Thanks guys for supporting me this far, guys. Glad you like my story. Well, onto the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon; I only own Allison and her spirits.

Chapter 3

The next morning, Allison and Takuya arrived in the park. "Hey Koji, JP, Zoe, and Tommy. Is Kouichi not here yet?" Takuya asked. "Not yet, but we were thinking about waiting a few more minutes and he didn't arrive by then, we'd go check his house and see if he's there," Koji replied.

"Oh, I guess that works," Allison said. "So let's just sit and wait," Zoe said. JP, Tommy, Koji, Takuya, and Allison nodded before they sat down with Zoe. About twenty minutes passed while they were waiting and Kouichi still hadn't shown up at the park.

"Maybe we should go to Kouichi's house and see if he slept in or something," Tommy said. "Tommy's right, let's go," JP said. "Ok," they other four teens said before getting up and leaving the park.

Meanwhile in the Digital World, Kouichi woke up in a dark room. "Huh? Where am I? This isn't my bedroom," he said. He then felt something in his pocket and pulled it out. "My D-Tector…" he whispered to himself as he ran his finger over the device's features.

"Well, good morning sleepyhead," a familiar evil voice said. The dark haired teen turned to see Lucemon looking at him, smirking. "Lucemon…" Kouichi said, glaring at the evil Digimon. "Now, now, don't be like that. That's not a nice way to greet someone," Lucemon replied, still smirking a little.

"Why am I here in the Digital World already? I was supposed to come with Koji and the others," Kouichi said. "I brought you here. And don't worry, you'll be meeting up again with them soon," Lucemon said. Kouichi was then about to Spirit Evolve when he noticed something was wrong. The human and beast spirits in his D-Tector weren't Lowemon and YagerLowemon, they were Duskmon and Velgemon.

"What the heck? What did you do to my D-Tector?" he asked, glaring at the evil Digimon again. "I just returned your spirits to their corrupted form, that's all. Now enough with the questions, it's time to do what I brought you here to do," Lucemon said.

"And what's that?" the dark haired teen asked, continuing to glare at the Digimon. "To put you under my control," Lucemon said as he held out his hand towards Kouichi. Before Kouichi could react, a swirl of dark energy surrounded his body as his eyes soon became empty and lifeless. (A/N: it's the exact same way Kouichi's eyes looked when Cherubimon brainwashed him)

"So, now what are you going to do with him?" Ranamon asked. She, Arbormon, Mercuremon, and Grumblemon had been watching the only thing. "We just wait until the other six Legendary Warriors arrive in the Digital World," Lucemon replied as he walked down the hall. "Until then, how about you help Kouichi get stronger?" he said.

Back in the human world, Koji knocked on the door of his brother's house. "Oh, hello Koji," Mrs. Kimura said, opening the door. "Hi mom, is Kouichi here?" Koji asked. "I'm afraid not. He seems to have gone missing," Mrs. Kimura replied, looking upset.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Kimura, we'll find Kouichi and return him safely," Zoe said, smiling. "Thank you, kids," Mrs. Kimura replied. "See you later, mom," Koji said, before closing the door. "Do you think he went to the digital world early?" Allison asked. "It's a possibility," Takuya said.

"Well, we'll never find out until we get there," JP said. "Right, let's hurry and get to the train station," Koji said, running off towards Shibuya Station. "Wait for us!" Tommy called as he, Zoe, Allison, JP, and Takuya ran after Koji.

Once they were at the station, they got tickets and made their way to the elevator. The six teens all crowded into the elevator and it went down all the way down to the very bottom floor that they had come to six months prior. "Well, at least this place has been fixed since when Lucemon had tried coming to the human world," Allison said, recalling the event from six months ago.

"Yeah, or else we wouldn't have been able to get down here," Takuya said. "Hey look, guys. There's a Trailmon!" Zoe said, pointing to the train-like Digimon waiting on one of the tracks. "Right, let's get on," Koji said before they all got on. When they were on, Koji, Allison, and Takuya checked the entire train to see if Kouichi was on there by any chance.

"Any luck?" Tommy asked as the three sat down. "Nope, he must already be in the Digital World," Allison replied as the Trailmon pulled away from the station. I really do hope he's ok… she thought.

A few minutes later, their cell phones began to glow in their pockets. They pulled them out and the cell phones transformed into their D-Tectors. A second after that, their spirits appeared on the screen. "Hey Agunimon and BurningGreymon, glad to have you back," Takuya said, grinning.

