
Well, now that I'm back, I actually took the moment to open up another story which in my opinion really says something. Of course that's just me. Sadly though, there won't be much fighting in this fan fiction until later, where a digimon tournament battle will be held. Though in the beginning, you'll probably be at the edge of your seat because of the loooong intense fight I conjured up in the beginning of the fic, based on the Tamer's 3rd Movie.

This is also sort of a friendship fic though I'm not going to tell you between whom, you'll eventually figure it out. NO, this isn't some mushy romance where people kiss and make out or whatever, friendship only, and maybe even some light romance, but that's all. Sometimes it bothers me that reviewers would think that once two characters are close friends and such, automatically they become a couple….doesn't happen that way, sorry. I maybe a diehard Rukato fan, but I consider the events that take place that make them become either just friends, enemies or even lovers.

The title of the fic came from one of my favorite song. It is called "My Sacrifice" by Creed.

Important Note - One thing you will notice is the frequent flashbacks that will take place in this fic. It's not too confusing, but you will know when it will come about, just watch carefully for any italicized sentences and paragraphs. On another note, the story begins where Bandai left off; The Runaway Digimon Express Movie. I hope some of you have watched the movie, if not, send me an e-mail and I could send you a link to download the entire movie…..though it will be in Japanese with English dubbing.…..I never got around to buying the American version.

I do not own digimon….or even the title for that matter…..it belongs to Creed. Enjoy.

Read and Review.



My Sacrifice


Chapter 1 – A Heart of a Knight Never Gives Up

"Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice..." David Kenyon

3 ½ Hours ago…

Days weeks, months and years come and go. For most, it is like every other day. A year where you dedicate yourselves to resolutions where in the end at some point is ignorantly broken. Taxes and bills need to be paid, holidays celebrated only to start all over again.

For some…life has had a different twist for them for the past couple of years.


"Damn it! Hen! That was the last of our juice!"

"Then we'll just have answer with our legs and fists instead. Kyaaa!"

Three years had come and gone for the Tamers of West Shinjuku, Japan, and a lot has changed for them since then. Since the beginning, broken apart and unbeknownst to each other, they later found a means to stand together and protect the world they knew and love from the clutches of enemies willing to take lives and destroy mankind; the Devas, the Sovereigns and even the D-Reaper.

"Gah! There's too many of them…we're outnumbered!"

"Quit your whining MegaGargomon, we're not about to give up this fight!"

"Speak for yourself Sakuyamon!"

Since the defeat of the D-Reaper, everything seemed to be back to normal for Takato, Henry, Rika and the others. Well, as normal as it can get actually. Jeri had slowly been recuperating since that near fateful day. She had been taken to counseling on behalf of Hypnos. She has been more open now, more so than usual to the others and everyone around her. She was happy, though even happiness could not cure the pain she felt when she lost Leomon. Impmon was forgiven and found a home with his young Tamers Ai and Mako.

"Ryo, they have us! I won't go down without a fight!"

"Fight it, we can get out of thi-"


A sigh of relief was heard. "Thanks, I owe you one Takato…."

"Don't mention it……Kyaaa! Lightning Joust!"

Although the digimon had to leave for the digital world, it was almost a miracle….or better yet; a stroke of luck Takato had found out the portal had remained open, which lead them to where they are now.

"Crud! Henroid they're all over the place! GARGO KICK! There's too many of them…."

"He's right," Henry thought to himself with a frown. "Keep pouring the pressure, we'll get- ahh!"

Strangely enough, a Trailmon had managed to find its way into the real world. The first to notice was Nonaka Rika, who seemed more than angry her mother had been planning a surprise birthday party for her than worry about a digimon that raced across the train station she had occupied. At some point she had found out of course. I mean, who better to make someone squeal than Takato himself?

It was enjoyable to say the least, but matters such as Digimon were needed to be dealt with. It was later they had managed to get on the train and had discovered the Trailmon didn't come here by accident. A Parasimon had invaded its mind, hell bent on invading the real world with the help of its fellow Parasimon. Hypnos tried every solution to prevent that from happening by directing the train rails away from a portal that suddenly opened in the middle of the Itchidai district. But the effort was futile. Parasimon had taken control of Rika's mind which delayed Hypnos' progress.

It was up to Takato to save her.

Biomerging to his ultimate form with the help of Guilmon, Gallantmon, he freed her from his grasp where she was reunited with Renamon to deal the fatal blow. Sadly, the Parasimon had other plans. Using one of its attacks, Parasimon opened the portal, where a colossal amount of more Parasimon merged into the real world.


