Here it is! The final chapter! You'll have to enjoy this while I take time off to plot and plan my next fic.

Althea walked out and looked at the author. "Plot and plan? Who are you kidding?"

Quiet you.

"Everybody knows all you're going to do is just write the first thing that comes into your tiny brain," Althea continued. "Not that there's much room in there. Too bad you can't store ideas in your hips huh?"


"Okay shutting up now," Althea gulped and ran off.

Okay now that that's settled. Here it is folks, what you've all been waiting for…

End of The Line

"Wolverine I told you it was an accident!" Forge pleaded. "Now please put the claws away!"

"I will when you get your butt back down here!" Logan roared. Forge had somehow managed to climb onto the roof of the Institute.

"NO WAY!" Forge yelled.

"Forge you can't stay up there forever," Logan shouted.


"I can always send Storm or Wings up there to get ya you know?" Logan growled.

"Leave us out of this," Warren told him. "I've got ten bucks saying that he can stay up there until midnight." By now a small crowd of the Institute's remaining residents as well as the remaining Misfits were gathered around watching the sight.

"Nah five will get you ten he'll fall before that," Tabitha said.

"I could always get him," Rogue volunteered. "But to be honest right now it's more fun watching him squirm."

"One thing about this," Ray remarked. "He can't get out of climbing the rope in Danger Room practice again."

"Yeah the last time I saw anything climb that fast was a squirrel was running from our pack of hound dogs back home," Sam admitted.


"NO! YOU'LL KILL ME!" Forge pleaded.

"Aw come on Forge," Dead Girl called out. "Being dead isn't that bad. Trust me on this!"

"You are not helping, Dead Girl!" Ororo groaned. "No one is going to kill you Forge."

"Wanna bet?" Tabitha quipped.

"Tabitha!" Ororo snapped. "Forge you know we won't let Logan kill you."

"That's because he promised the rest of us a shot," Fred nodded.

"Yeah!" Arcade called out.

"I could probably get him from down here," Shane aimed with his fingers. "Just one good shot…."

"Shooter!" Ororo snapped.

"I ain't gonna kill him!" Shooter defended. "Just let me blast his kneecaps a little."

"Do it," Logan ordered.

"NO!" Ororo pushed Shane's hands down before he could do anything.

"She's right Shooter," Shipwreck said. "What were you thinking? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get bloodstains off a roof?"

"He's right," Logan grumbled. "It's not easy."

"I don't even want to know how you two know that," Ororo groaned.

"Well knowing is..." Fred began.

"BLOB!" Ororo snapped.

"Maybe he'll just jump and go splat on the lawn," Jamie said.

"That is not going to happen," Ororo told him.

"I dunno," Logan said. "Sounds like that would be the solution of all our problems!"

"LOGAN!" Ororo turned on him.

"It would make life a lot easier around here," Sam agreed. "Think about it, no more crazy inventions..."

"Fewer explosions," Angelica added.

"It would certainly cut down on the medical bills around here," Lina remarked.

"That's another good reason," Fred agreed. "More bandages for the rest of us."

"Gambit claims dibs on his room," Remy said.

"It's nice to know people care about me!" Forge yelled.

"Well it's kind of hard when you keep zapping our friends into other dimensions!" Rogue snapped. "It's not like this isn't the first time you've done it either!"

"It'll be the last I'm telling you that!" Fred made a fist and smacked it into his palm.

"Maybe I should jump?" Forge gulped.

"Jump! Jump!" Xi called out.

"XI!" Ororo snapped.

"I wanna see him go splat," Xi answered truthfully.

"I gotta admit so do I," Logan said.

"Don't encourage him!" Ororo snapped.

"Okay, I'll encourage him," Fred said. "JUMP! JUMP!"

"BLOB!" Ororo shouted. She put her hand on her head and closed her eyes as if she was getting a migraine that would make her brain explode. "Of all the afternoons for the Professor to go visit his lawyers..."

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" More students chanted.

"Might as well Jump! Jump!" Shipwreck sang out.

"And why did Roadblock volunteer to drive him?" Ororo rolled her eyes.

Just then she heard the beeping of a car horn. "Thank the Goddess!" She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Roadblock driving up with the Professor in the limo.

"What in the world is going on now?" Roadblock asked as he parked the limo. "And why is Forge on the roof?"

"I am afraid we are about to find out," Xavier told him.

"JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!" Several students were chanting.

"Will you knock it off?" Ororo shouted at them. "YOU TOO LOGAN!"

