
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, and only her.


Harry slowly awoke to a jumble of noises. He was vaguely aware that these noises were actually voices, but at the moment, he didn't really care. The bed he was lying on was soft and his head seemed to melt into the pillow. But why was he in a bed in the first places? John-John should be…

All of a sudden Harry bolted upright, remembering all that had happened previously; Dumbledore, Lily, James, Hagrid, and all the anger he felt towards them, had caused him to explode.

The voices stopped. Looking around, Harry saw that he was in what looked to be a hospital. There were several beds identical to his own, and curtains that could come around and enclose each bed for privacy.

Harry also saw that he was not alone. A woman who looked to be in her mid-fifties (a guess), with slightly graying hair, was holding onto a bottle. In the bottle was an ugly liquid that bubbled slightly. She must be the nurse, or whatever.

In contrast with the somewhat foreign room, the other occupants Harry was familiar with. The man, Albus Dumbledore, had stopped his, Harry's, angry tirade. The man's eyes seemed to be twinkling, sending waves of calm, which Harry promptly ignored.

The two other people in the room were his 'parents'. Anger coursed through Harry, causing random objects in the room to move around frantically.

"Harry, please calm yourself down," Dumbledore stated in a sincere, yet authoritative voice.

His eyes never leaving his parents' faces, Harry spoke. "Where are my brothers?" His voice was tight with the strain of trying to contain his emotions. He didn't really want to listen to that old man, but he needed to keep a level head.

But for God's sake, he could barely sense his brothers' whereabouts. So that must mean they were far away or really out of it.

If Harry had chosen to take a glance at Dumbledore's face, he would have seen it morph into one of disapproval.

"They are fine at the moment."

"That doesn't tell me where they are." Harry turned to finally give the man most of his attention.

The face of the nurse turned to one of shock before handing the bottle over to James, and quietly exiting the room.

Dumbledore sighed wearily. It seemed he wasn't expecting to have a long discussion like this, so soon after Harry had woken up.

"Harry, Michael is in my office right now. We felt it best that you two were separated for a bit, so that we would be able to have a talk about your behavior."

"My behavior!" Harry's voice went up an octave at the stupidity of the topic. "What do you mean by 'my behavior'? And where is Jonathon?" There was finality in his voice as thoughts raced through his head. If John-John is still at the Dursley's and hurt, I'm going to be more than pissed.

"My dear boy..." Dumbledore began but Harry swiftly cut him off.

"I'm not you're 'dear boy'."

Giving a knowing smile, Dumbledore seemed to humor Harry's demand for the moment.

"As you wish. You're behavior seems to consist of tantrums. And being magical, these tantrums have turned destructive. But since you are new to all of this," a hand was waved indicating everything around them, "no punishment from me or your parents will be administered. This is your only warning though."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking Harry blurted out, "They're not my parents and never will be."

James and Lily seemed shocked for a moment and then sad; hearing the finality in the words spoken, left little hope of redemption for the two.

"Harry that seems a bit harsh. Surely you don't mean that. And your brothers mustn't feel the same way." The Headmaster was trying to calm down the situation before more hurtful words were spoken.

"You never answered my question." Harry decided to change the subject onto a much more important topic.

"I'm sorry. What question are you referring to?"

"Where is Jonathon?" Harry became uneasy with the feeling that the three adults hadn't thought to retrieve Jonathon as well.

As all three adults opened their mouths to speak, the black doors behind them creaked open. In strode an exact replica or twin of Harry. Michael was bare-chested, with only a pair of green pajama pants on. His hair was messier than usual and his green eyes blazed with fury.

Harry was startled that he hadn't sensed his twin, but only for a moment. He realized that he had been too focused on Dumbledore for the last few minutes, to have been aware of Michael, anyway.

Michael strode into the room and sat at the foot of Harry's bed. Michael gave Harry a look and Harry finally looked down to see that he and Michael were dressed exactly alike. That hadn't happened in years. Some twins thought that they were two halves of one whole. Michael and Harry understood, though, that they were their own person. So each boy had dressed differently, or as different as they could, given their situation at the Dursley's.

