the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He needed to get him back to the city, he was no healer!

He trudged doggedly onwards, sheer exhaustion being held back only by the thought that his friend's survival was dependent on him. As he walked, he thought of all the times he had been Merry's burden, all the times they had stood side by side, facing trouble together. He remembered the hurt in Merry's eyes, after the incident with the Palantir, and the accusing tone in his voice as he asked why he did it. It was as though he felt that I did it deliberately, to hurt him. If only he hadn't looked, may be fate would have dealt a different hand, and maybe Merry would be safe now. They could have stood side by side, protected each other. Instead, he was now facing a life alone.

No, you mustn't think like that, Peregrin Took, he will be alright, you just need to get him back.

He clung on tightly to his friend.

"We're almost there Merry, hold on, please, you can't leave me now, okay?"

He could hear him muttering, whimpering, as he fought the demons invading his dreams. He shouted to the guards stood at the broken gates in fron of him.

"My friend, he's ill, he needs to go to the house of healing now!"

As he felt his friend's dead weight being lifted from his arms, he collapsed to the ground, exhaustion and sorrow overwhelming him. A single tear rolled down his cheek as, bloodstained and weary, the little hobbit was consumed by darkness...

He felt warm, cosy, content. He could stay this way forever. That was until he heard a loud cry rent the air. Merry!

He was up in a second, running towards the sound of his friend's voice, whimpering and crying. He sat on the bed beside his sleeping friend, stroking his fevered brow. Merry needed comfort from him now, and that was all that mattered. He held Merry, rocking him gently, and slowly, so very slowly, the nightmare subsided. He watched the now steady rise and fall of his friend's chest, and felt safe. He was okay now, sleeping.

Only sleeping.

A/N: I know this was short, it's my first stab at a Lord of the Rings story, so any comments are welcomed, but please be gentle!