Hello, everyone!!! Okay, it's been two and a half years since I updated this fic…wow…pretty freaking long. All I can say is, life happened, and my story unfortunately took a backseat to it. But I couldn't abandon it, not after so many people asked for the end…so here it is, FINALLY!

BY the way, its SUPER long…so just so you know, it's quite a read :)

Mushroom Kingdom…3:45 A.M.

Luigi ran, ran as fast as he could toward the train station…sweat dripped from his forehead, and his legs ached from exhaustion. His body was giving all that it could, and adrenaline rushed through his veins, both from physical effort and from nerves. He had no idea what it was he was going to do…or if there was even anything that COULD be done by now…but he knew ONE thing…

The love of his life was walking out of his life, and he wasn't going lose her without a fight.

The Mushroom Kingdom Train Station…4:00 A.M.


The loudspeakers in the train station echoed loud and coldly, with a metallic feel in their sound. Or at least, that's how it appeared to Princess Daisy, as she stood near the train platform, distressed and panicked about her next move.

What do I do? Oh God, what do I do now…do I leave?…No, no, I should go back. It was my fault…yes, it was all my fault. I shouldn't have ignored him at the reception, I should have at least said goodbye…He would never forgive me now…but…perhaps…Luigi…no…

Daisy's thoughts were in a frenzy, and in her state, she didn't realize she was the only passenger left to board the train. She passed the platform back and forth, unsure of what to do…go back, run back, or leave. Forever.

But I admit…to myself…I am so stubborn…so, so stubborn. And look where it's gotten me…heartache…only this time, the hurt, the pain…are unbearable…


Luigi was almost there…Peach's Castle was quite a way off from the train station, and Luigi's energy was nearly depleted…but still, he ran on.

However, as he ran, horrible thoughts began to fill his mind…

Who are you kidding here, Luigi? She called you a cheapskate. There is NO way she wants you back. She didn't even make an effort to TALK to you during the reception…

Luigi's pace slowed down considerably. A shiver of fear ran down his spine…

And after all, seriously, ha, just who do you think you are? You think you're someone? Anyone at all? You're mistaken…you don't DESERVE to love!

At this Luigi stopped dead in his tracks.

Panting, he wiped the sweat from his brow.

But no…

Luigi thought, and in a state of unforeseen determination, began the final sprint


Back in the Train Station

"Excuse me, Princess?"

Daisy looked up, as if in a daze

Before her stood a security guard, looking a bit concerned.

"I hate to intrude, Princess, but the train just about to leave. You must board now if you wish to catch the ride to Kingdom Sarasaland, or else I'm afraid we will have to make the trip without you. However, if you wish to arrange a later trip, I can always do that for you…"

The security guard said, a bit preoccupied with how troubled the Princess looked.

Daisy sighed, and took a long breath to collect herself. She looked around. On board, she could see several passengers staring at her, some, with curiosity, others, with a look of annoyance at being held up.

She turned around to look at Mushroom Kingdom, which was enveloped in darkness.

There was no trace of Luigi. A lone tear slid down Daisy's cheek…

"Princess?...Are you alright?"

Asked the security guard, now genuinely concerned for the sovereign.

Daisy nodded, holding back tears with tremendous effort

"Yes…yes, I'm fine…"

"Will you be boarding this train?"

The security guard asked

Daisy hesitated, but then answered firmly


Back with Luigi

Luigi ran the final mile, full of determination. He could see the train station now, straight ahead. He panted with exhaustion, but made it to the train station…

He looked around, and his heart dropped

The train, the train carrying Princess Daisy, could be seen about a mile down the train tack, slowly gaining momentum….

She was gone…

Luigi laughed derisively, with two tears sliding down his checks.

All that effort, all that effort for nothing. God, I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have even tried

Luigi thought. But suddenly, he had a visit from two old friends of his

BRAIN: Hello, remember moi?


What the HEY?!?!?! Thought Luigi.

BRAIN: So normally me and this guy tend to disagree on many things…but this time, we FINALLY agree on something

INSTINCT: You ARE an idiot

The heck?!?!?

BRAIN: You see, Luigi, not even trying is pretty much the synonym for being dead. When you're dead, you don't feel anything. No pain, of course, but also, no love or happiness

INSTINCT: And what sort of life is that? To live on without the very substance that makes life worth living, you might as well be dead. To obtain joy, you must always have two things present in your heart: hope, primarily, and courage

BRAIN: And right now, you have neither

INSTINCT: Nobody said that life wasn't going to hurt, Luigi. All people said was to have faith. Faith that no matter how bad things get, no matter how hopeless things seem, everything will always turn out for the best .

BRAIN: Of course, you have to put in some effort too…so will you?


Luigi gasped, his strength and focus coming back to him. He had had an epiphany, and the voices were right…

"I WILL!!!!!"