But that didn't matter right now, because Michael wasn't easily angered. The reason behind Michael's rage became apparent when he spoke.

"They didn't give a thought to Jonathon. He's still at the Dursley's or hopefully the hospital.

Harry didn't know what to say. He had expected this, but there had still been a tiny hope that his instincts were wrong. But now that hope was squashed.

"Go get him." Harry's tone of voice left no room for arguments.

"Harry…" James said, but was silenced with a glare from Michael.

It soon became a staring contest between the twins and the three adults. After a few moments of tense silence, Dumbledore, in all his purple robed glory, relented.

"James, if you would be so kind as to reclaim your youngest from his relatives, I would be grateful."

James didn't question Dumbledore's decision, but nodded in silent acceptance. Turning around, he walked out the door Michael had come in, without ever looking back.

Dumbledore watched as his former student left. Once James was out of sight, the headmaster once again looked at the two upset and very volatile preteens.

"Michael, Harry, I know that the Dursley's house is not the ideal place for any of you, but it will keep you safe. They are your only living relatives, besides your parents."

Michael failed to contain a snort. Dumbledore gave him an icy stare, which was returned.

"You boys should relax. You have been asleep for awhile now and school starts tomorrow."

The twins just nodded at this, showing no hint of surprise at how long they had slept. Bro, what about John-John? He was sicker than usual, but I don't know how long he would have been kept in the hospital. Michael silently thought to his brother.

I know, Michael. If he went back to the Dursley's, there is still a chance that they were too scared to touch him. Harry tried to assure his brother along with himself.

If not, I'll kill them myself. Michael might not be even close to as hot tempered as Harry, but when he was angry, people would pay.

"What is on your mind boy? You are very quiet," Dumbledore spoke in a grandfatherly voice.

Two faced, both thought. Harry decided to humor the man and gave a straight answer.

"Listen you old coot," he began, but was interrupted by a gasp from Lily. Michael laughed at her reaction.

"At least he said 'old coot'. I, on the other hand, would have called him a jacka…"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Michael," Lily screeched.

"…ss. So be happy I'm not speaking." Michael finished, completely ignoring Lily and her demand. Harry smirked at his twin's lack of caring.

"As I was saying, you 'old coot', though I like Michael's nickname much more than my own, I don't care how safe you think we are. And Jonathon is not staying there when we aren't. So he can come to school with us."

"Or we're not coming at all," Michael finished for his twin.

Lily didn't know what to think, while Dumbledore seemed to be in deep thought.

A few minutes later, a disheveled looking James burst into the room, carrying a white bundle.

Upon further inspection all occupants saw the white bundle was actually a sleeping Jonathon in a hospital gown.

James looked frantic and starting yelling a weird name, until the woman that was seen earlier appeared.

The woman immediately saw the situation for what and was and snatched Jonathon from James' arms, carefully lying him down on the bed to Harry's right. The woman then pulled out a stick, what Harry assumed to be a wand, and started muttering things. A little while later she looked relieved and turned to address the anxious twins.

"Your brother is fine, just resting for the moment. I want to keep all three of you in this wing overnight, though, it is only to make sure everything is fine and you are together."

Harry nodded and turned his attention back to Dumbledore.

"Well, what have you decided?"

"Yes, Harry. You, Michael, and Jonathon will start your first year at Hogwarts tomorrow. In the morning all three of you will go shopping for wands with one of the teachers to accompany you. After that, the feast and sorting will happen."

Harry and Michael gave genuine smiles of happiness at the first telltale signs of good news in a long time.


A.N.: Thank you to everyone who is still reading and reviewing my story, though I don't deserve it with all my lack of updates. Next chapter will be Diagon Alley and the Sorting. Don't worry, I'll actually update soon because of a nagging younger brother, cough, sorry (Chaosdragon23).

Read and Review.