Author's Note: And here it is the FINAL chapter of When Hearts Collide. I haven't decided about a sequel yet, it's all still up in the air. But I hope you all like this final chapter. I've appreciated all your kind reviews over the course, it's really what kept me writing most of the time.

On another note, it's true that Luke and Lorelai are not in this same place on the real show, but I believe that they will get there. If you still look at the two of them, maybe not now because they haven't had a scene together in awhile, but if you still remember what it once was like and know that it can be like that again, then have faith. This will be Luke and Lorelai's endgame.

The Dragonfly Inn

Lorelai walks into the inn with Rory following behind her, the dress in her arms. She glances around at all the white, cream and gold decorations in awe. The lilies in similar color decorate the room. "Wow," Lorelai whispers. Rory watches her mom, pleased with the job she and Sookie have done. "Rory, this is amazing."

"Well, it's what you and Sookie planned," Rory tells her. Lorelai shakes her head in amazement.

"No," Lorelai says, awe in her voice. "This is nothing like I could have imagined."

"Well go look around, I'm going to go take your dress upstairs and get my hair done. Come up before soon before Dad gets here." Lorelai nods, still in a daze. Rory reaches up on her tip toes and kisses her mother's cheek. "You deserve this Mom." Rory walks away. Lorelai glances around the front hall and parlor for a moment. She walks into the dining room and out the back into the heated white tent. Glancing down at her feet, she sees the white carpet on leading her to her destination. Treading carefully, Lorelai slowly walks up to the chuppah. She breathes in slowly, smelling the cool crisp air.

Noticing Gilbert, Lorelai walks over to her favorite goat. "Hey there, Gil, long time no talk," she jokes. Then she shakes her head at herself. "Won't Luke be overjoyed to know his new wife talks to wooden goats." She giggles. Reaching up, she runs her fingers over Gilbert. She sobers, just gazing at the goat. "You think this is it this time? I've finally found it? The One?" She purses her lips, nodding. "He said that marriage is good if you find that one person who can put up with everything and loves you in spite of it. He was talking about himself, wasn't he?" She smiles to himself. "He loved me all along. He is The One. That's why you're here. Just waiting for me to finally figure it out, what was right there the whole time." She sighs. "I should have listened to you last time. I was only hurting him by ignoring what was right there, by not telling him what I already knew, and you already know, that we are meant to be together."

Folding her arms over her chest, Lorelai glances up at the sky. "Snow," she begs softly. Closing her eyes, Lorelai stands still for a moment, just feeling the wind blow around her. And suddenly she feels it. Touching her cheek softly, Lorelai smiles. And she opens her eyes to see a few more flakes. "I didn't know I could do that," Lorelai comments. She looks over at Gilbert. "Thanks." She winks and pulls her coat tighter and walks back down the aisle into the inn.

Lorelai walks quickly through the dining room and parlor and runs up the stairs. "Rory!" she yells. "It's time!" Rory steps out of a room at the end of the hall. Lorelai stops in her tracks, seeing the lack of expression on her face. "What?" Rory motions Lorelai over to her. With trepidation, Lorelai walks down the hall and looks in the room. In the room stand Liz and Sookie in golden dresses. April is on the ground playing with Olivia and Liam. Behind on all of them, on the wall hangs Lorelai's wedding dress and Lorelai gasps. She looks over at Rory taking a deep breath, not smiling.

"You ready?" Rory asks. Lorelai glances back at the dress, a smile slowly creeping over her face.

"Yes," Lorelai answers with certainty. She walks in the room. "Hey Rory, is it going to be like Cinderella? Are the birds going to tie ribbons in my hair?" Rory sighs, rolling her eyes, closing the door behind Lorelai.

Luke stands at the end of the aisle, looking only a little nervous. The minister glances over at him. "You ready?" the minister asks. Luke is staring down the aisle as if waiting for something to happen. Startled by the minister's voice, Luke glances over at the minister.

"Yeah, I've been ready for a long time," Luke answers firmly. The minister nods.

"Good man," the minister replies. He nods to Morey to begin the music. Luke folds his hands behind his back, looking back down the aisle.

The procession begins with April pushing Olivia and Liam down the aisle in a decorated stroller. She never takes her eyes off of Luke the whole time as he beams down at his children. Reaching the end of the aisle, April hands Liam to Emily, who sits in the front row, and hands Olivia to Babette, who sits behind Emily. She sets the stroller on the side and stands in front, looking across the aisle at Luke, who winks at her.

