So I figured I'd go back to my roots, so to speak, and do a simple little comedic fluff piece. That and I realized that poor Robin and Starfire ain't getting enough love from me. So heeerreeee we go!

Raven sighed deeply as she glanced at the clock, it's digital readout displaying a time of 7:47 PM. Their reservations were at 9 o'clock and it would be at least an hour drive to get to the restaurant.

"I thought the stereotype was that girls were supposed to take forever getting ready?" she murmured, half to herself and half to Starfire who sat next to the annoyed empath.

"One thing I have learned with my time with Robin is that he takes great care in his personal grooming." Starfire said. "Understatement of the year..." Raven uttered under her breath.

It was Friday night and after weeks of begging and pleading Starfire had finally convinced Raven for "the dating of doubles" as the Tammaranian princess put it. Raven finally caved in to a much delighted Starfire who was eager to spend time with the new couple. It took even longer to decide on where they were to eat, as one could not ask for more different tastes of food from four different people.

After a bit of prodding, an exasperated Raven suggested the new Italian restaurant that had opened in Rothsburg, called Alimento Difettso. It seemed like a good establishment and Robin had mentioned it had received several positive reviews in the Jump City Gazette. It was a bit of a drive away and Raven was not looking forward to the long car ride there, but she made a promise to Starfire and intended to keep it.

Forgoing her trademark cloak and leotard, Raven had clad herself in a snug fitting black short sleeve tee-shirt with a large white skull and cross bones on it, it had been a gift from Beast Boy celebrating their "two and a half week anniversary," and black bondage pants with blue straps.

Starfire on the other hand had moved into what Raven described as "uber-girly" territory in regards to her manner of dress. The crimson haired beauty was wearing a form fitting pink tee-shirt that seemed to cling to her like a second skin, the short cut of which teased a full glimpse of her naval. This was accompanied by low rider blue jeans and sandals. Needless to say, it was Robin's favorite outfit of hers.

The two girls sat there on the couch, Raven with her arms crossed over chest clearly annoyed. Starfire meanwhile was keenly focused on the umpteenth rerun of "The Wonderful World of Toenail Fungus" captivated by the images on the main TV screen in Ops. This continued on for several minutes till finally Robin and Beast Boy made their way to join the girls.

"About time..." said Raven.

Beast Boy apparently had a different concept of what he was supposed to wear for the evening, as the green prankster had on a "REVENGE OF THE AXE MANIAC 17" black long sleeve shirt, a faded pair of blue jeans and a leather jacket he couldn't have paid more than $5 for at a thrift store. On the other hand, Robin had opted for more of a well dressed look, sporting a lime green polo shirt, khakis and a pair of Sketchers...and still wearing his mask.

"Dude, don't blame me! I was ready half an hour ago, but bird boy over here kept primping in front of the mirror with his hair!"

Robin scowled at his personal grooming habits coming into question. "There's nothing wrong with taking a little time to make yourself look half way decent!" he countered.

Raven merely rolled her eyes. "When you boys are done having fashion talk, we're going to be late for our reservation." she said impatiently. Beast Boy laughed nervously, resorting to his nervous habit of scratching the back of his neck.

" look really pretty tonight..." he said, trying to smooth her over.

It didn't work.

"C'mon Gar, let's go." and with that grabbed him by the wrist to take him to the garage. Cyborg, who was staying back at the Tower, had lent the use of his T-Car under the circumstances that Beast Boy is at no time allowed to touch the steering wheel and Robin was to drive.

Robin hopped into the driver's seat, adjusting the mirror and seat to his liking, suddenly feeling very short in Cyborg's default settings. Starfire sat in the passenger seat, with Raven and Beast Boy in the back. Beast Boy had printed off directions to this place off of the internet and was serving as the evening's co-pilot.

"Everyone ready?" Robin asked, the garage door to Titans Tower opening as he spoke.

"Yes!" Starfire exclaimed. "I am ready for trip of roads to begin!" she said smiling.

"You're sure you have the right map, Gar?" Raven asked, slightly skeptical. He just smiled back and gave her a quick reassuring peck on the cheek. "Of course I have the right map!" he said. "It's simple, Robin...just take the bridge to the mainland and turn left on Douglas Avenue and get on Route 82 going west and follow that for a bit then PRESTO, we're right there at that Allymint Diefattso place!"

Robin nodded as he sped out the garage over the retractable bridge, turning left on Douglas and heading straight for Route 82 as Beast Boy had said.