And with that, Luigi ran towards the train, which was pretty far by now, going faster and faster every minute.

But Luigi was faster. Like a lightening bolt, he dashed towards the train, a green streak of light barely visible against the darkness of the night. Having caught up to it, he did something which even Mario, in his strongest moments, would probably have never attempted.

He grabbed on to the back railing of the train and pulled with superhuman strength that he had never in his life possessed before. But then again, he had never possessed so strong a love. Grunting, he dug his feet into the tracks and held on, attempting the impossible, to stop a train in motion

The train instantly began to slow down and to emit enormous puffs of smoke. The engine groaned loudly.

Inside, people were pretty panicked

"What in blazes?!?!?!"

"Mom, I'm scared!"

"Hey Conductor, what's going on?"

The passengers were in a flurry, including Princess Daisy.

The train finally came to a stop. Luigi felt like he had developed a hernia.


The train conductor shouted, as he stepped angrily off the train. Back in the train station, a hoard of policemen could be seen running down the tracks.


Luigi shouted, running amongst the train cars.

At this, Daisy gasped. She looked out the window, and saw Luigi, maniacally running back and forth.


"PRINCESS Daisy to you, sir. And I'm sure the Princess would not care to associate herself wit the likes of YOU. Gentlemen, take this ruffian away!" The train conductor shouted at the policemen, who had just caught up with Luigi. Gruffly, they apprehended him.

"NO!! I NEED TO SPEAK TO DAISY!! PLEASE…PLEASE.!!!" Luigi shouted, struggling to get free


Everyone stared at the strong voice that was heard from behind the chaos. There, with a firm stance, stood Daisy. In surprise, the policemen loosened their hold on Luigi, and he broke free, and scampered towards Daisy.

"Daisy…I…I…I LOVE YOU."

Lugi said, faltering at first, but then speaking in the strongest, firmest tone he had ever used.

Daisy's eyes popped opened, and she walked closer to Luigi.

"If I ever hurt you, know that I can never apologize enough for having done so. I'm just a man, Daisy, and a far-from perfect man at that. But in all my imperfection, I know one thing. Heaven sent me an angel, when I thought my life was a living hell. And coward as I may be, I'm not going to let that angel get away " Luigi stopped, and moved towards Daisy…he grabbed her hand. But before he could go on, Daisy, barely who had barely been able to hold back her tears, burst out saying

"Oh, LUIGI!!! You did this…you came here…you stopped this TRAIN…for a foolish, headstrong, and stubborn princess as me? After the way I treated you…after all that I did to you…and yet you still love me? Luigi…I love you…but I don't deserve you"

Daisy said, barely understandable as she tried to talk while crying

Luigi grabbed her waist, and held her lovingly. He looked her straight in the eyes, and said:

"All that proves that you're only human, like me. Nobody is perfect. I will always be a sensitive, jumpy, schizophrenic man" said Luigi, half laughing by now "And you, a strong, determined woman. And I love you just the way you are…and now I ask you…"

Luigi took a deep breath, and clutched Daisy tighter

"Do you want to be with me now, and spend the rest of our lives together?"

There was silence. The train conductor stared, the policemen stared, even the passengers stared in awe. Nobody minded being delayed now…

Daisy, in a moment of joy, smiled suddenly, and shouted:

"YES!!! I do, Luigi, I DO!!!"

And with that, she leaned in and kissed him, and everybody in the scene cheered and clapped as the lovers exchanged one true kiss of love, under the magical cover of the night.


"Hurry up, Daisay! You're gonna be late!"

"I know, I KNOW!!! Stop rushing me, you know how I get if I'm rushed!!!"

Daisy was finishing putting on her heels, and stood up, radiant in her wedding dress. She smiled, a smile full of happiness and exuberance, and walked towards Peach.

"Well, after all, this is probably THE biggest day in your life…you wouldn't want to be late for THAT, right?" Peach said, grinning joyfully

"No, of course not…I'm just so HAPPY, I don't know what to do! How do I look?!"

"Absolutely stunning! Come on, let's get going! The whole Mushroom Kingdom, plus the entirety of Sarasaland, is waiting!"

And with that, the two princesses rushed out the door


Luigi was already standing at the altar, Mario right next to him…

Luigi was looking sharp, with his hair sleeked back, his mustache perfectly groomed, and dressed in an elegant white tux.

"Nervous, bro?" whispered Mario covertly

"Not any more than I was when I saw Daisy's stylist standing outside my mansion this morning"

Laughed Luigi. He turned and looked at Leo, who gave him a flamboyant wink.