Rory and Jess walk down next, Rory's arms wrapped around Jess. Luke shakes his head, smiling to himself, realizing that he had known all along Lorelai was lying just to get the 5 dollars from him. They both knew there was no way Rory would walk down the aisle on Kirk's arm. When they reach the end, Rory goes to stand next to April and Jess next to Luke, each receiving a nod from Luke.

Liz and Kirk walk down next. And finally Sookie and Tony walk down the aisle.

After a moment, Morey changes his tune and everyone shifts in their chairs to get a look at Lorelai as she stands at the end of the aisle, her arm through Richard's. Richard glances at Lorelai, who is staring straight ahead, not necessarily at Luke, her face pale and expressionless. "You ready?" Richard asks Lorelai, but she doesn't respond. He tries to get them moving down the aisle but Lorelai's frozen in place. "Lorelai?" Richard looks down at the aisle at Luke, giving him a helpless look.

Luke motions for Morey to keep playing as he leaves his place and walks down the aisle to Lorelai. When he reaches her, Lorelai breaks her gaze from nothing to look up at him. Luke gently grasps her elbows. "You okay?" he asks softly. Lorelai nods slowly. "You still want to get married?" She nods again, not taking her eyes from Luke's. "Okay." Luke looks over at Richard, pressing his lips together as if apologizing for what he's about to do. "Do you mind?" Richard looks over at Lorelai, who's still staring up at Luke, adoration in her eyes. Richard nods and steps back. Luke takes Richard's place, looping Lorelai's arm through his and clasping their hands together. Richard nods again, a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"You take care of her, Son," Richard says to Luke.

"I will," Luke promises. Richard kisses Lorelai's cheek and then walks down the aisle to sit next to Emily, taking Olivia from Babette when he sits down. Luke looks over at Lorelai. "This better?" Lorelai nods.

"Let's get married," she says softly. Morey starts the song over again as Luke guides Lorelai down the aisle. Rory grins knowing how in love Luke and Lorelai are.

Nearing the end of the ceremony, the minister allows Luke and Lorelai the chance to say something personal. Luke decides to go first.

"Lorelai, I think I've told you time and again about how I knew we belonged together the moment you walked into my diner that day. But I realize now, I never told you what it was about you that brought on this realization. I'll tell you. It was your eyes. Many will agree that your eyes are amazing, blue, crystalline, sparkling when happy, soulful when sad. But to me they reveal so much more than that. The moment I looked in your eyes I could see all of this. I could see you and me together. I could see us in love. I could see me protecting you from everything and you being there for me for all of our days. And I could see our family, no specifics but I could see us having a family. Being in one of those homes one could always dream of with you and me and the kids. And now, with Rory, April, Liam and Olivia, we finally have it. We have everything. And now when I look in your eyes, I no longer see the future, I see the truth. That what I saw the moment I first met you, was fate. We belong together Lorelai." Lorelai gasps, a tear running down her cheek.

"Oh I so wish you had let me go first," Lorelai whispers. Luke chuckles. He motions for her to go on and Lorelai takes a deep breath. "Okay, okay." She looks down, gathering her thoughts and then looks up into Luke's eyes. "Well for anyone who has ever known me even a little bit, it is well known I love movies. I've loved them for so long. I think it started as an obsession back when I was a child and it just grew. And just recently I've realized that the movies I like best are the ones with those couples in them. You know, the ones that are meant to be. The ones that fate has chosen for them to be together. And I think I've always wanted to be like them, to be in one of those kind of couples. And I finally have it. I do. Luke, we're meant to be. There's something magical that brought me to Stars Hollow and made me go into your diner that day, I mean other than coffee." Lorelai winks and then sobers. "Those couples. Rick and Isla. Han and Leia. Harry and Sally. Lady and the Tramp. Not that I think that you're a tramp," Lorelai adds nervously. "Those couples. They belong together. We belong together Luke." The minister nods.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the minister says. Luke can't wait for the minister to give permission. He cups Lorelai's face in his hands kissing her softly. Lorelai responds, wrapping one arm around his neck and one around his back. Luke moves his to her shoulders and lower back as they kiss deeply. Pulling back flushed and smiling.

"I love you Luke Danes," Lorelai whispers.

"I love you too, Lorelai Danes," Luke responds.

After the wedding, everyone gathers in the Dragonfly dining room, many just wanting to be inside to get out of the cold. Lorelai grabs Luke's hand before they walk inside and motions for her to follow him. They walk back down the aisle, holding hands, fingers interlaced, to stand under the chuppah. The snow falls from the sky around them. "You remember when you made me the chuppah?" Lorelai asks. Luke nods. "Did you ever imagine it would be first used for our own wedding?"