Meanwhile, back in the Tower, Cyborg watched from the large glass window in Ops as the T-Car sped further and further away in the distance, slowly becoming nothing more than a dot in the night horizon. The cybernetic Titan grinned big as he grabbed his cell phone and pressing speed dial, eagerly awaited a familiar female voice to pick up.



"Cyborg? Is that you?"

"Jinx baby! How's it going?"

Robin had nearly been driving for an hour now going down Route 82 and still no sign of Alimento Difettso...or anything else for that matter. Just lots and lots of corn, cows and pasture. Robin had the stereo turned down almost all the way as both Raven and Starfire had fallen asleep. Starfire's head was propped against the passenger side window as she slept quietly, dreaming sweet dreams of a life with Robin.

Raven had just recently fallen asleep, her head resting comfortably on Beast Boy's shoulder with his arm around her. Beast Boy gave her a soft kiss on the crown head, he couldn't help himself as he found her too kissable and watched as a faint smile spread on the sleeping girl's face. He could smell her shampoo (which smelled faintly of rain) and the gentle wafts of her incense off of her clothes.

His day dreaming about his girlfriend was interrupted by a slightly annoyed Robin. "Beast Boy...are you SURE I'm supposed to go west on 82?"

"Dude, yeah! I am sure! Here look at the map if you don't believe me." the changeling protested as he handed Robin the printout map.

Robin turned on the light inside the car causing both sleeping girls to wake up.

"Have...we arrived yet?" Starfire asked, rubbing her emerald eyes. Robin didn't reply, just continued to study the map till his left eyebrow twitched suddenly.

"What is wrong, love?" Starfire asked.

"Beast Boy...remind me to kill you." the Boy Wonder said quietly.

Beast Boy just scratched his head in confusion. "Dude, what'd I do?"

"What'd you do? You were reading the map wrong! We weren't supposed to go WEST, we were supposed to go EAST!"

Raven sighed, her head still rested on Beast Boy's shoulder. She really did love him, but sometimes he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.


"Sorry! You're sorry!" Robin continued, craning his neck around to show Beast Boy just how irritated he was. "Would it kill you for just once to..."

"ROBIN LOOK OUT!" Starfire shouted. Robin jerked his head to to look forward only to see a large cow in the middle of the road casually dining on some grass that had sprung up in the middle of the cracking blacktop. Robin quickly veered the steering wheel a hard right and before anyone could figure out what was going on, the T-Car crashed right into a telephone pole.

Jinx giggled and blushed slightly as Cyborg poured her another class of champagne. The lights were dimmed in Ops, candles lit with some Barry White playing softly in the background.

"So things aren't working out between you and Kid Flash, huh?"

"No..." she sighed. "I mean, he's really sweet, but...he just doesn't do it for me, ya know?"

"Like what?" the metal Romeo asked innocently.

"Well..let's just say there's a reason why he's called 'The Fastest Boy Alive'" she replied.

Cyborg laughed and flashed her a million dollar smile. "Now ain't that a shame! Sometimes you wanna take things slow, real slow. Know what I mean?"

"I think I have an idea..." Jinx cooed

"Is...everyone ok?" Robin asked, slowly opening his eyes.

"Ahhhh! Dude! I'm blind!" Beast Boy said panicking. "The wreck blinded me!"

"You're not blind." said Raven cooly. "I protected us as best I could from the crash with my powers." and with saying this, retracted the shield and restoring his sight. Starfire attempted to open her door, but quickly found it jammed shut in the crumbled steel. One swift kick later and the door came crashing open.

"Are you unharmed?" she asked Raven and Beast Boy. "Yeah Starfire...I think I'm ok, sore, but ok." the empath replied. Starfire easily ripped off Raven's door as if it were made of tin foil and helped her friend out into the cool night air, Beast Boy crawling out behind her. When all four Titans were out of the car, Robin scanned the area for any pay phones, cars or any way to communicate with Cyborg. In the rush to get out the door, none of the group had brought their communicators and since the T-Car was totaled it's homing beacon was shot.

"So..uhh...what now?" Beast Boy finally asked.

"There appears to be a dwelling one mile away." said Starfire, using a starbolt still on her hand as a flashlight to read a nearby traffic sign.

"That's our best bet then." said Robin. "Raven and Starfire will fly to town and try and call Cyborg to come get us. Beast Boy and I will stay here in case somebody attempts to drive by."

"You guys will be ok by yourselves?" Raven asked.

"Don't worry Rae!" Beast Boy offered "We can totally take care of ourselves!" causing Raven to get a slightly upset feeling in her stomach and one goodbye kiss later to each of their men, the two girls were flying quickly into nearby Harveyville to get help.