Luigi coughed and looked away immediately

"Well, Luigi, all I can say is, I'm so happy for you…you were really brave, brother…And you see, life does turn out for the better"

"Now I know it does" Smiled Luigi

Suddenly, organ music started playing, and everyone in the crowd (which was immense) stood up

Luigi stared, and was instantly mesmerized when he saw the beauty that was walking down the aisle. Daisy's hair was tied back in a simple ponytail (she had absolutely REFUSED to have it done otherwise) And her make up was simple yet beautiful…her eyes were painted a light gold, with luscious lashes, rosy cheeks, and a light golden lipstick.

Daisy's Father, King of Sarasaland, smiled, kissed his daughter, and took a seat.

Daisy walked up to the altar, where the minister began to speak

"Brothers and Sisters, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Her Most Highest Sovereign, Princess Daisy, with Luigi Mario…"

After the normal wedding proceedings were done, and it was time for the bride and groom to exchange rings, Luigi took his ring, and laughingly, asked Daisy

"Daisy, I'm going to make this short and sweet. I promise that, despite my many shortcoming, I will accept and love you just the way you are, and do my best to be the best husband I can be" He placed the ring on her hand

Daisy, smiling, said

"Same here. I promise to love you, and to be the best woman I can for you, despite my faults, which are many. But always be sure that I will love you" And with that, she placed the ring on his hand

The minister turned to Luigi and said

"Luigi Mario, do you take this woman, Princess Daisy, as your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, in health and sickness, and through richness and poverty?"

"I do"

"And do you Princess Daisy, take this man, as your lawfully wedded man, for better or worse, in health and sickness, and through richness and poverty?"

"I do"

"If there is anyone here that knows why this marriage should not be done about, speak now or forever hold your peace"

There was silence…Mario had made sure Bowser wouldn't ruin this one

The minister smiled

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the Bride"

Luigi, radiant, took off her veil, and he and Daisy united their lives through a wonderful, passionate, loving kiss.

The whole crowd cheered mightily, and Luigi and Daisy, laughing with joy, scampered down the aisle, ready to begin their new lives.

Mushroom Kingdom…The Grand Palace Garden … 3:15 A.M.

Luigi and Mario stood by themselves, off in a corner…Daisy and Peach were laughing and crying and saying good-bye over and over, like typical females

"Well bro, all I can say is that I'm going to miss sneaking into your mansion and scaring the living daylights out of you…."

Mario said, trying to repress a few tears

"Now don't tell me that my big brother Mario, the undisputable hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, is getting teary! Wow, for once, it's not me who's crying"

Laughed Luigi, hugging Mario

"Hey, don't disparage my masculinity, bro. But with you moving to Sarasaland now, well…life just ain't gonna be the same around here"

Grinned Mario, albeit a little sadly

"Well, even though I AM moving to Sarasaland now, I'm going to be in The Kingdom a lot. We'll be tighter than ever! You're my bro, after all…besides"

said Luigi, lowering his voice…

"I have a feeling that you and Peach are going to have a LOT to be thinking about over the next few months"

Luigi said slyly

"Perhaps…a little someone?"

Mario gasped loudly, his eyes popping out incredulously

"How did YOU know!!!??? We hadn't told anyone yet!!!"

"I borrowed your Spy Ear"

Laughed Luigi

Mario stared, dumbfounded, then laughed as well

"Ah, you little devil!"

"Little? Look who's speaking!!!"

"Luigi!!! Time to go!!!"

Shouted Daisy from the foyer of the house. The couple was headed to Beanbean Kingdom for their honeymoon

"Coming!!!" Luigi shouted

He then hugged Mario

"Take care, bro. See you soon!"

"Bye Luigi!!! Have a good time!!! We'll expect you at the castle after the honeymoon!"

Luigi ran off to join Daisy, and they entered the chariot in which they were to ride off in

"Bye Luigi! Bye Daisy!!!"

Yelled Peach, crying from excitement, as she and Mario stood, hand in hand, watching the couple ride off

"BYE!!!! See you in Two months!!!!"

Yelled Luigi and Daisy, and Mario and Peach faded from sight.

Luigi sighed, and settled into the chariot. He looked at Daisy, who was beaming, her face tear stained, not from sadness, but out of pure contentment.

"So…happy, Daisy?"

Asked Luigi, as he took her hand in his

"You know I am…so, so very much"

"Happy to have married this weird, yet strangely dazzling man?"

Grinned Luigi, moving closer to her. Daisy laughed, and placed her hands in Luigi's shoulder

"And happy to have married this domineering, yet perfectly splendid Princess?"

Cooed Daisy, as the newlyweds moved even closer together

"You know I am…so very, very, very much"

And with that, the pair shared a sweet kiss, as the chariot moved on, away from the Kingdom that had seen so much, which had shared so much of their lives, and onto the realm of their new beginning.


Okay, so it's been a while, of course, but the important thing is, I came and finished it.

SORRY that it freaking took forever!!!

I don't know when I'll be writing more stories (I am in college now, after all), but hey, who knows!

Anyways, comment!!!

Love you all!!

Lady Nintendo