I was kicked out of I'm not sure why but I've re-uploaded Heirs of the Clans because it's the most popular story K'van and I have written so far.

Don't shoot me for this. I just felt like writing a humour fic. What happens if after X/1999 Seishirou and Subaru are both alive and a couple? And if they have to have heirs for their positions? Let the fun begin!

Disclaimer: If I owned Seishirou and Subaru, everything would be much happier. But I don't. CLAMP takes the credit for them and all other characters from X/99 and TB, even grumpy Obaa-chan.

Heirs of the Clans: Chapter 1

Subaru stirred as he heard the familiar but irritating ring of the alarm clock on the bedside table. Reaching out, he flailed for the off-switch but withdrew his hand after a few moments.

"Subaru-kun, you're going to be late for work. Up, now."

Subaru felt someone shaking him gently as he burrowed deeper into the warm blankets, heard a sigh of amused annoyance, then the warm covers were whisked off him. Instinctively curling into a ball at the chill, Subaru heard a chuckle.

"Subaru, it's not right for a Clan Head to be this lazy in the mornings. Wake up."

Gentle hands shook him and Subaru sighed in surrender as he opened his eyes to look into a mismatched pair of amber and white eyes that belonged to the man he loved. "Alright, I'm up, Seishirou-san."

"Good, you have a job. As do I, for a matter of fact." Seishirou smiled tenderly at the still drowsy Sumeragi. "Go on, the water's still hot. I'll make breakfast." He tugged Subaru out of bed and shoved him playfully towards the bathroom.

"Ok." Gathering the stack of clothes placed beside the bed, Subaru entered the bathroom. Stripping himself of his pajamas, he stepped under the warm spray. It was neither too hot to make him sleepy again, nor too cold to give him an unpleasant shock. How like Seishirou to prepare everything just the way he liked it.

After his shower, Subaru shook out his clothes and an involuntary chuckle escaped his lips. Apparently, Seishirou was feeling reminiscent today, to have picked out an outfit like this: dark grey turtleneck and black slacks. It reminded him of '99, when the two of them had been on opposite sides, had tried to kill each other. And Seishirou had nearly succeeded in his suicide attempt. Subaru shivered at that memory.

A delicious smell wafted through the open bedroom door as Subaru exited the bathroom. Evidently, Seishirou had been busy. Peeking into the kitchen, Subaru saw his beloved partner and opposite in an apron, frying pancakes.

"Good morning, Subaru-kun." Damn, there was no hiding from Seishirou, was there? Subaru shook his head in amusement. "Good morning, Seishirou-san." He sat just as Seishirou placed a plate loaded with pancakes before him.

"Seishirou-san! You know I can't eat that much!"

"Subaru-kun, you need to put on weight, you're far too thin." Seishirou pouted playfully at the Sumeragi.

"Like that ever bothered you." Subaru muttered as he began eating, amused by Seishirou's antics.

They exchanged information about their jobs, as was their morning ritual. Subaru had an exorcism to perform on the ghost of a young child who had died in a road accident and refused to move on, trying to find his parents. Seishirou had to do research on the job he had been assigned.

During their meal, it did not take long for Subaru to realize that Seishirou was hiding something. The assassin was smoking his 'after breakfast' cigarette far too quickly, a sure sign of unease for Seishirou.

"Seishirou-san, what's the bad news?"

"Eh? You could tell? It's nothing serious."

Subaru gave him a Look.

Seishirou relented. "The Tree has chosen a potential successor for my position. I'm supposed to begin training the child as soon as possible. That means I have to pick him up tonight." He concluded sourly, obviously annoyed at the Tree's antics.

Subaru greeted the news with raised eyebrows. Of all the possible bad news he had expected, this was not one of them. In fact, the situation sounded interesting. He found it rather comical to picture Seishirou as a father.

"It just told you like that?" At his lover's rueful nod, Subaru grinned. "Be thankful that there's a spare bedroom to put the child in then."

It was Seishirou's turn to grin. If only Subaru knew what he did, the Sumeragi would never let children in that room.