"Dare I ask what happened this time?" Xavier sighed as he made his way to Ororo and the others.

"Forge made some kind of dimension traveling device and sent Beast, Scott, Jean, Kitty, the Elf and some of the Misfits to who knows where!" Logan told him.

"Needless to say some of us are not exactly happy with the situation," Rogue folded her arms.

"That's why Forge is on the roof," Tabitha explained.

"It never fails," Xavier sighed. "I go away for any amount of time and something happens!"


"No one is going to kill you Forge," Xavier called out to him.

"He could always jump and fall to his death," Xi said casually.

"That is not going to happen Xi!" Xavier snapped. "Warren if you don't mind could you…?"

"Oh all right I'll get him," Warren shed his coat revealing his wings and flew up to retrieve Forge.

"Now," Xavier sighed. "Shouldn't you all be focusing your energies on finding the others instead of tormenting Forge? Or placing bets?"

"How did you know about that?" Roberto asked. He was holding money in his hand. "Oh right…"

"Trinity had made a copy of the do hickey and took off after them," Shipwreck told him.

"And you just let them do that?" Xavier was shocked.

"Well it's not like we could have just taken off after the kids," Shipwreck grunted. "I mean it is another dimension we're talking about."

"Under the circumstances tormenting Forge was about the only thing we could do," Rina explained.

"I see," Xavier sighed. "No wonder he's up on the roof."

At that moment he was still on the roof, holding onto a spire with all his might as Warren tried to pull him off. "NO! NO! NO! I WON'T GO DOWN!" Forge screamed as he struggled to stay where he was. "THEY'LL KILL ME!"

"Forge will you calm down?" Warren snapped as he tried to pull him down. "No one will kill you! They'll probably just make you do some Danger Room workouts…"

"Like I said! They'll kill me!" Forge screamed.

Just then there was a flash of light. All the missing mutants appeared amidst the other X-Men and Misfits. "Are we home?" Kurt moaned. "Are we really home?"

"Well let's see," Todd looked around. "Everybody seems to be here, there are no Sentinels, zombies, telepathic penguins, giant snails or unicorns and Forge is freaking out on the roof. Yeah we're home."

"You're back!" Rogue breathed a sigh of relief as the other mutants gathered around to welcome their team mates back.

"Telepathic penguins?" Tabitha blinked.

"Giant snails?" Rahne asked.

"Unicorns?" Paige asked.

"Don't ask," Kurt moaned. "Please, don't ask!"

"I take it your trip was an interesting one," Xavier raised an eyebrow.

"Interesting is not the word for what we went through," Pietro groaned. "Total disaster maybe. Complete nightmare is another one…"

"Those are two words Pietro," Lance said. "Actually I have more than a few words to say to Forge whenever he comes down."

"If he ever comes down," Xi remarked as Forge was still hanging on for dear life.

"I know you said not to ask but what happened?" Rina asked.

"Uh well," Scott gulped. "We had a few little incidents…"

"Do I want to know?" Xavier sighed.

"No, but you'd better," Scott told him. "I think you'd better call General Hawk to listen in on this."

"And get a stiff drink while you're at it," Hank told him. "Trust me Charles you are going to need it. We…have a little situation."

"A situation?" Logan asked. "What kind of situation?"

"A situation where you end up saving all realties and universes but you kind of end up letting a bad guy loose in the process," Todd told him. "Which I would like to point out was totally not our fault and it was the only thing that could have been done to save everybody in the first place so really…"

"Which bad guy?" Logan interrupted him. All the travelers looked at each other, reluctant to answer him. "Come on, who?"

"Uh…" Scott gulped. "Apocalypse."

"Apocalypse?" Logan's jaw dropped. "He's back?"

"You let Apocalypse loose in this world?" Xavier asked. "He's free?"

"Technically we let loose 11 Apocalypses into 11 worlds," Hank coughed. "Originally there were thirteen of them, but…"

"Never mind!" Logan held up his hand. "Save it for the briefing! First let's call General Hawk…And Nick Fury…and get that drink."

"Better make it a double," Hank told him as they went inside the mansion. "Fury's not going to be happy about this!"

"When is he ever happy about anything we tell him?" Logan asked as most of the others followed him in.

"No wonder Bishop didn't want to come back with us," Althea agreed.

"Yeah you know when a guy would rather be stuck in a dimensional hole with a lunatic than come home with us it's not a good thing," Todd remarked.