"Good to see you again Kazemon and Zephyrmon," Zoe said, smiling. "Welcome back, Angelmon and MagnaAngewomon," Allison said. "Good to have you back, Lobomon and KendoGarurumon," Koji said. "Glad to see you Beetlemon and MetalKabuterimon," JP said. "Great to have you back Kumamon and Korikkakumon," Tommy said. (A/N: Sue me; I couldn't come up with anything else for them to say)

Shortly after getting their spirits, the Trailmon pulled into the station and the teens got off. "Thank heavens you made it here safely!" they heard Bokomon say as he, Neemon, Salamon, Lopmon, and Patamon came over towards them. "Hey guys, good to see you again," Zoe said, smiling.

"Do you guys know if Kouichi is here already?" Koji and Allison asked at the same time. "He's not with you guys?" Patamon asked, looking confused. "No. Koji and Kouichi's mom said that he went missing so we were guessing he came here early," Takuya said.

"Oh dear," Bokomon said. "Oh dear what?" JP asked. "Come with us, we'll explain soon," Bokomon replied as he, Lopmon, Patamon, Salamon, and Neemon left. Koji, Allison, Tommy, Zoe, and JP looked at each other confused, shrugged, and then quickly followed after the Digimon.

About ten minutes later, the group arrived at Bokomon, Neemon, Patamon, Salamon, and Lopmon's hideout. "Ok, Bokomon. Please explain what's going on," Allison said. "Yeah, what do you know about Kouichi," Koji said. "That's easy! He's your twin brother!" Neemon said. Bokomon snapped his waistband. "That's not what he meant, you dolt!" he said before turning back to the teens.

"We think Kouichi may have been..." he started to say before they all heard movement outside. The six teens ran outside to find Ranamon, Mercuremon, Arbormon, and Grumblemon standing there. "What do you guys want? And why are on Lucemon's side?" Tommy asked. "First off, that isn't any of your business. Second, we just thought we'd give the Legendary Warriors a 'Welcome Back' present," Ranamon replied, giggling.

"Guys, now!" Koji and Takuya said. The others nodded as they all pulled out their D-Tectors. "Execute! Spirit Evolution!" they all shouted, swiping the data around their hands with the D-Tectors.







The teens stood in their Digimon forms ready to fight. "Tsk, tsk. Thou might not want to attack us when thou sees who else is on our side," Mercuremon said, smirking. "What are you talking about?" Agunimon asked. (A/N: When the group is in their Digimon forms, I'll refer to them by their Digimon names, k?) "How about yous see for yourselves?" Grumblemon said.

At that moment, Kouichi walked in between Ranamon and Arbormon. "Kouichi!" Angelmon said with her eyes wide. "Kouichi, what are you doing! You're on our side!" Lobomon said. Kouichi just smirked. "I don't know what you're talking about. I work for Lord Lucemon," he said. (A/N: Wow, never thought he'd ever say that did you? oO)

"Lucemon must be controlling him. Just look at his eyes," Kazemon said, and she was right. Kouichi's eyes looked empty and lifeless. "You know, we'd love to stay and fight you guys, but Lucemon wants us to train and get stronger to help him take over the Digital World. See ya," Arbormon said before they all ran off.

"Kouichi, come back!" Angelmon called out as she tried to fly after them. "Allison, it's no use," Lobomon said before they all de-digivolved. "Why is Lucemon controlling Kouichi though?" Allison asked, trying to hold her tears back.

"It's because he wanted to control the Spirit of Darkness, and the only way to do that was to control Kouichi," Bokomon explained as he, Patamon, Lopmon, Salamon, and Neemon looked at the ground.

"Well, there's only one thing we can do," Takuya said. "And what's that?" JP asked. "We have to train and get stronger so we can get Kouichi back and stop Lucemon for good," Takuya said. "Unfortunately, we have more bad news," Lopmon said.

"What now?" Tommy asked. "Lopmon and I were spying on Lucemon last night after he had come back from kidnapping Kouichi and saw him change Lowemon and YagerLowemon to their corrupted forms, Duskmon and Velgemon," Patamon explained.

"Great, just great," Koji muttered. "Well, I guess we better get started on that training," Zoe said. "Right," the others replied.

Hope you liked this chapter x3 I think it's longest yet. I'll be continuing soon. Until next time, see ya. R&R