The spare bedroom Subaru had mentioned was a guest room they had prepared for Kamui when the boy had visited with Fuuma. The two boys had stayed with them for a few days after Fuuma had recuperated from the injuries left by the Final Battle.

The dark onmyouji remembered quite clearly that the twin beds in the guest room were initially beside opposite walls. Yet, after the first night, the beds were next to each other. This, coupled with Fuuma's bland request for an extra set of linens and Kamui's blush while Fuuma had done the asking were sufficient clues indicating exactly what they had been doing in the same room to Seishirou.

Funny, he would never have imagined that Fuuma could be such a tease. The boy had seemed to have a serious disposition when he was not affected by the dark Kamui.

The assassin's thoughts were interrupted by the Sumeragi's soft voice, "So what's the child's name?"

That got a chuckle out of the already amused Seishirou. "Believe it or not, the boy's name is Seishin. Odd name for an assassin-to-be, ne? (AC: I have no idea whether the translation is correct or not but the name is supposed to mean 'Star Heart'.)

Subaru nodded agreement, considering that the Sakurazuka assassins were reputed to be emotionless. A question crossed his mind and he spoke again. "How are you two related, anyway? I've always been told that there is only one Sakurazukamori, although it is a clan of assassins."

Seishirou smirked. "Subaru-kun, just because there is only one Sakurazukamori does not mean there is only one Sakurazuka. The two are quite different."

Subaru glared. "Explain."

Seishirou didn't need encouragement. Particularly since the expression on Subaru's face said that if he failed to explain the situation to his lover's satisfaction he would find himself on the sofa for the night.

"There are several families related to the Sakurazukamori bearing the name of Sakurazuka. They are normally the immediate family of a previous Sakurazukamori with families of their own. The Sakurazukamori is simply the Clan Head, so to speak. So there are several ways to pass on the position of the Sakurazukamori." Seishirou paused for breath before continuing. "The first is via the bloodlines. Parent-to-child, the usual way of passing on the position. The other methods are used in cases when there are no blood-heirs. The second method requires one of the related families to dedicate a child with sufficient potential and abilities to succeed the Sakurazukamori. The last is to depend on the Tree to pick someone to be the potential heir, although this is subject to change, depending on the person."

(AC: This is my own supposition, not part of the original TB or X/99 ideas.)

"In my case, I suppose it's a combination of the last two methods. The Tree had chosen someone from my aunt's family." Seishirou paused again to confer with the Tree for more precise details. "My mother's sister's third grandson, I believe."

"Won't they object?" Subaru frowned. "I mean, having their child taken away like that. Wouldn't the parents oppose the decision?"

"I know what you mean, Subaru-kun. All family members are told about the possibility of having one of their offspring or grandchildren being chosen as the next Clan Head, provided there is no direct descendant of the current Sakurazukamori. It is considered an honour it be chosen, I think. And if they do refuse," Seishirou shrugged. "Few can stand between the Sakurazukamori and what he wants."

"Seishirou-san! I won't allow you to break families apart."

"Subaru-kun, relax. Seishin will be better off with us." Seishirou said, soothingly. "His father died when he was quite young and his mother is an alcoholic. He's had to manage himself for quite sometime now, my aunt's house is rather hectic. I doubt he has been looked after properly."

"Oh." Even Subaru could see the sense in that. "How old is he?"

"Seishin is…" Seishirou's eyes grew distant as he drew on his connection with the Tree. "Nine. That's a bit older than the usual age to begin training but not too old to start."

"He's about the same age I was when I first met you," Subaru smiled.

"Aa." Seishirou leaned forward to capture the Sumeragi's lips in a quick kiss. "I'll have to pick him up later."

"Mmphf." The onmyouji wrapped his arms around his counterpart's neck, turning the intended quick kiss into something that was more involved.

The sudden, shrill sound of their phone broke the moment.

"I'd better get it." Subaru pull away reluctantly.

It took four more rings before the Sumeragi could answer the call, since Seishirou was not inclined to let go of his beloved.

