Disclaimer: I don't own HP. Oh well.

Author's Note: This is dark and disturbing. Be warned.

The poison didn't work fast enough for her taste, so she resorted to violence. As she sat, remembering why she had gone to such drastic measures, the memory of her sister writhing under her Husband in her bed, under her pristine white sheets... it made her blood boil all over again.

She sat at the dining room table, spilled blood and earl grey tea dripping onto her lush green robes. Her face was pale and calm, though spatters of blood were drying on her face and hair, turning her silky blonde locks a horrid color reminiscent of rotting strawberries.

It had been only mere hours since she had slain them both, but her reasoning was slipping, as was her memory...

She remembered going down to Lucius' private dungeon, gathering the oleander nectar she used for cream to pour in their tea. She remembered them complaining of how dizzy they were and how the room kept spinning... but they weren't dying... they just wouldn't obey her and die! She hated it when people didn't listen, and this was no exception. Didn't they understand what this meant to her? Did they understand that to truly make her happy they needed to die?

After that, the events became fuzzy in her fragile mind. She remembered them screaming, begging, not understanding why Narcissa -- usually prim, proper, and graceful -- was digging a knife into their flesh, slicing and stabbing, covering herself with their spilt blood...

She realized she was gripping her handkerchief too hard, because small droplets of her own blood were oozing from her hands, her skin ripping around the cotton. Perhaps this wasn't the best way to remember...

Perhaps making sweets for Draco would help...

She stood and walked into the kitchen, taking out the third largest knife in the drawer. The first was pinning Lucius' head to the table, and the second was pinning Bellatrix to her chair through her throat. Narcissa made a mental note to collect them and give them a good wash later. She couldn't have her good knives going to waste like that. It just wasn't proper.