Back at the Chaotix Tonya noticed that Shadow was heading into the church. From the looks of it, it seemed that he was staying, "Vector, they're at the church."

Vector was shocked, "What? Why would they be there? Don't demons get weak by stepping their foot through the door?"

Espio faced him, "You're right, Vector. They played it smart and tried to trick us. They thought if they're weak against churches, it would be obvious to us that they wouldn't be there."

Vector slammed his fist down on the desk, "So they think that we're idiots huh? Well it won't work because we're always one step ahead of them. We're going to that church."

Later at the church Rouge shivered because of the church's holy air. To her it seemed like she was back in the arctic again.

Shadow held her close, "You okay?"

"I'm cold and I feel even weaker than before."

They sat down on the pews holding each other's hands.

"I hate it, "Rouge said.

"Hate what?"

"Being a demon."

"Why do you hate it?"

"Because I'm a monster and I kill people. I have no self control at all."

Shadow let go of her hand, "You...don't want to be with me?"

"Of course I do, but a demon? Is it really worth it? Just to be with me?"

"I can't love you if I'm a demon and you're not. It just won't make any sense."

Rouge then thought of something, "Have you heard of a story called Beauty and the Beast?"

Shadow nodded, "Of course I have."

"You do know what happens right? A beautiful girl runs into a hideous beast. At first she was afraid of the beast. All she wanted to do was to escape from him, but as the beast tried to make peace with her she noticed that all he wanted from her was friendship and soon their friendship turned into romance. The girl then realized that the beast wasn't scary at all, all he wanted was a friend. That's what I think of you, Shadow. You need to rejoin the Chaotix, be a good guy again."

Shadow had no idea what to say, "I...can't. I have to serve my master no matter what. I owe him my life. Besides there's not like an antidote or anything for your demon thing."

"There' antidote?"

"Of course there's an antidote", a voice said within the church.

Shadow and Rouge looked around.

"Lord Dark?" Shadow said.

A black creature appeared in front of them having a tube with green liquid in it holding it in his hand, "I have the antidote right here."

Rouge gasped, "What!" She ran to him, "Dark, please I need it. I don't want to become a demon anymore and I never wanted to."

Dark smirked, "You know what?" He threw the tube at Shadow.

He caught it looking confused at him.

"It's not my decision. It's Darkness'."

Rouge faced Shadow with sympathy, "Please, Shadow."

When Shadow came up with his answer, until the Chaotix showed up.

They broke through the door with guns in their hands.

Vector pointed his gun at Dark, "Hold it right there, Dark."

Dark laughed a bit, "You think those toys can hurt me?"

"Lets find out."

Tonya ran to Rouge and hugged her, "Rouge, are you okay?"

Rouge hugged her back, "I'm fine."

Espio pointed his gun at Shadow. He noticed he was holding something in his hand, "What's in your hand?"

Shadow held the tube tightly in his hand, "That's none of your business."

Espio gritted his teeth with his finger on the trigger ready to fire, "You won't win this time."

Rouge broke away from Tonya, "Tonya, I'm a demon?"

Tonya couldn't believe it, "Like Shadow?"

Rouge nodded, "He made me a demon, but he loves me and deep down he really wants to change me back. You have to lure Espio away from Shadow so I can talk to him."

"Rouge, whatever we do he won't listen to us."

"He'll listen to me!"

'Maybe he will...' Tonya thought. "Okay, I'll try to talk some sense into Espio, while you try to talk to Shadow."

Rouge nodded, "Okay."

She waited for Tonya's signal.

Tonya rushed over to Espio before he started to fight, "Espio, wait. Don't do anything."

Espio turned to her, "Tonya, don't come any closer. He may attack you."

Tonya grabbed him by his shoulders, "No, listen. Rouge has a plan and you have to keep out of it."

"Yeah, but Tonya."

"Espio, Rouge can handle it", Tonya looked back at Rouge and nodded.

Rouge ran over to Shadow and started to beg for the antidote, "Shadow, you have to give me the antidote."

Shadow said nothing.

Rouge kept talking, "You said you loved me and if you loved me so much you would give me the antidote and would never turn me into a demon in the first place."

Shadow sighed, "If you want it then here." He put the tube in Rouge's hand.

Rouge didn't know what to say, all she did was hug him, "Thanks, Shadow."

Shadow broke away from her, "Drink it now."

Rouge then drunk the liquid. Soon she felt a lot better from the antidote, "I think it worked."

Vector ran up to Dark and punched him Dark fell back because of the impact, plus his strength was fading because of the church. He smirked, "Nice try." He took his claw and sliced at his arm.

Vector fell to the floor holding his hurt arm, "Shouldn't you be as helpless as a worm by now?"

"I should, but I'm not because I'm the ultimate demon, Lord Dark. Don't you forget it."

Dark walked up to him slowly, about to finish him off slowly.

Charmy had no idea what to do, "Vector, someone help him before he dies!"

Rouge faced Shadow, "Save Vector, Shadow."

Shadow turned around not facing her, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I must obey my master."

Rouge looked back at Dark getting closer to Vector, "He's getting closer. Shadow please."


Rouge had tears in her eyes while she clinched her fists, "Damn it, Shadow! If only you could remember all the fun things we did together when we were a team. Even when you thought it was childish, you still loved us all. We were a family. If you were suffering the same fate, he would help you."

He didn't say a word.

Rouge's tears ran down her face. She almost walked over to him to help him, "Fine, if you're not going to do anything. Then I will." She stopped when a black blur ran passed her.

Dark was stopped when something black hit him. He fell to the floor confused. He stood from the floor and looked at the one who hit him and was shocked to see who it was, "Darkness, you son of a bitch! You betrayed me!"

Shadow stared into his eyes looking serious, "Do me a favor and stop calling me Darkness. My name is Shadow! Shadow the Hedgehog!"

"You traitor..."

Rouge smiled through her tears, 'Shadow...'

"Give up now and I'll spare your life", he threatened.

"Not a chance. Remember Shadow, you can barely fight in this place. Your energy is fading by the moment."

"Yes I know, but I'll try my hardest to defeat you", he held up his right hand with a red light coming from it, "Chaos Blast!" The red light hit Dark into a huge cross.

He stood up weakly, not just because of the attack, but also the cross. "This isn't over, Hedgehog. I swear it. I will get my revenge." He ran out of the church.

After that Shadow kneeled to the floor exhausted.

Rouge ran to him, "Shadow!"

Shadow stood from the floor weak, "Keep away from me, I'm fine."

"Are you sure."


Espio looked at Shadow sadly, "Does this mean you're on the good side again?"

"No", he said calmly.

"Why not!" Charmy said.

"I'm on no ones side, but my own. I'll fight with you in spirit." He began to walk out the church.

"That won't do us much good", Charmy said.

Rouge ran after him, "Shadow, wait!"

Shadow faced her.

"Don't go", she begged.

Shadow then held her close and kissed her. He broke away from her, "I love you, but if I hang around you guys any longer terrible things will happen. I just can't."

Rouge had tears in he eyes, "I'll see you again...right?"

Shadow nodded and walked out of the church not looking back.