Chapter One has been rewritten. Go read it. This chapter hasn't been changed. ((But it will be in the future.))

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, Rice Krispies, Coco Puffs, Volkswagon Beetles, and Samsung or Razor phones.

The blinding light of the morning sun shone through my window, and I opened my eyes slightly, squinting due to the brightness. I sat up and shook my head around, making my severely screwed up hair a bit more normal, and less sticking up. I rolled out of the bed and got to my feet, pulling on a pair of pants. I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. I looked completely tired. Damn sunlight. I turned on the water and splashed myself in the face with it to help myself be more awake.

I dried my face off with a towel as I walked out and I threw it across the room, landing somewhere on my bed. I flung open the door and slammed it closed behind me as I made my way down the hall. I ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, greeted only by the site of Alfred's back as he read a newspaper and the scent of burning. "Toast is burning," I told him as I opened up a cabinet and stretched to reach the cereal on the top shelf.

Alfred immediately jumped up and quickly went to the toaster, popping up the burnt bread. He frowned as he held the scorching, black toast with two fingers and threw it into the garbage. I just shook my head at him, laughing a bit. "I must have gotten so caught up with reading I forgot about my food," the elderly man explained as he sat back down and went back to reading his paper.

"Smart, Al, smart." I poured the cereal into the bowl and placed the box down on the table as I went over to the refrigerator and took out the milk. I went back to the table and poured the milk into the bowl, the cereal making it's famous snaps, crackles, and pops. I slumped down into the chair and began to eat, but stopped as I heard footsteps coming in. I looked up to see Kori walking in, rubbing her eyes.

I smirked as I realized what she was wearing--my clothes. The shirt was very baggy, yet it still was the right length on her (damn height difference) She was holding onto the top of the pants so they wouldn't fall off of her, and they ended just above her ankles. I laughed a bit and she mouthed the words "shut up" at me, trying to hide her smile. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my cheek. "So, this morning I received a wake up call from a soggy hand towel. Would you happen to know anything about that?" she questioned.

I grinned. "What would ever make you think I would have something to do with that, Kor?" I replied, and she giggled, sitting down in the chair next to mine. I glanced across the room to see Alfred getting up from his seat, smiling slightly.

"I believe I will give the...teenagers some privacy," he muttered as he left the kitchen. Kori laughed and I looked away silently. I really didn't want Alfred to leave. I needed to talk to Kori about...something, and Alfred staying gave me an excuse to procrastinate. I sighed and looked back in Kori's direction.

"Kori, we need to...talk," I whispered, and her smile faded.

"A-about what?" she asked, fiddling with the bottom of her shirt. I scratched the back of my neck and was silent for a moment before I spoke.

"Well, um...you kn--"

"Morning," Raven muttered as she walked in. I silently thanked her for cutting me off. Kori and I greeted the once again black-haired girl as she opened up my fridge. I hoped she'd be staying in here for a while. It gave me more time to hold off Kori and I's conversation. Kori was questioning me on what I was saying and telling me to continue, but I shook my head.

"Umm...not until...after Raven leaves," I told her in her ear. She raised her eyebrow but did not say anything. Raven came back and sat down with a bowl of Coco Puffs in front of her, beginning to inform us of the previous night's events.

"After you guys left, the night got so better, no offense," she started. I smirked. If Raven thought things got better, that meant something bad happened to someone else. "You know that Conner kid that Kitten was hanging out with?" Kori and I nodded. "Well, a little while after you ran out, the snacks started running low. So Victor's girlfriend Kolette is on the prom committee, and she went to the closet where they were keeping the rest of the food to get more. And when she opens the door, she finds Kitten and Conner um...well, in a very...involved position."

Kori and I immediately started laughing hysterically at the thought...but then stopped and both looked at each other with a disgusted expression. That only made us start laughing more, until interrupted by Raven. "So, what did you guys do after you left?" she questioned. The two of us fell silent and glanced at each other, then away.

The two of us stuttered out many "well"s, "oh"s, and "um"s before I finally answered with a "Oh, um...you know. Not much." Raven looked at us strangely but shrugged it off, stuffing Coco Puffs into her mouth. I let my head drop and looked at Kori out of the corner of my eye. She was red faced and her head was turned aside. She glanced over and took my arm, tugging slightly as she silently mouthed the word "come". I bit my bottom lip and looked towards Raven. "Um...we'll be back in a minute, Rae."

The two of us left the table as Raven nodded for us to go, and went into the hallway. Once out of the room, Kori closed the door and sighed. "I think I know...what you wanted to talk to me about," she said quietly.

"...yeah..." I took a deep breath and leaned back on the wall. "Kori I...I don't think that...that we should have...done that." She frowned.

"Richard, why would you...think...that?" She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, but I stepped away and looked to the side.

"Kori, we--it's not like--what if your dad finds out!?" I exclaimed. She looked down towards her feet.

"It is...not...that bad. We only did...um, you know."

"Yeah, it's not bad. That's why you can't even say the word." She groaned, running her hands through her hair as she slid down the wall. I sat down next to her and pulled my knees up close to me. "Kor...if you're thinking that...I regret doing that, I don't. It's just...what if..." I trailed off and heaved out a heavy sigh. "...bad things...could happen."

