A/N: Also last chapter of this story? I think all my endings suck. Yep, so don't complain. I was only inspired to write some of the bits of this story. I just hope you enjoy.

Dedications: Happy Advance Birthday me!!!

Disclaimer: SDK is not mine, bebeh!


Pheh, No One's Thoughts


"How many times do I have to tell you stupid, ugly and irrational village people that I am not a rapist?! And you!" Kyo turned to the gay guy who was obviously drooling over him, "I am not gay!"

"…I heard when you deny you're gay when no one said you're gay, you ARE gay…" came a whisper and sadly, Kyo's ears were sharp.

Kyo narrowed his eyes at one of the village women present and gave her the finger with a glare, "Woman or not, I'll kill you -especially ugly ones like you."

The poor gossip ran away crying to her non-existent husband, leaving a very satisfied Kyo behind who was turning to face the nosy crowd again.

"Now, who said I was a rapist and I was gay?" he challenged, readying his right hand on his Tenro, gripping slightly.

"…b-but, that woman, she claimed you're a rapist, even her clothes are ruined…" came one of the elders protest.

"…woman, come here."

Yuya looked at him annoyed before walking to his side, clutching the cloth given by one of the villagers to cover her body. She looked at him defiantly. "What do you want, rapist?" she muttered.

"…look at me." Everyone looked at him. "…and look at her." Everyone looked at her.

"Do I look like an old pervert who would want to get laid by someone with breasts like these?" he brought his unoccupied hand to one of Yuya's breast and stayed there, leaving Yuya red and petrified. He narrowed his eyes deadly at every one of them, baring his fangs.

No one dared answer him.

"Good, now, leave me and my servant to be."

And they all left, running away.

Kyo then turned to the object of his attention, who was obviously not enjoying the whole scene of him groping her in front of strangers. Her eyes were layered with very fuming anger and she slapped his hand away when he took the liberty to give her a squeeze.

She then smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" he hissed as he fixed his hair, ruffling it to the way it used to be.

"…nothing. It was obviously fun to see you being dragged all the way here…I was actually starting to pity you before you broke free and punched the poor old man on the face…I decided to not side with you."

"…he deserved it for dragging me-sama, no one drags Onime no Kyo like a convict."

"…arrogant bastard!" Yuya turned to her heel and then proceeded to leave, leaving the demon…just when she fell down on her knees, cursing.

"Ow…" she groaned as she inspected her bruised ankle. She whimpered.

"Oh, why me…???" she whined.

Something then encircled itself around her waist and then pulled her back. She looked up to stare into annoyed red eyes. She flushed out of anger and embarrassment. "Let me go…" she ordered, grounding her teeth.

"Okay then." And he let go, causing Yuya to fall down, her butt kissing the ground.


"Not my fault."

Yuya battled with her pride inside. She then lost when she was proven to be wrong with all the denying, plus, she doesn't have any more decent pride to call PRIDE anymore. She sighed heavily, her brows tied into a knot.

"Help me." she muttered.

"What? I didn't hear you. Speak up my ever-so-loyal servant."

"Help me. PLEASE."

Kyo grabbed her waist again, pulling her up to her feet. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Yuya shook her head.

"Now, this would be hard for me to drag you all the way across town. Can I carry you?" Kyo did not even give her the time to say 'yes', he pulled her legs up and then rested the other hand at her back, picking her up bridal style.

"…h-hey! I haven't said 'yes'!"

"…got no time."

"Got no time for what?! We still have plenty of time!"

Kyo looked down to stare at her big eyes. He gave her his knowing smirk. Yuya's eyes widened and she paled instantly when he gave her a squeeze…

"You know? There's just one thing we haven't done other than kissing…and it involves a nice place called a room and a nice place called a futon. Or not. Depends on how fast we're going but if you insist on saying we've got plenty of time…"



A/N: Love me or hate me, review. It's meant to be like this. Ah well, let's just blame me for having writer's block. R&R, it's polite and it's my birthday!