Lance and Kitty remained behind. They looked at each other. "We need to talk," Lance said.

"Yeah we really do," Kitty sighed. "This trip kind of showed us a few things."

"A lot of things."

"Saw some sides of you I never saw before."

"Yeah well the same goes for you," Lance gave a bitter laugh.

"What do you mean?" Kitty asked.

"What do you mean 'What do I mean'?" Lance asked harshly. "I am sick of being the only one trying in this relationship!"

"You're trying?" Kitty snapped back. "Well that's news to me! What do you think I've been doing? I try to understand you! I really do! I've been patient waiting for you to change but you hardly…"

"Me? What about you?" Lance asked. "You know I'm not the only one with flaws you know?"

"Lance you gotta admit you have a pretty dangerous temper!"

"Me? Refresh my memory Kitty but which one of us got in not one, but two fights with herself?"

"Yeah, but when I lose my temper I don't destroy entire buildings!"

"That's the nature of my powers Kitty! I can't help that! Well not sometimes! But you gotta admit you do your fair share of damage too! And that's what really annoys me about you! I mean you pick on me for any and every little thing but when it comes to your problems…"

"My problems? It's your problems that usually cause all the trouble!"

"And what problems do you mean?"

"You're reckless, you're immature…"

"I'm immature?" Lance threw up his hands. "Look who's talking! You're a spoiled princess who complains when things don't go her way!"

"That was really hurtful Lance," Kitty fumed, tears welling in her eyes.

"Like you never hurt me? I gotta know something. Why do you love me Kitty?" Lance asked.

"What do you mean why?"

"Just what I said. Why? Why do you love me?"

"Why do you need to know…?"

"I need to know the reasons," Lance told her. "Humor me." She just looked at him. "You can just give any reason you know? It doesn't have to be in order or anything!"

"Well…You can be nice sometimes," Kitty said. "You do have that whole rebel thing going for you. You can be kind of cute."

"Okay, go on."

"Well you can be considerate when you want to be," Kitty fumbled. "I…I don't really know. I guess I just find you attractive."

"So basically you like me because of my looks?"

"That's not what I said…" Kitty told him. "You're jumping to conclusions which you do a lot! And I don't find that attractive. Along with your tendency to make everything about you!"

"I do not make everything about me!"

"Oh yes you do! It's either got to be your way or nothing!" Kitty snapped.

"And you never do that?" Lance looked at her.

"Maybe I do but you have to admit you have a lot of problems Lance! And they're not exactly easy to overlook!"

"So all are problems are caused by me? Even though you're the one who runs around with Peter every time I turn around?"

"Don't be stupid, Lance that's not what I said…"

"Oh now I'm stupid…"

"You've always been stupid Lance!" Kitty shouted.

"Obviously since all I have been doing is putting up with your crap all these years!" Lance shouted back. "That's it! No more! We are through!"

"Fine!" Kitty yelled back.

"I mean it this time Kitty!" Lance said.

"Suits me!" Kitty snapped. "I could do without the craziness and the earthquakes in my life!"

"I can do without your whining, your nagging…" Lance snarled. "Your constantly trying to make me into something I'm not! You didn't learn a damn thing at all did you?"

"I learned that being around you is a mistake!" Kitty shouted.

Both were shocked by the admission. They stood silent for several moments. "Lance…I didn't mean that," Kitty finally said.

"I think you did," Lance said coldly.

"Lance…" Kitty sighed walking towards him.

"No…" Lance backed away. "Don't…Don't make me…"

"Lance listen…I didn't mean it…"


"Well mostly…" Kitty admitted. "Maybe we should have broken up a long time ago. But we kept dragging it out because…I don't know. Neither one of us wanted to let go of something…familiar."

"Familiar?" Lance asked. "You mean like a pair of jeans or something? That's what our relationship is? Something just to fall back on if something else doesn't work?"

"I…I don't really know."

Lance glared at her several moments before speaking. "So what you are saying is that I have wasted the past several years loving someone who really didn't give a damn about me. Someone who was more interested in stroking her own ego by having a couple of guys follow her around like lovesick puppy dogs than having a real relationship!"

"Now that is not fair!" Kitty shouted.

"Not fair? You want to know what's not fair?" Lance shouted. "What's not fair is how I was treated by you! I have done everything and I mean everything to get you to love me! I've tried joining the X-Men. I've neglected my homework writing you songs and stupid love poems. I have done a million and one stupid things in order for you to notice me. But have you ever done anything for me? Anything at all?"