"I dreamed that it would, but never did I imagine that my dreams would become a reality," Luke replies. In response, Lorelai cups the back of Luke's head, pulling his lips to hers, kissing him tenderly.

"I just wanted a moment for us now that we're actually husband and wife," Lorelai tells him. Luke nods. "Let's go in and greet." Smiling, Luke squeezes Lorelai's hand.

The newlyweds walk inside to greet their guests. The reception goes on beautifully. Everyone compliments Sookie on her food selections. They all have a great time just talking and telling stories. After the meal, Lorelai and Luke sit at the front table, just enjoying the company. Lorelai holds Olivia in her arms and Luke holds Liam, in their free hands, they clasp each other's hand.

Tony and Sookie each give speeches. Finally Rory stands. "Hey everyone. I'm not the maid of honor and certainly not the best man, but I wanted to make a toast as the eldest child of Luke and Lorelai Danes. Most of you know that I'm not actually Luke's daughter, which is obvious considering my last name is Gilmore and I was eleven years old the first time I met Luke. But that doesn't mean anything. What we have witnessed today is the creation of a family. A mom and dad coming together with four children, a truly amazing family. But what's even more incredible is the relationship between my mom and dad. I've never seen two people so in love, who belong together so much, who are truly meant to be as much as my mom and dad. I can only hope to one day find that person who can compliment me as my dad does my mom. I remember when Liam and Olivia were born, my mom joked that if they called Olivia Livvie, then all four of them would have L names. Luke, Lorelai, Liam and Livvie. And she said she didn't want to be like the Spencers. And it reminded me of a quote I once heard about Luke and Laura Spencer. Anthony Geary said that 'she was his angel and he was her hero and for some reason that never changed'." Luke and Lorelai smile at each other, remembering their jokes about being like the Spencers.

"Yeah, he's my own Clark Kent," Lorelai kids, squeezing Luke's hand.

"It's true. That is what they are to each other. And I know that will never change. Mom, Dad, I just want to say congratulations and I feel lucky to be a part of our family," Rory finishes.

"Oh Honey," Lorelai whispers, tears in her eyes as she reaches her arms out to Rory, who walks over and hugs Lorelai. Then Rory moves on to hug Luke, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you Dad," she whispers in his ear.

"I love you too, Rory," Luke answers.

"All right already, stop making me nauseous, let's get this party started!" Babette yells.

"Well I guess it's time for our dance," Lorelai says to Luke. He stands, handing Liam over to Rory and Lorelai hands Olivia over to April. Luke reaches a hand to Lorelai. She takes his as she stands, following him out to the dance floor.

True Companion plays as Lorelai and Luke dance as husband and wife, closer than they've danced before. Her arm around his back and his holding her close against her lower back. Their other hands clasped, fingers intertwining. Her head on his chest, his face leaning down into her hair. They slowly move to the music, letting the words and melody circle around them and they hold each other close.

As the music ends, Lorelai tilts her face upward, placing a soft kiss on Luke's lips. She pulls away from him, wiping a tear from her cheek. Glancing over at Richard, she beckons for her father. Richard becomes flustered by his daughter's request but happily acquiesces. Chuck Berry's Beautiful Delilah plays as Lorelai holds out her hands to Richard. "Daddy, will you dance with me?" she asks softly. Richard, too choked up to answer, just nods. He takes Lorelai's hands and they begin to dance. Luke, in turn, walks over to Emily.

"Emily, may I have this dance?" Luke asks, offering his hand to her. Emily seems a little taken aback by Luke's suggestion but places her hand in his. Lorelai glances over at Luke and winks and then turns her attention back to Richard.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to walk me down the aisle," Lorelai tells him. Richard's lips curve into a smile as he holds his daughter close.

"Lorelai, you're 36 years old. You stopped being my child years ago. You didn't need me to give you away," Richard answers. Lorelai nods.

"Still, I'm glad you wanted to."

"I just wanted to be here, to show you that I'm not the least bit disappointed in the way things turned out. I'm proud of you Lorelai. You've really become something, not what I would have planned 36 years ago, but I can still say that my daughter is successful and happy and the mother of three children and that's enough," Richard tells her. Lorelai blushes, pleased with her father's words.

"Thank you Daddy," Lorelai whispers softly, laying her head on his shoulder. Richard holds her against him, his heart full.

"I'm not exactly sure why you wanted to dance with me Luke," Emily says stiffly, holding Luke a distance from her.

"It's tradition. Besides, I wanted to tell you that no matter what you think of me, I am going to make your daughter happier than she could ever imagine," Luke promises. Emily looks up at him, doubt in her eyes. "I thought you were giving her and me a chance."

