A/N: This Fanfiction takes place 1 year after the events in Star Fox Assault, which means that Corneria (and virtually every other planet in the Lylat system) is still re-building after the Aparoid invasion. If you haven't played the game, then don't read this because you will be very confused about some of the things the characters say.

Star Fox: Children of the Stars

Chapter 1

On the peaceful planet of Sauria, two foxes lay in the shade of a palm tree. One was a male with red fur, with a white stripe down the center of his head, and was wearing his usual red-and-green jumpsuit with the gray vest. The other was a female, with blue fur and white fur on her face and her partially-exposed chest, and was wearing a blue-and-black, slightly open-chested jumpsuit. They were, of course, Fox and Krystal McCloud.

About 4 months after they had defeated the Aparoid Queen, Fox had finally worked up the courage to ask Krystal to marry him. Krystal had graciously accepted, and, as suggested by a friend, they had taken their honeymoon on Sauria, and hadn't left yet, because they were very much enjoying their vacation.

Krystal looked at Fox, smiling a bit. "Why don't we go visit Tricky? We haven't seen him for a while."

Fox nodded, getting to his feet. "That's a good idea, Krystal. Let's do that."

They walked hand-in-hand to where Tricky stayed.

Tricky jumped for joy as Fox and Krystal came in. "Fox, Krystal! Yay!" He ran to them and nuzzled Fox's chest.

Fox smiled and patted the large Earthwalker's head. "Hey, Tricky, it's been a while. How are you doing?"

Tricky nodded. "Okay." He smiled and looked at Krystal. "So, how are you doing?"
Krystal shrugged. "All right, I guess." She then began to feel light-headed and swayed. "F-Fox…I feel…strange." She fell backwards.

Fox blinked. "Kr-Krystal!" He caught her.

Tricky ran to Krystal's side, nudging her with his nose. "Krystal…"

Fox sighed. "I'll have to contact the Great Fox 2…"

Tricky looked confused. "Great Fox….2?"

Fox replied. "Yes, Great Fox 2. The first one was destroyed on the Aparoid Homeworld when Peppy slammed it into the shield that led to the Aparoid Queen." He then signaled the Great Fox 2, which was a very much upgraded copy of the original.

Peppy answered Fox's signal. "Fox, this is Peppy. You two enjoying your vacation?"

Fox sighed as he gently lifted the unconscious Krystal. "Things aren't going as planned. Krystal just passed out…"

Sounding concerned, Peppy responded, "All right, then get in your Arwing and bring her back. I just hope she's all right."

Fox nodded and ran to where he had left his Arwing. He climbed carefully into it, still holding Krystal. He sighed and kissed her cheek. 'Hold on…' He thought as he sat down in the cockpit, resting her on his lap. It was a tight fit, but he didn't mind being this close to her.

Within a few hours, the Arwing landed in the Great Fox 2. This bay was much larger than the original Great Fox's, but would suit.

Fox took Krystal into his arms, opened the hatch, and jumped out of the Arwing. After readjusting her in his arms, he headed toward the medical wing.

Peppy was there to greet him.

Fox nodded. "How are you doing, old timer?"

Peppy shrugged, "As well as can be expected." He noticed that Krystal was still unconscious, and sighed. "Set her here on the bed. I'll have the computer run a physical."

Fox nodded and did as he was told. He then sat by Krystal's bed, watching her like a hawk.

Peppy ran the physical and smiled. The computer had found nothing wrong with her, rather, something right with her. He looked at Fox, "She's fine. She's just expecting."
Fox blinked. "Expecting…? You mean…children?"

Peppy nodded. "Yes, and from the look of things, twins."

Fox's eyes widened. "Twins? Oi…"

Peppy couldn't help but laugh at Fox's expression. He then composed himself and told him, "Congratulations, Fox. You're going to be a father."

Fox nodded, smiling only slightly. The news that he was going to be a father…brought back thoughts of his own father, and he sighed. "Thanks, Peppy." He walked out of the medical bay and back to the command deck.

Peppy sighed. "Shouldn't have mentioned the father part…" He trailed off.

Krystal woke up a little bit later. She yawned and looked at Peppy. "Peppy…where's Fox?"

Peppy replied with a sigh, "He's on the command deck. I said something I shouldn't have."

Krystal blinked, "And…what was that?"

Peppy answered, "I told him he was going to be a father…I can only imagine what's running through his head now."

Krystal sighed and stood up to her feet, "I'll go talk to him Peppy. You didn't say anything wrong." She walked out of the medical wing and to the command deck.

Fox looked at Krystal as she walked onto the command deck. He smiled at her and hugged her. "Hey…Peppy told me the news. I'm happy for you…for us."

Krystal smiled and hugged him back. "Thank you…but you seem sad."

Fox sighed, "I'm just worried that…I'm not going to be a good father. My father…was never around, and I lost him…at a young age. I don't want the same thing to happen to our kits."

Krystal sighed and put her hands on Fox's face. "Listen, Fox…nothing will happen to you. You aren't doomed to suffer your own father's fate."

Falco nodded. "She's right. We've got your back, Fox. We won't let anything happen to you, and I would never betray you…unlike that scum, Pigma…"

Slippy walked to the two foxes. "Yeah, Fox. We're your friends, and we'll be there for you till the end. We'll put our own lives on the line to make sure you're okay."

Krystal smiled and looked at the frog. "Well put, Slippy." She looked at Fox, "See? What did I tell you? You have nothing to worry about." She kissed Fox passionately on the lips.

Fox blushed then kissed her back.

Falco looked away, saying, "Get a room, you two!"

Slippy couldn't help but smile, and then laughed at Falco's comment.

Fox and Krystal reluctantly broke up their kiss, each of them now blushing because of Falco's comment.

Fox smirked and looked at Falco; his arms still snaked around Krystal's waist. "Jealous, Falco?"

Falco smirked back, "Hardly." He walked off the command deck.

Fox sighed and shook his head, trying not to laugh. He let go of Krystal and looked at Slippy. "So, Slippy…anyone new in your life?"

Slippy shrugged. "Nah, still just little ol' me."

Fox patted his friend's shoulder. "You'll find someone eventually."

Slippy nodded. "Yeah…oh, and I heard you and Krystal talking. Congratulations."

Fox smiled and nodded back. "Thank you, Slippy."

Slippy then asked curiously, "Do you know the sexes of the babies yet?"

Fox shook his head, "No…we probably won't be able to find out for another few weeks, Slippy…why?"

Slippy shrugged, "I was just asking."

Krystal looked at Fox, "I have a feeling that one is going to be a boy and one is going to be a girl."

Fox looked back at her, smiling a bit, "Maybe you have that feeling, but even you can't say for sure."

Krystal shrugged. "That's true."

------------------------------------End of Chapter One-------------------------------

Preview for next chapter: Krystal and Fox find out the genders of their children and General Pepper contacts them with a new mission. What could the mission be and what will Fox and Krystal name their children? I already have names picked out for them and everything, so I don't take suggestions, sorry. Not trying to be mean, it's just that once I think up a name for characters, I tend to want to keep it.