"Yes I have!" Kitty shouted. "I've had to defend you time and time again to my friends…"

"Like you're the only one who's had to do that!" Lance yelled back. "You're not exactly an easy sell you know? Between your lousy cooking, your driving, your temper…"

"That is it! We are so through Lance!"

"You bet we are because I just dumped you!"

"You did not…"

"Oh yes I did! Now hear this! I, Lance Alvers have officially dumped Kitty Pryde for the last and final time!"

"You mean first time Lance," Kitty snapped.

"You're right!" Lance shouted back. "I've always let you pull the strings but no more! I'm through being your puppet!"

"Oh yeah like I could really control you!" Kitty snapped. "Don't you dare be so judgmental of me Lance! The only reason you've hung on this long to our relationship was because of that stupid rivalry with Peter!"

"A rivalry you seemed to enjoy pretty much if I recall!"

"You never cared about my feelings! Either of you! Like I was some sort of prize!"

"Prize? You?" Lance got in her face. "I'm going to say a quote I think sizes up my feelings perfectly…WHAT CONTEST IN HELL DID I WIN?"

"HOW ABOUT LOSER OF THE YEAR!" Kitty shouted back.


"I don't know what the hell I ever saw in you," Kitty growled.

"The feeling's mutual Pryde!" Lance snarled. "My life is going to be so much better off without you!"

"Your life? My life is going to be ten times better than yours!" Kitty shouted.

"Oh that's right you're going to be Mayor of Chicago," Lance mocked. "And you're going to go off into the sunset with Tin Man and live in a white house with a picket fence…That is if he doesn't go gay first!"

"No you're going to go gay first!" Kitty mocked back.

"You wish!" Lance snorted.

"Then you're going to turn into a coyote and help Shipwreck start World War Three!"

"Please we both know he does not need my help for that!" Lance scoffed. "He can blow up the planet all on his own!"

"I can't believe this…" Kitty groaned. "We can't even break up like normal people! Maybe because this relationship was pretty broken up in the beginning."

"Here we go…" Lance threw up his hands. "Dredging up the past again!"

"Well you have to admit if you look at the signs our relationship seemed doomed from the start!"

"Yeah I started out using you and ended up with you using me!"

"So you finally admit it!"

"Finally? I said I was sorry over a hundred times!" Lance yelled. "And still you keep throwing it in my face! While Colossus starts off with attacking you outright and yet you never say a word about it to him!"

"That was different. He was in a bad situation…"

"And I wasn't? Kitty you know what my home life was like before the whole Brotherhood thing! How come when I make bad choices its terrible but when he makes bad choices it's forgivable?"

"It was just a different situation!"

"Different? What exactly do you mean by different?"

"I guess it's just because he's a better…" Kitty stopped in mid sentence.

"A better what?" Lance's eyes grew dark. "Chess player? Artist? Polka dancer? Fill in the blank Kitty!" Kitty said nothing. "That's what I thought. I'm done with this! I am so done with this! And I'm done with you!" He stopped and walked away angry.

"Fine! It's over Lance! You hear me! OVER!" Kitty yelled, tears in her eyes. She ran off in the opposite direction.

Neither one of them realized that both Warren and Forge were still sitting on the roof. They had witnessed the whole thing. "Wow, that was pretty much unexpected," Forge blinked. "You think they've really broken up for good this time?"

"Sounds like it," Warren said. "In a way it's a relief. Maybe now there will be fewer fights around here. But somehow I doubt it."

"Yeah," Forge nodded. "Weird. It's like the end of an era or something."

"I know," Warren said. "That reminds me! The betting pool!" He took off to tell the others.

"Hey! I'm still on the roof here!" Forge cried out. "Get me down! Get me down!"

Meanwhile in a secret lair far away…

"Well now," Selene grinned as she had witnessed the entire breakup from her crystal ball. "Isn't this an interesting turn of events? Yes this may work in my favor rather nicely. With luck and careful planning I may get the Phoenix, Lance and find the Destiny Stone in one fell swoop!"

Just then a dimensional portal opened up and several monkeys in X-Men costumes tumbled out of it. "DAMN IT CY-CHIMP I TOLD YOU TO ASK FOR DIRECTIONS!" The red haired monkey screeched.

"If you won't I will!" A spider monkey with brown hair with a white streak in it and a black outfit snapped. "Hello, I'm Rogue Monkey. Do you know how to get back to Universe 7-Banana-Splits 7?"

Selene blinked. "You have got to be kidding me!"