Takato was panting, and he was panting hard. Never had he seen such large amounts of Digimon pouring into the real world almost all at the same time. What was even worse was that little by little, he was feeling fatigued and realized he could not hold up his biomerged form for too long. Twisting around with an acrobatic grace he dispensed nearly half of his energy by just rotating, impaling two Parasimon that had managed to flank him on his blind side. He took a quick glance at the others.

They were holding up as well, but he didn't know for how long. None of them could keep this up. He took a side glance at Sakuyamon before moving towards Justimon who had suddenly been surrounded. As much as he didn't want to admit how bad the situation was, he couldn't help but feel worried that in the end they'll be over-powered. The amount of digimon that continued to rain heavily out of the cylindrical portal was outrageously eternal.

"Ryo, they have us! I won't go down without a fight!"

"Fight it, we can get out of thi-"

Gallantmon bounded off one of the Parasimon in front of him and with an electrifying battle cry shot down with an everlasting motive for Justice.


He careened down towards the Parasimon that began to take hold of Justimon as his Javelin glowed with sparks of electricity before meeting the fated digimon. An eerie laugh pierced the afternoon sky, followed by data spewing across the buildings and into the clouds above.

Gallantmon and Justimon exchanged glances at the disturbing sight and shivered with puzzlement at Parasimon's mirth of deletion.

"Thanks, I owe you one Takato…." He replied with a deep sigh.

Gallantmon shook his head before even more of the viral digimon came at them in sheer numbers. "Don't mention it……Kyaaa! Lightning Joust!"

"Crud! Henroid they're all over the place! GARGO KICK! There's too many of them…."

"He's right," Henry thought to himself with a frown. He knew that eventually they'd tire out, but he couldn't and refused to give up so easily. He began pondering what he could do to cut off these…reinforcements…that kept coming for more.

They never end.

It seemed for every Parasimon they killed; two more took its place. He quickly looked to the sky swiftly glancing at the portal as more continued to transfer out. Somehow, there had to be some way to cut off the digital gate to prevent more from getting into the real world. But what could he do? Of course he knew he couldn't do it. All of the ammo was used up and there wasn't any more firepower left in him. Could the others stop it though? He doubted it. They were in the same mess he's in right now.

He knew by this amount the Parasimon were planning to wipe everyone out all at once. He shook his head and began focusing more on the battle.

"Keep pouring the pressure, we'll get- ahh!"

MegaGargomon was instantaneously thrown off balance and tumbled to the ground, slamming against a small commercial building. The Parasimon quickly saw their chance and covered the large mass, pinning him on the concrete floor and sidewalk. MegaGargomon struggled relentlessly but the great effort was doing more harm than good, depleting even more of his energy.

"Henry……can't move….," came his partner's reply. Henry did not want to hear another moment of it and continued to thrash about.

"Heeeeenry! Are you even listening!"

"Damn it! It can't end like this!" He kept telling himself, but he knew he was trapped. He couldn't do a thing about it yet refused to accept the fact the Parasimon had gained victory over him. He was too stubborn for that. Although he was considered to be the most rational in the group, he had an intractable mind and reason for not giving up on things. He then started laughing bitterly at the thought. Now, he had no choice but to be subdued. He completely ran out of ideas and the worse to come looked as if it hadn't even shown its true colors yet.


Henry slumped defeated within his green sphere.

"Hen….." his partner replied softly in a disheartened tone.

"I'm sorry Terriermon," he grunted, feeling even more Parasimon applying pressure onto MegaGargomon's back. "I wasn't……strong….or even…..resourceful enough…..forgive me…."

"Don't…say that…Henry, we can…… still beat them! It's not like you…grrr….to give up!"

He frowned even more inside the sphere. He was right, but common sense had already influenced his uneasy mind. They were purely outnumbered over thirty to one. It would only be a matter of time before the others fell like he did. Henry screamed, agitated and helpless.

"You guys! MegaGargomon's in trouble we have to help him!" Sakuyamon shouted. She ducked to the ground avoiding a lethal stab from one of the enemy digimon and motioned a swift kick to the torso, sending the Parasimon hurdling back. She promptly weaved and turned around tentacles and arms, racing toward Henry's aid.

