Harry Potter!


Just a little bit of fun. Rated M just in cause.

Computer Problems

Once upon a time there was a boy who survived the killing curse and his name was Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry

(A/N. damn computer! It always breaks when I'm writing. #bang# Ahh there we go. Fixed it.) Potter. When he survived the curse it had backfired and destroyed Voldemort. (The man who had fired the curse) But Voldemort had not given up and kept on coming back from the dead to destroy Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry.

(A/N. I don't think my computer likes the word Harry. I am going to have to finish the story here until I get my computer fixed.)

(Another A/N. My computer isn't really broken. I just wanted to ennoy you and I was stuck for ideas. Sorry about rating it M I just thought that it would be funny to trick you. I have got a bad sence of humour. I promise to improve on my stories and humour.)