Kori leaned her head on her knees and slowly turned to face me. "Yeah...Richard, I assure you, I understand what you are saying. It is just..."

"So...awkward?" I finished for her. She smiled slightly.

"Yes...and...in the back of my mind, I just keep wondering if..." She looked aside for a moment, her cheeks turning red, before turning back to look at me. "Will we...ever do it again?" I smiled and grasped her hand.

"I...would hope so." She grinned at me and held onto my hand tightly. My smile grew, and I wanted to kiss her, but it was still a little bit to awkward for that. Instead I leaned over and hugged her, whispering into her ear. "I really do."

I sighed heavily and stuffed my hands into my pockets. Raven stepped forward and crouched down, clutching tightly to the boquet in her hands. Kori moved closer to me and slinked her arms around one of mine, leaning her head on my shoulder. Victor just shuffled his feet and looked to the sky. He felt out of place here. All of us had some one we lost, some one to mourn over. But Victor had both of his parents, and cemeteries weren't exactly his place.

I looked down to my feet to avoid looking at the gravestone. I hated this place. I hated all cemeteries. The gravestone wasn't much different than that of my own parents'. Except neither of them were named Timothy. Suddenly, Raven started busting into tears, dropping the flowers. She collapsed onto the ground, her body shaking. "Raven!" Kori and I both gasped, leaning over next to her. Victor kneeled down and pushed both of us away.

"I've got this," he whispered. "Richard, you suck at being comforting, and both of you are already depressed enough looking." Kori and I both mumbled words of agreement. Victor shooed us away, telling us that Raven would probably be okay in a few minutes. I began to walk away, and Kori run up behind me.

"I hate cemeteries," I told her. She frowned and grabbed my hand. "Every summer vacation...I go to Gotham City, this city in New Jersey. It's where my parents had their last show, before...they died. They were buried there. ...It's just...really depressing coming here. It just, reminds me of them, how I lost them. How...it was all my fault."

"Richard, you need to stop blaming yourself. Things happen. Some things you just have no control over. You think that...maybe if you just did one little thing to stop it, you could change it. But the truth is, that one thing probably would have been no help at all. Do you really think if you warned your parents about what you heard that night, they would not have performed. Do you truthfully think that, they would have believed you. Nobody believes a little kid. They think you are too young to know, to understand what is going on, but you do. When you say 'Mommy, I think that is too many pills' or 'You are drinking too much', they do not listen! They think you are stupid, but you know what they are doing wrong! And you know something bad is going to happen! But they don't listen, and then they die, Richard! They leave you, and they make you feel guilty, because they didn't listen to you!"

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open slightly in shock. Kori was crying now, shaking her head. Bad memories were coming back to her. I pulled her into a tight hug and she sobbed into my shoulder. "And they tell you..." she continued. "'Shuddup Korinne', or 'I am fine, Starry', but you know what, they're not! And you come home from Kindergarten on your first week of school...and you find them dead on your kitchen floor, you think of the last thing you told them! You told them they were doing something wrong, but they ignored you and when you tried to tell them again...it is already too late. Because they already took...another one of those pills, and it just...might have been the one...that made them collapse...on that floor. But...you will never...know, because..." Her words faded out, and her sobs became louder. Her fingers were digging deeply into my back, and I hugged her even tighter.

I wanted to comfort her, but I was afraid I'd only make things worse. So I said the only thing that I thought was safe to say. "I'm sorry." And there were a lot of things I was sorry for.

I shoved the last box in the back seat of Arella's red Volkswagon Beetle, sighing in relief at being finished. Raven and her mother had finally found a nice, affordable apartment on the other side of town, and were moving in today. Arella had made the landlord let them in today. It was Raven's birthday, and Arella had promised that they'd move by now. Arella hated living with Bruce, Alfred, and I. She felt as if she was taking advantage of Bruce. He's got to share that money sometime...

Raven leaned on the side of the car and crossed her arms. "I bet you're happy to finally get rid of me. That way I won't end up walking in on your...intimate moments, anymore," she said in her usual monotone voice, yet still smiling slightly. My face turned crimson and I cursed at her under my breath.

"No, I'm not really, all too happy. I've lost my walking buddy," I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"Your girlfriend lives right next door, and half the time she's in your house, anyway. Why do you need me, exactly? The only other thing you need me for is helping you with your girl problems, and you could always just call me." She pulled out her black Samsung phone from her capri's pocket and waved it in front of my face for a second.

"Raven, you're my best friend, not my...marriage counselor. You know as well as I do that I'm going to miss you being around. Yeah, we'll still be in school together and stuff, but...it just won't be the same." It was silent for a moment and then Raven stepped forward and hugged me.

"Yeah, it will be," she muttered as I hugged her back. "It's like...I'm leaving my brother." I nodded in agreement. Arella started up the car and called out for Raven to get in, and she sighed. "I...gotta go." She backed out of the hug and opened up the car door, sitting inside. "Bye." She gave a small wave.

I waved back. "Bye...happy birthday." Raven smiled and closed the car door. Seconds later, the car began making it's way down the street, and eventually went out of sight as it turned the corner. I smiled and pulled out my Razor, quickly dialing in a number. "Hey Kor...do you think it's possible to legally adopt someone as your sister...?"