"Hello, Sumeragi desu. Good morning, Obaa-chan." Subaru signaled to the Sakurazuka to keep quiet. "I'm sorry, I was occupied." The onmyouji glared at Seishirou, who attempted to look innocent. "Yes, I know my duties as Clan Head. No, I wasn't informed. Yes, I will send my condolences. No, I have no intention of doing so." Pause. "You want me to what?" Subaru's voice grew slightly higher. "Obaa-chan, I'm not ready for such a responsibility. Yes, I'm aware of that but…" Another pause. "I understand. I'll meet you later then. Goodbye."

Curious, Seishirou drifted closer to the annoyed-looking Subaru. "What's wrong, Subaru-kun?"

"I swear, my grandmother and that Tree of yours think far too alike at times." Subaru sighed as he slumped on the sofa. "My grandmother is coming to visit. With an heir for my position, today. At teatime."

Seishirou blinked. "That means… But why now?"

"It's because a cousin of mine died in an accident with her husband four days ago, leaving behind a child. My grandmother has decided that since I have no intention of marrying and settling down with a respectable wife," Subaru managed a wry smile. "She would have to ensure that there is a suitable successor for the Sumeragi Head. So I might as well raise my deceased cousin's child as heir since the child had a strong potential."

"So I have to be out for the whole day?" Seishirou raised an elegant eyebrow. "I can manage that. I'm surprised at the coincidental timing though."

"You and me both, Seishirou-san. You and me both."

Once the research was completed, Seishirou headed towards a teashop near Ueno Park. It was slightly after teatime, which meant that he could not return to the apartment, since the Twelfth Sumeragi Head had not been informed that her grandson had living with the Sakurazukamori. For good reason. If Subaru's grandmother ever found out, there would be a nuclear explosion within the Sumeragi household.

It had been two years since they had come to their understanding at the Rainbow Bridge. Two years since the Battle for the Promised Day had ended.

: Seishirou. : The Tree's mental voice interrupted his thoughts.

: 'What?' :

: There is a child here. :

: 'So?' : Seishirou failed to see why the Tree was concerned over a child. There were probably hundreds of children that visited Ueno Park everyday. It wasn't as if one child could affect the Tree in any manner. : Children never scared you before. :

: I believe this is a cause for worry: he is climbing me:

The dark onmyouji was hard pressed to contain his amusement at the Tree's expense. It sounded so offended at being climbed by a mere child.

: I haven't heard you so annoyed since I decided to make the Bet with Subaru-kun. :

: Seishirou. :

Chuckling, Seishirou made his way to the Tree. Almost unthinkingly, he waved aside the illusion that made the Tree blend in with the other sakura trees in Ueno Park, an illusion that made the Tree seem to be bursting with new leaves, like the other trees.

"Hello," Seishirou looked up into the Sakurazuka at the small child sitting calmly on one of the Tree's lower branches.

Surprise swept over the child's face. "Mister, you can see me?"

Belatedly, Seishirou sensed the slight magic in the air, almost completely concealed by the magic the Tree emanated. It took another second for him to recognize the spell the child used.

Damn, the child had cast an obscure minor illusion that simply made people's eyes 'slide' over him. It was an extremely effective trick even if rarely used, and would have worked on him if he wasn't a master of illusions himself.

A chagrined smile graced the assassin's lips. He was losing his touch. In the past, when he was still alone, he would never have missed something like that. Apparently, Subaru was a bad influence on him, not that he cared. This was his territory, his home ground.

"Yes, I can see you. May I know why you are up in this Tree?" His smile became warmer, more kindly, like the vet's smile Subaru had loved all those years ago.

"Who wants to know?" The child's face lit up with a cheeky smile of his own. He had short, black hair cropped closely to his face and was dressed in a dark grey t-shirt with black shorts.

Seishirou opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, a loud squawk cut through the air.

The dark onmyouji heard the boy exclaim softly before muttering an impressive string of creative curses. Impressive because Seishirou had not heard quite a few of the interesting invectives that the boy had used. Granted, none of the words the boy was saying was suitable for young ears to hear, let alone speak. It seemed that the child had a liberal education.