"AMETHYST MANDALA!" She shouted unleashing a devastating gust of wind and Sakura blossoms, over-whelming the odds stacked against them. It was short lived. The attack passed right over MegaGargomon's covered form, blowing away a numerous amount of Parasimon of his immense form. But as soon as they were disposed of, two more came into their place, several now directing their wave towards Sakuyamon.


The attack was without delay clogged and Sakuyamon was suddenly wrapped and tangled in a web of tentacles passing over and about her entire form. She struggled unremittingly, having more vigor than what Henry could even conjure up. Even that had failed.

"Rika…they're …"

Rika cut in with a befitting grunt. "I….ugh…know….I can't…..move….."

Sakuyamon continued to struggle and like Henry refused to give up. The only difference was Rika would rather wear a dress than listen to her instincts telling her to stop straining about. She had more stubbornness than any of the rest put together.

"No…..I won't……give…..up…." she replied hoarsely. Her energy was slowly parting, leaving her almost breathless….

"Ri….Rika…." her partner slowly replied.

"ACCEL ARM!" Justimon cried out from the heavens as he screeched down with a fist raised. He slammed down onto the ground, setting loose an unsettling wave of force and pressure. The ground moaned under the might of his attack ripping apart to its searing energy. The Parasimon cried out with laughter before departing for the sky.

"Rika!" he shouted racing towards her, aiming another kick to the enemy digimon. Sakuyamon broke free and both were now standing with their backs facing each other.

"Jeez! How long do we have to keep this shit up?" Ryo cursed, ignoring the silent stare Sakuyamon quickly gave him before facing the other direction.

"I suppose you have any better ideas?" She replied in a dull tone. Justimon suddenly began chuckling savoring the short moment between them.

"No, but I don't suppose after all this is over, you wouldn't mind if I treated you to something, no?" he said with a heavy pant. He blocked a strike aimed at him a countered with a heavy blow to the creature's large eye.

Rika frowned within her sphere. Even when defeat was staring at him in the face, he always manages to sneak out an aggravating comment. Things like these didn't just get her fuming; it simply fascinated her as well. It was as if he wasn't even bothered by the fact that they were getting their asses handed down by the four legged freaks. She knew it would be futile for him to end what he started and she also knew where they were headed if they didn't end this little chat now. So she did what came to mind.

Sakuyamon gave him a good thwack on the head with her staff.

"What the hell do you think this is, I asked for an idea, not a-"


She stopped and immediately turned to the source of distress.

"Gallantmon!" She cried out and began to rush to his aid when for the second time she was surrounded and tangled again, even more than before. What was worse was that Justimon was only a few feet away, wrapped in the clutches of the Parasimon as well.

"Well now, this sucks…." Justimon grunted as he began pulling and tearing his way out. "Get…out of…my….way Damn it!"

The more he struggled the more he realized he was rapidly getting tired. Sakuyamon was in the same predicament as he was in, and there was no way to free her in the position he was in now. More of them came and more of them continued to attack and overwhelm them in numbers. Justimon suddenly sighed as if releasing the sudden fatigued feeling after thrashing about.

"Justimon, don't you even dare give up!" Sakuyamon snapped when her staff was pulled away from her grasp. "Damn it….I can't…."

"Who said….anything about giving up," he snapped back. "I'll…be damned…..If I let….these freaks get the… best of me…."

"Guys….ugh…..a little help…?" came a far reply. Gallantmon continued to fight his way through the masses, hoping to meet up with the others in time. MegaGargomon was not too far from him and was still going strong, Henry yelling to his hearts content.

"Takatomon, I'm getting tired…." Was his partner's reply. Takato frowned sadly in the surrounding orange sphere. There was no way he wanted to give up everything they had accomplished so far. He looked a little ways ahead, the Parasimon paralyzing his movements with their gripped tentacles. Sakuyamon and Justimon were unable to help and he was beginning to worry what happened to Jeri, Kazu and Kenta. He silently prayed they weren't either killed or even captured for that matter.

"We can't….give up…boy…we have to fight."

"I wish….I had some Guilmon bread…then…I wouldn't be so…..tired."

Takato forced a small smile. But he was beginning to lose hope. He hated to accept it and continued to try and break free. Everything he had achieved. From creating his very own digimon to making new friends and adventures that lied for them all. It was everything he'd ever dreamed of. Sure he had his share of mistakes in the past, but he had learned from them and committed to never doing it again. He refused to give up everything he cherished so much.

