AN: Warning, this fanfic contains spoilers for the third Vampire Hunter D book, which Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is based on, but is not the same. So if you're reading this only having watched the movie, be warned.

Disclaimer: Vampire Hunter D is the property of Hideyuki Kikuchi.


Never show yourselves before mankind again. The sentence ran through the vampire's mind yet again, and he stopped what he was doing, staring up at the stars through the dilapidated, empty house.

"Mayerling. Is everything alright?" asked his beautiful bride.

He turned to her, smiling at the thought of her being with her, that at least they were together with all they had been through.

"Yes, darling. I'm fine." She was unconvinced though, so he added, "I was just thinking about that last command again."

She nodded. "I know. I was thinking about it too. How if he hadn't said it, we wouldn't be together."

He smiled at her. Yes, it had saved them. He hugged her, and she laid her head against his chest. "Yes, love. And it is to him our thanks must go that we are both still alive. Though are you still sure you wouldn't rather go to your aunt's village."

The girl shook her head, gazing up at him as she caught his hand and kissed it. "I love you, my Mayerling. Why would I ever want to be separated from you?"

Mayerling smiled at kissed her forehead. "I love you too. Have you gotten the food you need?"

The girl nodded.

"Then we should go. Before the people of this village realize we're here."

She closed her eyes, and he wondered if the strain of always having to be on the run wasn't more of a hardship for her than her human body could bear.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"Yes, my dearest." She smiled up at him then turned toward the door. "We should go."