"Bad bird! No! Shoo!" The boy waved at the incoming raven, trying to send it away. It was a futile attempt.

Seishirou's senses identified the bird as a shikigami just as the raven swooped and landed gracefully on the boy's shoulder.

The only thing that was graceful about what happened next was the bird's flight away from its master.

The sudden added weight of the raven's landing on his shoulder had unbalanced the boy, so he teetered on the branch for a moment, trying to regain stability on the precarious perch he had chosen. The raven flew off his shoulder with another squawk just as the boy fell off, almost on top of Seishirou.

Reflexively, the dark onmyouji caught the descending child in his arms just before the boy hit the ground.

"My thanks," the boy bowed the moment Seishirou lowered him to the ground. "Damned bird." He directed a murderous glare at the raven, which was 'chack-ing' as it flew to another sakura tree.

Seishirou grinned. The boy was so much like himself at that age, yet so different. It was entertaining him. "It isn't often I meet someone who climbs this tree." Saying so, he patted the Sakurazuka's trunk affectionately. "I'm Sakurazuka Seishirou," he extended his right hand in greeting.

The boy's eyes widened as Seishirou introduced himself, recognizing the name, to Seishirou's surprise. "So that's why you feel like this tree!" he exclaimed.

Seishirou started and looked directly into the boy's face. His eyes - hidden behind the shades he usually wore, met a pair of golden-brown eyes that were only a shade darker than his own gold. He was surprised that such a young child could have discerned the Tree's influence on his own aura. He had let his guard down with the child, not bothering to hide his aura. The assassin had assumed that since Subaru had not been able to tell the effect of the Tree on his spiritual energy at this age, this boy would be unable to do so. Apparently, this boy was neither as simple nor innocent as the child Subaru had been.

He sighed, tucking the incident away in a corner of his mind as a sort of reprimand for letting his defenses slip. Then he wove a simple marboroshi around himself, the child and the Tree. It ensured they could talk without having anyone without magic noticing them.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked the child, gently probing the boy's own aura with his own consciousness. Seishirou had no difficulty identifying the aura since he came into contact with part of it daily. The child was half Sumeragi.

"I'm sorry for intruding and climbing your Tree, Sakurazuka-san." The child bowed once more. "I had no intention of offending you by doing so. I chose this place because of other reasons."

"Seeing that you didn't know that I would appear, I can accept that apology." Seishirou's interest was piqued. His mind began to sort through the possible reasons why the boy would choose to come to the Tree when all Sumeragi avoided It, Subaru being the only exception. "Why would a Sumeragi like you tread into a domain that belongs to the Sakurazukamori?"

It was the boy's turn to be taken aback. "You know who I am?" He blushed. "Guess I should have known better than to try and stay here without expecting to get into trouble." He looked back at Seishirou fearlessly, "if you want to kill me, Sakurazukamori-san, could you make it quick?"

Seishirou blinked. That wasn't what he had expected. He knew that all Sumeragi were told of the Sakurazukamori so he had anticipated being recognized but the child's response was very different. The dark onmyouji kept a slight smile on his face as he prodded further, wanting to uncover some of the mystery the boy represented. "Don't you fear death? Most do."

The child cocked his to the side slightly, rather like a bird. "Death comes to all. It is merely a matter of time. No one can escape it in the end."

If Seishirou was surprised by the child's response, he kept it well hidden. The boy was remarkably nonchalant for someone talking about death. He rarely saw adults having this outlook on life, let alone a child of ten or thereabouts. "What's your name?"

"My name is Sumeragi Seiun."

"So, Seiun-kun, why are you hiding here?" Seishirou withdrew a cigarette from a pocket and lighted it. The child started, eyes widening for a moment as he hit upon the reason why the boy was in Ueno, near the Tree.

"I… Damn!" The boy's answer was interrupted by his shikigami's cawing. He turned beseeching eyes towards Seishirou. "Tell them that you didn't see me, please!"

With that, he ran to another sakura tree, one bursting with fresh, green growth and scrambled up into its branches. Then, he vanished from view.

