Disclaimer: Don't own SDK, ok? You don't sue. Claimer: I wrote these lyrics myself! Yay me!

Chapter 4: Dinner With the Band

Yuya's eyes widened as they came up to the resturaunt in Demon Samurai's Limo. The resturaunt was called Diner of the Firefly. It looked like a resturaunt for rich people to Yuya. All she saw was people in fancy clothes, glass everything inside, and well-mannered eaters. Definately not the place she expected a Rock band to go out to eat. Nevertheless, she followed Okuni, who had the same look on her face as Yuya, and the band.

At the front of the resturaunt they were greeted by a man in a black suite with brown hair slicked back with a massive amount of gel. Yup. Definately a rich people resturaunt. Yuya looked repulsively at the man's hair, but gave her best mock-smile she could.

"How many?" The man asked with a friendly smile.

"Oh, no," Yukimura shaking his head. "We're here for Hotaru."

"Ah, I see," The man nodded then walked away. He stopped on the way to the back of the resturaunt and said something to a woman, who nodded and came over to where they were.

"He'll be here in a few minutes," She smiled. "Please step to the side so our other customers can get through." They did so. "Thank you."

As she had said, a man walked up with a half-smile on his face three minutes later. He had orange hair and beautiful green eyes, was medium height, and quite frankly didn't look like he belonged in a resturaunt like this. His clothes were like something from the past, with a yin-yang sign on each sleeve. His shoes were some weird type of geta and he had a red headband on. To Yuya, it looked like he could be part of Demon Samurai himself. She chuckled.

"Hey Hotaru," Kyo grinned sort of darkly. "We want to eat in your special rooms."

"Ah," Hotaru nodded. "As always, Kyo."

As they followed Hotaru to his 'special' rooms, Benitora nudged Yuya's side.

"Yes, Tora?" Yuya asked.

Benitora grinned with a slight blush at the nickname. "Yuya-han, that's Hotaru, owner of this resturaunt."

"Oh, so that's why he's here," Yuya grinned. "Didn't look like he belonged here."

"Him and Kyo were good buds, yet rivals, when they were young. Then again almost all of us were," Benitora laughed. "And if you think it looks like he dosen't belong here, wait 'till we get into the 'special' rooms."

When they entered the 'special' rooms, Yuya found out why they called them 'special'. She almost fainted out of sheer shock when she gazed upon the huge concert room surrounded by many smaller rooms where people sat and chatted, laughing with their friends and partying.

"Ok, everyone, Demon Samurai is here," Hotaru announced through the microphone on the stage. "And they'd like to do a preformance before they eat, right guys?"

Demon samurai looked at eachother, then the crowd of screaming girls and cheering fans. They nodded to eachother to signal it was ok, then they smiled.

"Sure," Kyo said cockily. "Why not? I'm the best anyway and I'm sure all you guys wanna hear me, right?"

"YEAH!" The girls screamed.

"ROCK ON!" The men yelled, raising their hands in the rock gesture.

"That's what I thought," Kyo smirked.

Everyone got up from their seats and surrounded the stage as quickly as possible. Luckily, Okuni and Yuya were already at it or they wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near the stage. Hotaru smiled and took a seat next to the stage, ready for the show to begin. Yuya guessed he obviously liked his friends' band. One thing Okuni and Yuya were grateful for was they weren't squashed in between people. The room was surprisingly large and uncrowded for a concert. Yuya was interrupted from all her thoughts and opinions as Kyo began to sing:


We must confess


We don't possess


It's a thing we spread


Heh. You're better off dead

We are the bringers of the eeend

Destruction's what we seeend

Blood covers the groound

The bodies lay in a moound

We are the bringers of the eeend


It's our life


Peircing you like a knife


For us there is no need


Your heart and eyes start to bleed

Oh, there's no more wooorld

We are the bringers of the eeend

We are the bringers of the eeend

Everyone cheered and shouted as the song ended and Demon Samurai went to a table. Okuni and Yuya followed and everyone else went back to where they were and what they were doing before Demon Samurai arrived. Hotaru came up to them, clapping slowly.

"Man, I'm famished," Benitora stated, his stomach grumbling.

They all nodded in agreement as their stomachs in turn growled.

"Bravo on your show," Hotaru said. "I'll go get you a waiter and it's on the house, k?"

"Alright!" Demon Samurai shouted in unison.

That night's dinner was excellent and they had food that cost so much that Yuya had never had it before. They all ate until they were full and couldn't eat another bite, then said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

That Hotaru was pretty hot...almost as much as Kyo. Wonder if I'll ever see him again? Or if me and Okuni can keep hanging out with Demon Samurai like we're friends... She sighed and hoped they would.