"I tried. It didn't work. I'm sorry Luke, but I truly feel that Lorelai deserves more than what you can offer her. And no matter how hard I try, that will never change," Emily responds coldly.

"Don't you want your daughter to be happy?"

"You think that Lorelai can be happy with the simple life but she can't, she won't. She belongs in my world. She'd be happier in my world. Marrying you is holding her back. She could have everything, she deserves everything." Luke glances over at Lorelai, content in her father's arms. Emily follows his gaze.

"How is it that he can be so proud of her?" Luke wonders.

"Because he's willing to settle," Emily responds. "Because he's given up." Luke sighs, just wishing the dance would end soon. "Luke, I want you to know I'm letting it go. I may not like the path she's chosen and the moment she realizes she could have more, I'll be right there waiting, but I promise, I won't push her along." Luke gives her a hard look.

"I want you to know that you can't use me to stay in her good graces. You can't pretend to like me just to get her to like you and then the moment she hesitates for a moment, you're right there telling her awful things about me. I won't let that happen," Luke responds. Emily stares up at Luke. She nods shortly as the song ends. They quickly separate. Luke walks over to Lorelai, taking her back from Richard.

"You and my mother work things out?" Lorelai asks. Luke smirks.

"See I knew you were funny," Luke answers. Lorelai snickers and kisses him. "Another dance?" Luke suggests as A Groovy Kind of Love begins and many other guests fill the dance floor.

"Let's get the kids out here," Lorelai suggests. They walk over to Rory and April. "Come on guys, shake a tail feather!" She takes Liam from Rory and April hands Olivia over to Luke. Rory looks down at April who shrugs. They follow Luke and Lorelai out onto the dance floor. Taking each other's hand, Luke and Lorelai dance with the twins as Rory spins April around nearby.

Though the dance floor fills with the guests at the wedding, all that seems clear to Lorelai are Luke, Rory, April, Olivia and Liam. She was once the child of Richard and Emily Gilmore, a rebel in her own kind, sneaking out and disobeying the rules. From the moment Rory was born, Lorelai became a changed person, but the person she thought she could depend on, Christopher, disappeared. It would be years before he came back into her life, all the while Lorelai would grow and mature and change from being the person she once was as a wild sixteen year old. She would be so unlike that original person that when Christopher came back to her, she could feel nothing, only a sexual lust for him, but no deep emotions. And try as she may, to make a perfect family for her daughter, Lorelai could soon see she had not been destined for this role.

Lorelai had tried time and again to find someone to fill her heart, keep her from being alone. And for years had found no one. Forcing her independence to grow stronger and making her afraid to give that up. She had tried with Max but ended up realizing it wasn't worth it to be married if you don't love the person you're with. She had tried with Christopher but had come to the conclusion that he wasn't the one she was meant to be with either. At the same time, she had tried to give up her own destiny in order to please her daughter until the night that Christopher ended all that. Until the night her world had shattered and all the positive she had felt towards Christopher had disappeared into a black hole.

So she moved on. Her independence gaining strength as she turned to Luke as a friend. She leaned on him, allowing him to make her feel safe, all the while keeping up the boundary of independence. Even after Lorelai had given of herself to Luke, after she had gotten pregnant, she still remained solid in her autonomy, wanting only to take of his love, afraid she might lose herself if she gave it back. Eventually the moment came when Luke walked out of her life, seeing her independence as an impenetrable wall that he could not leap. And again her world was shattered. At that moment Lorelai realized that the wall she had put up was crumbling and instead moving to encircle Luke inside with her. She saw that he had become a part of her, an extension that she could not live without. The night of the opening of her inn, Lorelai had finally opened up, admitted to Luke that she was his and he was hers and that she could never see herself as whole without him.

On this night, her wedding night, Lorelai had taken a vow and told the world that she was one with Luke. She was no longer the rebellious self-sufficient teenager she had once been. She had raised a daughter. She had taken in a stepdaughter and learned to love her as well. She had bore two more children whom she loved entirely. And she had married the love of her life. And as Lorelai held Liam close to her, she could hear the words of the song playing.

When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms
Nothing seems to matter
My whole world can shatter
I don't care
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love

Finally Lorelai looks up at Luke and finds him staring back at her. She smiles on her eldest daughter and step daughter. She watches her younger daughter cling to her husband and holds her young son close. She had given up her independence to have this, to be a part of a family, to be a mother, a stepmother and a wife. And as Lorelai looks into Luke's eyes she is no longer afraid.