Seishirou raised an appreciative eyebrow. The boy had erected a relatively complicated illusion this time, one that masked his aura as well as himself. If he hadn't known that the child was of Sumeragi blood, he would have guessed that Seiun was his relative.

He took down the marboroshi he had set up and watched as the Tree's own illusion settled in place. Then, his hunter's senses warned him of approaching visitors. He turned.

Two young women were coming towards him slowly, glancing around warily, nervously. The wind blew, bringing snatches of their conversation to his ears.

"…you sure that the… this way?"

"Of course I…wise I wouldn't be… as well."

"But this is the… Sakurazukamori. Surely the girl didn't come here. She… stupid as that."

Seishirou frowned. The searchers were obviously of the Sumeragi clan. However, astonishment at that revelation rose in Seishirou. So Seiun was a girl. But why would she choose to hide here, of all places?

The two women came closer and closer, asking people nearby questions. Seishirou remained where he was, standing under the Tree, lighting a cigarette and smoking it, looking like an upper-class businessman on a tea break. Curiosity made him wait for the two women to come to him. The dark onmyouji wanted to know why they were looking for Seiun and why Seiun was hiding from them.

Eventually, one of the women approached him

"Excuse me, sir. But have you seen a girl of nine pass by? We're her relatives and we're afraid that she might be lost."

: Lost? As if. She was running from you. : The Tree's comment coincided with Seishirou's own thoughts. : If she's lost, I'm vegetarian. :

Seishirou gave them a thoughtful look, as though he was thinking about the question although he was actually laughing privately at the Tree's words. "I don't think so. Perhaps you'd better ask the park's gardeners. They are the most probable people to notice lost children." He assumed a look of interest. "What's her name? And what does she look like? Maybe if I run into her, I could send her to you."

"Oh, thank you!" The younger of the two women answered, gratefully. "She's called Sumeragi Seiun. She's…"

The older woman silenced her partner with a glare. One that plainly said 'how could you trust a complete stranger like that.'

She bowed. "Thank you for your advice, sir." With that, she left with her partner trailing behind.

: 'Intriguing. Why would a Sumeragi child be hiding from her own clan?' : The Tree's voice echoed in the assassin's mind.

: I don't know. But I intend to find out. : Seishirou plastered a smirk on his face and sauntered towards the tree Seiun was hiding in. "You can come down now. They've gone."

It was slightly unnerving to see half a head poke out of the greenery of the tree, unattached to anything. "They're gone?" The head swiveled around, looking for signs of the two women. Bright golden eyes filled with gratitude looked at him. "Thank you!"

Another moment later, the illusion the child had around herself was dropped and she slid down the tree as easily as a fish slipped into water.

A mental nudge from the Tree told him that he had to go and pick his nephew up from his aunt's. Sighing, he looked the young Sumeragi over. "Are you going to stay here?"

Vigorously, she nodded. "I don't want to go and see the Old Bat," she spoke with distaste.

: Interesting. : Seishirou had no problem guessing who the 'Old Bat' was. After all, there was only one old person in the Sumeragi Clan who was old enough for such a title. What was even more fascinating was that the girl had called the Twelfth Sumeragi Head. Apparently, the old woman had not earned the girl's respect. It was easy to tell that Seiun's respect had to be earned by interaction with her personally, rather than a given position.

"Would you like to have some company?" He queried, not wanting to leave Seiun alone in Ueno Park. He had the feeling that the girl would bring about a turn of events that would involve him as well as Subaru and it would be in his interest to have Seiun safe.

The girl shot him a look of surprise. "Why would you offer company to a Sumeragi, Sakurazuka-san?"

"I do what suits my will." Seishirou directed his next words towards the Tree. : 'Will you accompany her for a while?' :

: She interests me. :

: 'How so?' :

: She is different. And therefore, interesting. :

: That is no answer. : Seishirou replied, irritably.

: Honestly, Seishirou. That is all. However, I would not object keeping an eye on her. She is amusing. A Sumeragi that is a born law-breaker. :

That made Seishirou raise an eyebrow. A Sumeragi that did not follow rules? How…refreshing.