"Don't give up…"

Takato suddenly blinked. What was that, he wondered? His first immediate thought would have been Guilmon, but the voice was a lot less childish then he expected.

"Open your heart, don't give up……I will lend you my wings…"

"G-Grani…" Takato blinked at his partners reply. He had nearly forgotten about him. Their one friend who helped them saved Jeri from the D-Reaper.

"Grani….is that….you….."

"Open your heart Gallantmon……do not give up……and fly…"

"Takatomon……he's right……I want to…fly……I'm not hungry……anymore….."

When You Are With Me, I'm Free….

Takato was almost speechless. Guilmon was willing to risk all that he had to fight, all thanks to Grani's words. And if they refused to lose hope, then so would he. Takato slowly smiled as a silent will and rage began to grow deep with in him.

"You're….right Guilmon…..and you…Grani…"

"I refuse….to….give up!" His heart began to quicken and his adrenaline suddenly began to rise.

"I….We….won't lose….to the Parasimon…."

I'm careless, I believe…..

Little by little, Gallantmon's strength was surprisingly returning, over-powering the now stunned Parasimon with their tightening hold. More began to take over his body, rejecting to let him break free, covering his entire form and slamming him on to the pavement.

"Gallantmon, No!" Sakuyamon cried out, as she and Justimon did everything they could to break free from the enemy's grasp.

"Crud….we can't help…him Sakuyamon…." Justimon replied.

Rika shook her head, refusing to hear those words. "We….have to….help him…I'm not….going….to lose…this…fight…"

"I can't move….Rika…." came her partner's reply. Rika closed her eyes shut. She simply did not want to let defeat take a hold of them. She was going to be strong, and stay that way….she was not weak…..she hated being weak. Her pride will not let her have that.

"Takato….I can….feel it…."

He nodded, suddenly feeling new found strength within him. "You're right…I can….feel it….too…."

If that wasn't surprising enough for the Parasimon, what came at puzzlement was the large glow coming from their covered mass.


Henry blinked within MegaGargomon and looked ahead. He had seen it as well. "T….It's Takato?"


Rika opened her eyes at the sound of Ryo's voice and looked up. Sure enough, she saw what was happening. "What's going….on?"

"Takato …."

He nodded, slowly breaking away for the open sun. "I can….feel it …..Grani…"

"Open your heart…"

Above all others, we'll fly……

"I won't……"

The mass began to grow brighter and brighter. The Parasimon were baffled by the strange digimon they had a hold of and were slowly losing their grip. The others watched on while they still continued to struggle and were left to wonder what was happening before them. Then suddenly all eyes widened in surprise….

"Set it free…"

As white feathers began falling from the sky…..

This brings tears to my eyes…

And the moment soon came….

"I…..will never……"

"For A Heart of a Knight will never…"

My Sacrifice…


White rays of intense light exploded out into the landscape, bathing the entire area in a sea holy light. The Tamers looked on as the Parasimon lost their entire grip on them and were left to watch the scene unfold. A huge red energy shot to the sky blinding everything in its wake. The Tamers followed its direction and looked to sky in awe and astonishment as a figure appeared before them in all its basking glory.

"…….." MegaGargomon was enthralled by the figure in the radiance.

"No Way!" Justimon shouted. "That's….."

"Beautiful…." Sakuyamon finished.

Shimmering pallid gold and red armor were plated around his lean body. And what amazed them the most was the ten extensive wings seen on his back, like an Angel who descended from the heavens to bring justice to those who were wronged. A large two sided sword slowly followed his blessed form, stopping short in front of him. Takato slowly opened his eyes staring at the weapon. He willed himself to grab it.

"Takatomon….we can…"

"Takato smiled. "I know boy….we can fly again…."

He frowned gazing down at the Parasimon who were still frozen with trepidation and confusion. He raised his weapon towards the sky and tore through the air letting out a war cry for all to know and tremble before his ultimate form. He was a knight of Divinity.



Well, looks like I'm done for now. As most of you probably know, I revised the story, correcting any mistakes that were out of place. There were also some scenes I altered from the movie to make it a bit longer. It kind of sucked the movie was only a half and hour long. Anyways tell me what you think. Was it good, bad? Heck you can flame me if ya want, I just want to know.

I tried to be a discreet with the Tamer's traits and characteristics as much as I could. It's hard to know what type of behavior I should give them to react to. Hopefully this chapter was enough to entertain you. If not, you can tell me why, and I'll be sure to improve it.

Read and Review.
