-1Sweetnadeshiko: Hello! I decided to come up with another fanfic! This time the pairings will be obvious or at least I hope!

Disclaimer: I don't and wont ever own Naruto!

Summary: They lived in a world where nobles and kings and queens ruled and the peasants and the poor where forgotten. She was no exception.


Different Lives, One Love

" Ten-ten be a dear and go shopping for me, please?"

" Yes, mama."

A seventeen year old girl with a raggedy red yukata came out of an old shack.

Her name was Ten-ten, just Ten-ten because her mother couldn't afford to get either of them a last name. But it was ok with her she didn't need a last name her name was unique unlike the Kiokos and Midoris that her town was filled with. She didn't need her last name. Unlike her mother, whom she loved very much, she thought the idea of having a surname was a waste of money and breath. Her mother had once told her she wanted a last name for her baby girl but she couldn't afford one. To make matters worse she was always ill and she couldn't work to make any money either. So growing up Ten-ten, instead of going to school would go around town looking for a job to help her mother get better.

Now just because she didn't go to school doesn't mean she was ill educated. When ever she worked for a wealthy family who had children her age she would stop whatever it was that she was doing and listen. She would always try to learn but as her life was now she found it very hard.

Around the age of ten she gave up the idea of ever having an education but she promised herself if the chance of her ever getting to learn anything came up she would take it. Her mother felt guilty and she told Ten-ten this too. She had told her it was all her fault for taking her life away and not providing an adequate lifestyle for the both of them. She had seen the hunger she had as a child to learn. This would always make Ten-ten cry. She always told her mother it wasn't their fault her father had run out on them for someone according to him better.

She couldn't see how he could have said that. Her mother in her eyes was beautiful. She had dark chocolate hair, with matching coffee eyes, and a voice made just for her. She was an angel but she was not perfect. She was ill since the day the man, whom she referred to as father, left. She saw how she couldn't do anything anymore and just took it upon herself to do everything for her.

Often she was asked by the other peasants if she ever regretted helping her mother. She always answered no. So she was always busy with her mother and her jobs to worry about what the girls her age would.

A pink haired girl spotted Ten-ten and waved at her happily. Ten-ten smiled and waved back. Next to the pink haired girl was a rambunctious blonde apparently hyper and he waved to her too. She waved back and decided to walk over to them.

" Ohayou Goizamasu Ten-ten-chan," the pink haired girl spoke.

" Ohayou Ten-chan," the blonde boy spoke up.

" Ohayou Naruto-kun. Sakura-chan."

" Are you out shopping for your mother?" The blonde got jabbed on his side by his female friend as a warning. " Naruto!" She had said in an exasperated tone.

" It's ok Sakura-chan. Hai, Naruto-kun. She asked me if I could please go for her."

" It's great that you would do so. Do you mind if we came along with you?" Asked the blonde.

" If its not too much trouble for you and Sakura-chan then I don't mind." She smiled prettily for them.

" Well we are supposed to go help Ino-pig at her flower shop today but I'm sure Ino won't mind!"

So now the three friends walked to the market place together but with Naruto around it wasn't going to be a quiet trip. As soon as they had arrived to their destination Naruto stopped and admired ALL the food stands. Ten-ten and Sakura had walked off to buy some things they needed and decided to leave Naruto behind. They knew once it concerned food there was no moving him.

His mouth watering from the looks and smells of the delicacies on display he couldn't help himself and pulled out as much money as he could from his pockets. When he finally pulled out his money he asked for the price of a candied apple. " Seven gold pieces." " Ok hold on let me count them. One…Two.." " Thank you, sir." " Keep the change," the voice seemed annoyed and in a hurry. " Ok seven gold pieces! Huh!" He looked at the stand and noticed the last candied apple was gone. " Hey what happened to the-" He looked to his side and saw a boy around his age. The first thing he noticed was the apple as he took a bite out of it. " Hey that was mine." The boy looked to the boy next to him as if he where inferior to him. " What do you want?" He asked obviously annoyed emphasizing the word you. " That apple was mine!" The boy looked really amused and a smirk was displayed on his handsome features. " Oh really! I don't see your name anywhere on it." " It may not have had my name on it but it was going to be mine! You saw me taking out my money!" " Shut up why don't you? You are making a nuisance of yourself." People stopped by and started staring. This was making the other boy really angry. " If you wanted so badly then eat it." He dropped it on the floor then he spit on it. Just then Sakura and Ten-ten, now accompanied by Ino, walked by. " If you still want it so badly then eat it." The smirk was still on display on his arrogant face. Ten-ten was now furious after seeing what he had done and said to her friend. She stepped in front off Naruto and the boy. " Who do you think you are!" Ten-ten asked furiously. The boy was now even more amused. He couldn't help himself and decided to answer her. " I am Uchiha.Uchiha Sasuke." He expected her to apologize and grovel at her his feet begging for mercy from him. Was he dead wrong. She slapped him. Clear across his face was a red mark that she had just given him. He looked extremely surprised and so did the crowd that had gathered around them.

Most of the onlookers had quickly moved on at just hearing his last name. But that definitely hadn't faced Ten-ten. 'Is this girl just stupid?' " Listen up! My name is Ten-ten! I do not give a care what the hell your name is! I just want to make it clear for you not to bother any of my friends!" A boy with black-ish brown-ish hair walked next to Sasuke. " If I ever catch you even looking cross eyed at Naruto-kun again I swear on…" She was about to say her mothers' grave but decided against it. " My friendship with him that I will kick your ass! Got it? Oh, and that includes Sakura and Ino too! Mess with any of them and you'll wish you have never been born!" Ten-ten and her friends left the scene shortly afterwards.

Sasuke was in complete shock. How could a low class peasant like her say something to him like that and slap him? That, instead of making him mad attracted him her. There was something about her gruff attitude that just made him like her. " Hyuuga, who was she and where does she live?"


Sweetnadeshiko: Do you guys like it? It took me awhile to type it since I type so slowly but its all good. Umm.. Review please and here are the meanings of the words that are in Japanese that I used earlier:

Ohayou: Good morning.( informal)

Ohayou Goizamasu: Good morning(formal)

I think that's it!

Ja ne,