"Would you like it if I left someone here to keep you out of your followers' sight? It would be easier than climbing into a tree every time they pass by."

Seiun blinked. "I guess so," her voice was uncertain.

: If you don't mind… : Seishirou prodded the Tree's consciousness with his own, giving the mental equivalent of a poke in the ribs.

: Alright. :

A form began emerging from the Tree. It stepped out of the shadows and Seiun stared. The figure was slightly taller than the Sakurazukamori, with broad shoulders which were clad in brown shirt and matching brown slacks. His face was framed by straight, shoulder-length black hair with copper highlights, tied back with a pink band. Thick eyebrows were raised sardonically over gunmetal grey eyes. A hawk-like nose protruded from the centre of his face with well-placed thin lips curved in a severe smile. His face was ascetic, seemingly ageless.

It was Seishirou's turn to raise an eyebrow when he saw the Tree. : I didn't know you could look like that. :

The Tree struck a pose, : 'Would you prefer that I appeared as your beloved Sumeragi? Or your mother?' :

: Never mind. :

"Sumeragi Seiun meet Sakurazuka Tree. Tree, Seiun." He gave a cursory introduction, blithely ignoring the look of utter shock on the girl's face.

"That's real creative, Seishirou." The Tree gave Seiun a toothy smile, "you can call me Tree-san."

"Very creative of you," Seishirou added sarcastically.

"Ano… Sakurazuka-san, is he what I think he is?" Seiun's eyes were wide with astonishment and fear.

"Yes. He is what you think he is, Seiun-chan." Seishirou said patiently. "That's the Tree belonging to the Sakurazuka clan."

Seiun's mouth was agape, rather like a goldfish. "That's the… Sakurazuka?"

"I would prefer it if you called me Tree-san," the Tree said with a touch of humour. "'The Sakurazuka' sounds so pretentious."

Seishirou had heard the term 'sweat-dropped' before, had even heard that it could be used to apply to people outside popular comics; but he had never seen anyone able to display such a similar reaction in reality as Seiun.

He grinned, a true smile that was an unusual occurrence when he was not in the presence of his lover and Opposite. The child was altogether too amusing. Then the chiming of a nearby clock informed him that he had something else to see to.

"I have an appointment to keep so Tree-san," Seishirou rolled his eyes, "will keep you company." He added an extra command to the Tree. : Try to find out why she's here. :

His reply was a sardonic : Yes, o great master. :

"Erm… Are you sure it's a good idea? I… err…" Oddly enough, Seiun was speechless. Her eyes were wide with astonishment at his offer.

"I'll hide you from those two and any other Sumeragi," the Tree added, Its hair falling over Its shoulder.

That clinched it. A grin split Seiun's face and she nodded her agreement to the Tree's accompaniment.

A few moments later, Seishirou was walking out of Ueno, heading towards the nearest train station to pick up his nephew.

"So, how do you find Tokyo so far? I hope you like sakura." The Tree smiled at Seiun.

"Erm… the sakura are nice but my personal favourites are lilies."

"Why, I'm insulted, Seiun-chan." The Tree's smile changed, becoming more predatory, much like Its master. "Am I not one of the best examples of sakura around?"

Its answer was a cheeky grin. "Yeah, you'd be a botanist's dream: an evergreen sakura. They'd try to breed you all year round. And then where would your master be?"

The Tree raised an eyebrow. It could no longer remember when It was last treated as an equal. Seishirou gave It a modicum of respect peppered with affection and annoyance, a relationship similar to that of a favourite uncle and nephew. Seiun was talking to It like she would an equal – an endearing trait.

"So, how do you find my guardian?"

"Eh?" Evidently, the sudden change in topic surprised her. "Sakurazuka-san is… nice." Her face turned sour. "He's a lot better than some of my relatives." Then her expression softened. "He's not what I expected. The old bat keeps calling him a monster. And he well… isn't."

The Tree's grin widened. "Are you so sure?"

Seiun nodded.

