Once again, I don't own any of these awesome characters. TBC are the brains behind them, all I did was type a storyline up. The characters in this story are all interpreted in my own way. They are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to non-fictional stuff is entirely coincidental.

The unseen sun shined down on the lush fields of FCUSA. It was early in the afternoon, and as usual not a single cloud hung in the two toned sky. All in all, it was a very average day. Strong Sad was hanging upside down from a tree while The Cheat and Strong Bad disposed of a bag of ropes and pulleys. Strong Mad was sitting in his bedroom finger painting the backdrop for his next dinosaur claymation. Coach Z was- well, in his locker room. Everybody was busily doing what they do best, except for Homestar Runner.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! The alarm clock on Homestar's nightstand screeched piercingly until a pillow flew into it and knocked it to the floor. Homestar sat up in bed, bleary eyed and cinnamon covered. He glanced around the room.

"Wow, I didn't know it was daylight savews time yet. Suwe is bwight out this mowning." He remarked. Then he yawned and climbed out of bed.

He threw the pillow back on his bed and was just setting the alarm clock on the nightstand when he took notice of the time. "Thwee o' clock! I didn't set it fow thwee o' clock! Holy cwap!" He dashed out of the room.

A minute later he came bursting out the front door and sprinted off in the direction of Marshmallow's Last Stand. "I hope Marzipan is still thewe." He panted. When he drew close enough he saw a flash of yellow hair through the window. "Whew! That was close." He hurried to the door.

"Marzipa- oof…" He backed up and opened the glass door. "Marzipan! You'll nevew believe what happened."

Marzipan regarded Homestar sternly. "It better be a good one this time. I'm just glad I decided to come twenty minutes late, or I would have been sitting here for over an hour like last time."

"Oh this is a good one." Homestar assured, taking his seat across from her.

"Well?" Marzipan inquired, sipping her herbal tea.

"Huh? Oh yeah wight… so I was wunning ovew hewe because my alawm clock went off late, and I saw the weiwdest thing. Stwong Sad was climbing a twee!"

"A… tree?" Marzipan set down her cup. "Really. And that's your excuse?"

"Oh you wanted an excuse? I thought you just wanted to heaw a stowy. I don't have an excuse." Homestar explained.

"I see. Well that's it, we're breakin' up." Marzipan stood and made for the door.

"Does this mean I have to give back that Public Wadio tote bag you gave me?" Homestar wondered.

Marzipan paused and turned around. "Homestar, I never gave you that totebag. I never even got that totebag."

There was a pregnant pause. Then he said, "Well… I gotta go, um… do my taxes on Stwong Bad's adding machine. See ya!" And with that, Homestar brushed past Marzipan and slipped out the door.

As he jogged away, he got the strangest feeling that something wasn't the way it should be. Being Homestar though, he shrugged it off and kept on his merry way to the Stick. He looked around but no one appeared to be interested in hanging out at the Stick today. "I wonder if everyone is gone because of that mystewious white spot in the sky." Homestar scrutinized the blue expanse. A white blotch hung ominously above him like someone had taken an eraser and rubbed out the sky's color. He pulled his gaze back to the ground and was startled to see Strong Bad, The Cheat, and Strong Mad standing in front of him. "Whoa. How long have you guys been standing thewe?"

"About five minutes, captain ignoramus. Is your power out too?" Strong Bad asked.

"Um… oh hey look here comes Pom Pom and Coach Z." Homestar abruptly switched his focus of attention. Actually, everyone in FCUSA appeared to be gathering around the stick. The only resident Homestar didn't see was Marzipan. Even Strong Sad had apparently found his way out of the tree. "I think someone fowgot to invite Marzipan." Homestar noted.

"You idiot, this isn't a freakin party. We're here because something serious is going on." Strong Bad replied angrily.

Homestar began to respond, but Pom Pom bubbled and pointed, silencing the nervous chatter of the crowd. Homestar turned around and saw a very familiar sight. A tear had opened in the air, and someone… or something… was emerging from it.

"Oh no, not again." Homestar blurted out.

The figure straightened itself and regarded his audience with black beady eyes. He was wearing a khaki trench coat and a wide brimmed hat, and commanded an imposing presence. He turned to face Homestar. "Don't worry, my friend. I'm here to help. That last trip you took was purely an accident. My apologies."

"Who the crap are you?" Strong Bad demanded.

The stranger removed his hat with an unseen arm. "I am Homeschool Winner. I have returned to bring you a warning… and perhaps a means of escape."