Wow, my first drabble...this is a drabble, right? Oh funf, who cares? Just enjoy—at a price of course! That'll be one review please!

Life: Sun Rises, Sun Sets

"So is it rising or is it setting?"

"Both. See, it all depends on how you look at it, luv."

"What y' mean, Jack?"

"We've been over this, Ana," the pirate captain sighed exasperatedly. There shouldn't be this much confusion over a simple pirate tattoo. Anamaria only blinked in response. Jack rolled his kohl-rimmed eyes. "Fine. The way I see it, when I got it, the sun was setting on my old life, and was rising on my life as a pirate. The sparrow flies toward it, as I've said earlier, to begin a new life and leave behind the old. Got it now?"

Ana blinked. "Are all pirate tattoos this confusing?" she teased. Jack groaned and touched a knuckle to his forehead.

"Fine, y'know what—forget it. I have a ship to captain." And with that, he strode out, and went straight to the helm of his beloved ship, giving it the usual loving caress as he took it into his fond 'embrace'.

This is life: the sun will set on some parts only to rise on others. Such was the thinking of a certain Captain Jack Sparrow.