"Well then, what brings a Sumeragi to see me of all plants?" The Tree's face grew serious. "As far as I know, there are very few Sumeragi who dare to come near me, let alone climb me!"

Seiun blushed. "Ah… I'm sorry about that. I needed a place to hide and the only place I could think of was here, where you are. The old bat practically forbade all Sumeragi to come near you, so I figured that this is the best hidey-hole I could get."

"Because no Sakurazukamori-terrified Sumeragi would come here, right?" The Tree asked, dryly.

Seiun grinned back at It, a wordless answer to Its question.

"Why are you running from your fellow Sumeragi in the first place?"

Seiun paused. "I have my reasons."

The Tree rolled Its eyes. Really, this Sumeragi was altogether too much like Seishirou. They both shared the same stubbornness and secrecy as well as that infuriating ability to sidestep questions giving informative answers.

Then again, if It could put deal with Seishirou, It could certainly deal with a young child. "And those reasons are?"

"Erm…" Seiun conceded defeat. "I'm supposed to be adopted by some relative of mine here in Tokyo today. And according to the Old Bat, he's supposed to be a model Sumeragi." She stuck out her tongue, indicating her disapproval of the old woman's idea of 'model Sumeragi'. "I am not living with another 'proper' Sumeragi if I can help it!"

The Tree frowned. As far as it knew, there were ridiculously few Sumeragi who lived in Tokyo. The Clan seemed to do all they could to avoid the capital, probably because it was the traditional hunting ground of the Sakurazukamori. And of the Sumeragi he could sense, only one would merit the personal visit of the Twelfth Clan Head. That meant…

Seiun peered suspiciously at the Tree's face when she heard what sounded like a chuckle from It. "What's so funny?"

The Tree choked back Its laughter. The situation was becoming humorous with every new discovery. It stifled Its rising amusement as It imagined what would happen when the child found out who the Thirteenth Sumeragi Clan Head was living with. "Seiun-chan, the Sumeragi you're going to live with isn't as proper as you think he is."

"Name me one Sumeragi who isn't proper," Seiun shot back, annoyed by the Tree's delight at her expense.

"Well, for starters, you."

Seiun jerked back; taken aback by the unexpected reply. She took an instant to recover from her shock before retorting, "I don't count."

The Tree remained unfazed; merely raising an eyebrow, "of course you do. You're part Sumeragi. Therefore it counts."

Seiun had opened her mouth to speak when It felt the flicker of a familiar aura at the edge of Ueno Park. Cutting Seiun off with a finger to Its lips, It gestured towards a tree. "There's a Sumeragi coming. Up you go."

Seiun's eyes widened then narrowed. She nodded and scrambled up the tree nearest to the Sakurazuka's physical form with ease. Once she was in place, the Tree slapped an illusion over her, one powerful enough to mask her presence from all but the most powerful of Sumeragi.

: Might as well make good use of the time: the Tree decided while It waited for the Thirteenth Sumeragi Clan Head to show himself.

: Oh, Seishirou… :

: I'm a little busy. : The reply was curt and immediate. The Tree could sense that Its guardian was torn between amusement and exasperation at his heir-to-be. Apparently, the boy was not what Seishirou had expected.

: I have news for you. :

: What:

: Remember your Sumeragi said that his heir would be visiting him today? Well, it turns out that our runaway Sumeragi is that heir. :

: Really? This is going to be interesting. :

: 'How so, Seishirou?' :

: Subaru-kun isn't likely to do very well with someone like Seiun. She's… :

: 'Altogether too much like you?' :

A pause. Then an offended response. : That would not be my choice of words, but yes, Seiun-chan is far too much like me. :

The Tree let the silence stretch before remarking thoughtfully, : You know, I pity the Sumeragi. :

It felt Seishirou's curious reply. : 'Why?' :

: 'Because he had to deal with both Seiun and you!' : Instantly, It shut down their connection before Seishirou could send a warning blast of power down their link as a reprimand.

Opening Its eyes, It came face to face with the anxious and annoyed mismatched gaze of Sumeragi Subaru.

--end chapter 1--