Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Hey! This is my first time writing here in fanfic so don't expect much! I accept flames! Please read & review!

"Come on Tenten!" A girl with waist-length pink hair and emerald orbs said.

"NO!" The girl named Tenten shouted obviously ticked off.

"But Tenten! Tomorrow is the first day of school we need a new wardrobe!" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes insisted.

"Then go to the mall together! You don't need me in the mall!" Tenten shouted.

"Ino and I want you to come with us because obviously you also need a new wardrobe" The girl with emerald eyes said

"Sakura! You and Ino know that I hate going to the mall and plus I don't care if I don't have a new wardrobe since I have nobody to look good for!" Tenten said letting an exasperated sigh out.

"Tenten you said that when we were like 12 now we're 18 already so you obviously need to change" Ino said pointing at her.

"But I don't want to change okay! I'm fine the way I am!" Tenten said.

"You obviously need to see a doctor I mean look at you!" Sakura exclaimed.

Tenten rubbed her temples this was obviously a stupid argument and she was now getting very annoyed.

"Fine I'll go with you but I am not going to buy anything and you can't force me Also I am not going to have a makeover!" Tenten said glaring at the two girls in front of her.

She has absolutely no idea how she ever became best friends with them maybe because they were the exact opposite. They were girl while she acted unlike a girl. They're pretty while she was fairly beautiful. Well that was her opinion anyways. She is beautiful if she just shows it but she doesn't. She hates wearing tight fitting, revealing, hanging clothes that normal girls wear nope she's the exact opposite.

She loves sports especially weapon throwing, archery and soccer and others. The exact opposite of the normal sports girls like.

She sighed, "Well?"

"Fine! But you'll still go with us!" Sakura said sternly.

Tenten looked at herself for a moment. "Yeah I know but I have to take a bath first" Tenten said. "Sure" They chorused. "We'll wait for you in the Fire House café" Ino said and waved goodbye with Sakura. "Yeah sure" Tenten muttered and started to walk towards home.

Tenten then stopped at a large mansion-like house. "Home sweet home" She mumbled sarcasticly. She entered the house and as usual her parents were nowhere in sight 'Typical' She thought solemnly. She shook her head and ran to her room.

After she took a bath, she looked at herself in the mirror. Chocolate brown eyes staring right back at her. She sighed and started to brush her amber tresses. 'Why did I ever agree to go with them' she thought. "That's right they were annoying me' she thought answering her own question. She started to put her hair up into her usual buns. She smiled to herself when she started to remember Ino's successful love life with Nara Shikamaru one of the hottest guys in school. But then her smile faded when she thought about Sakura's love life 'Uchiha Sasuke' she thought angrily. That boy always rejected Sakura with no pity what so ever. He's a cold bastard she would always say. But Sakura would never give up on him.

She once aid that she already loved him but I guess that point of view changed when she finally had enough of his rejections. But Tenten knows she still love him. She sighed.

She stood up and walked to her closet. She got a loose black shirt with the word 'devil' imprinted on it in white. She then put on blue baggy pants. Don't get her wrong she has a lot of beautiful clothes that her parent's buy her but they're all way back in her closet. "Well I'm ready" she said to nobody in particular.

"Hey Sakura, Ino!" Tenten greeted happily.

"Hey Tenten" They said in unison.

"Let's go then to the mall!" Ino said excitedly.

Tenten groaned "Tenten you promised!"

"I know I know" Tenten muttered.

Sakura and Ino then started to drag poor Tenten to different stores until they could barely carry anything anymore. "Why don't we go to the food court first?" Sakura suggested.

"THANK YOU" Tenten said in relief obviously tired from all that dragging.

On their way to the food court Sakura and Ino started to babble about things that Tenten didn't listen to since she was kinda spacing out. 'I wonder what club I'll join this year?' She thought unaware of the person in front of her. "Sorry" She mumbled bumping into someone. She looked up and saw a pair of snow white eyes gazing at her. "Watch where you're going" He said coldly but rudely. Tenten glared at him "It's not my fault you know if you've been watching where you're going this won't happen" Tenten said angrily. The guy was a bit startled by her sudden outburst but still kept collected. 'She sure is different' he thought. "If you weren't day dreaming then this wouldn't happen also" He said coldly before leaving "White-eyed jerk" She muttered.

"Hey, Tenten who was that?" Sakura asked curiously.

"He was kinda cute" Ino said

"Ino you already have Shikamaru" Tenten said

"I didn't say that I like him" Ino said

"Anyways, Tenten maybe he's the one for you" Sakura said giddily

Tenten grimaced "No way, he's too cold and rude for me besides I have no time for love"

"Come on Tenten, maybe he is the one" Ino said

"Yeah right. A white-eyed jerk that is cold and ruthless is right for me" Tenten spoke sarcasticly.

"Fine but he still looks good with you and there's always time for love" Sakura lectured

"Yeah!" Ino agreed

"Great you're teaming up on me again" Tenten mumbled

Sakura and Ino laughed "We always win don't we?" Sakura teased.

Tenten laughed "I guess" She said.

"Come on let's go already" Ino said. "Sure"

"But really Tenten he really is cute" Ino said. "I guess" Tenten said. She was right he was pretty cute but he's real cold and rude. But something attracted her about him. Tenten shrugged. "Hey Tenten do you think well do you think Sasuke changed already?" Sakura asked uncertainly. Tenten tensed "What do you mean?" Tenten asked. "Nothing" Sakura said. Ino looked at her with concern "Don't tell me" Ino said. Sakura nodded. Tenten sighed "you sure?" Tenten asked. "Yup" Sakura said. "Fine suit yourself" Tenten said. Sakura smiled and mumbled a small thanks. 'She still really loves him' Tenten thought. Anyways it's her life anyways she has no right anymore she just has to hope that this time she won't be rejected anymore. Tenten smiled at Sakura's courage. She still won't give up on him even though she's already hurting inside.


Thanks for reading!