a/n: Hey! Sorry if I haven't updated for a long time! Sorry for the wait but anyways on with the story...





Chapter 5: Interrogations

"I hate him! I hate him! I HATE HIM!" Tenten shouted angrily.

"I think I heard it the first time Tenten" Sakura said removing her hands from her ears.

Tenten huffed

"I hate him" Tenten mumbled again.

"Can you just tell me what's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"He's so full of himself" Tenten mumbled.

"Who's 'he'?" Sakura asked even though she already knew who it was.

"Who else besides the ever so arrogant Hyuuga" Tenten said glumly with a hint of anger.

Sakura sighed.

"What did he do?" Sakura asked trying to act as innocent as possible.

"He embarrassed me in front of Katsuo!"

"Katsuo?" Sakura asked raising a brow.

"He's a guy I met" Tenten replied simply.

"That's it? That's why you hate him?"

"No...And plus it's rude of him to just pull me away when I'm talking to someone" Tenten said.

"And that someone is Katsuo? You like him?" Sakura asked curiously

'Please say no' Sakura thought desperately

Tenten looked down at her shoes

"I don't know" She responded softly.

'That's not a yes but it's not a no either, we're in serious crap here'

"Maybe he's jealous?" Sakura said suddenly

"Excuse me?" Tenten asked, startled.

"Maybe he's jealous of Katsuo" Sakura repeated.

Tenten looked away

"Yeah right, that's impossible" Tenten said coldly.

Sakura put her arms in front of her chest "It's possible"

'Since it already happened' Sakura added in her mind

"Did I ever tell you that he called me pathetic? So how would he like me?"

"He called you pathetic?" Sakura asked in pure disbelief, she didn't know that!

Tenten nodded meekly.

"Oh! He also told me to get over it" Tenten stated.

"Then why can't you get over it?" Sakura asked.

"It's not that easy you know" Tenten muttered.

"How come? You like him don't you?" Sakura teased suddenly

"What? Why would you say that?" Tenten asked softly looking down.

Sakura shrugged.

"Maybe because you have a faint blush appearing on your face" Sakura said smirking widely.

"I am not blushing!" Tenten exclaimed trying to hide the cursed blush that was appearing on her face.

Sakura just smirked

"Whatever you say" Sakura said walking towards the door.

"One last thing before I leave, you sure are talking a lot about him for a person you hate" Sakura said before completely going out.

"Oh hey Hinata!" Sakura greeted.

"I got the information" Hinata said showing Sakura a folder.

"That's great! Now all I have to do is talk to Neji!" Sakura said smiling.

"What did Tenten-chan say?" Hinata asked.

Sakura sighed

"We're in serious trouble here" Sakura said.

"How come?" Hinata asked.

"Tenten may like Katsuo but she may also like Neji so it's a 50-50 chance" Sakura explained.

Hinata's eyes narrowed

"Um...That's not really good" Hinata mumbled.

"Tell me about it"

"No! It's not that! It says here that Katsuo is a player!" Hinata exclaimed.

Sakura looked at her wide-eyed


Hinata nodded

Sakura groaned

"Hinata? Do you really think that we'll be able to pull this off?" Sakura asked.

"Well...I have a feeling Neji-nii-san likes Tenten-chan" Hinata said softly.

"Why would you say that?" Sakura asked raising a brow

"Neji-nii-san doesn't usually insult others and if he does there's gotta be a reason" Hinata explained.

"So you think that's why Neji called her pathetic?" Sakura asked.

Hinata nodded.

"Interesting..." Sakura mumbled.

"We just might pull this off" Sakura said smiling widely

Hinata smiled but it soon faded.

"What about Katsuo?" Hinata asked.

"What else does it say about him?" Sakura asked.

Hinata looked back at the folder

"Um...Well it says here that when he sees a gorgeous girl he'll try all means to get her then dumps her when he's bored with it and it also says here that if a pest gets in the way of his umm... 'Tradition' he'll use all means to get rid of it" Hinata read.

"By pest does he mean a rival?" Sakura asked.

"I guess" Hinata responded.

Sakura looked down

"That's bad"

"But Tenten-chan doesn't usually dress like that" Hinata said brightly.

Sakura's face brightened

"That's Right!" but her smile soon vanished

"But he already saw the real Tenten and it's probably not the last time he's going to see the real Tenten" Sakura said.

Hinata looked at her questioningly.

Sakura sighed

"Remember? Your family's annual ball tomorrow"

"What about it?"

"Katsuo asked Tenten to be her partner and...She agreed" Sakura said


"So what do we do, since he saw the real Tenten he won't stop!" Sakura said

"No idea" Hinata said.

Sakura groaned.

"I never thought doing this would be so...so...difficult and so frustrating!" Sakura exclaimed.

"B-But it is fun" Hinata whispered.

Sakura smiled

"Yeah and we saw Neji get jealous that's a once in a life time event" Sakura said giggling. It is true you never see the stoic, cold-hearted Hyuuga be so red in anger and green in jealousy.

Hinata smiled "Just a little more"

Sakura nodded

"Well...I have to talk to Neji---" Sakura suddenly had an idea

"Hinata can you call Ino for me tell her to come here" Sakura said.

"Sure but why?" Hinata asked.

"On nothing...I just need her for our little talk with Neji" Sakura replied innocently.

Hinata looked at her suspiciously but did call Ino.

'With Ino here, interrogating I mean talking to Neji will be a piece of cake' Sakura thought happily.

"Why'd you call me...Sakura?" Ino asked looking at the two girls in front of her

Sakura smiled seeing that she's not using forehead-girl anymore

"I missed my appointment because of this" Ino added.

"Oh this is far more important than your appointment" Sakura said smirking evilly.

Ino looked at her curiously

"Spill it"

"You do know that we're trying to set up Neji with Tenten right?" Sakura asked.

Ino nodded.

"Well there's a slight problem" Hinata said.

Ino raised a brow "Problem?"

"Yup there's another guy stepping in to the picture" Sakura said simply.

Ino eyes widened "So you're telling me that somebody else likes...Tenten?"

That was new! Who would have thought that the tomboyish, bun-haired girl would have a guy liking her...no offense really. Unbelievable! What has gotten into the world lately? Tenten's nice and all but It was unusual to hear somebody well...liking her unless she...

They both nodded

"And Neji-nii-san's jealous" Hinata added.

"The Hyuuga Neji is jealous!" Ino exclaimed disbelievingly.

"I can't believe it..."

Another nod

"No offense or anything but how can a guy like Tenten?" Ino asked out of pure curiosity.

"You see yesterday there was this formal party here and Tenten being Neji's secretary needed to go so she needed to wear a formal outfit" Hinata explained.

"She actually wore a dress?"

"Actually we forced her"

"Oh" Ino said with a knowing nod.

"Anyways the guy's name is Katsuo Shizuka from lightning and from the information we gathered it seems that he's a player and Tenten might like him" Sakura said.


"Yes a player and to make it more frustrating Tenten is mad at Neji because he called her pathetic" Sakura said.


"And to top all that being Neji, he is just too stubborn to apologize to Tenten and now I have to talk to him and I called you here because I need your interrogating skills when I talk to him" Sakura finished.

"So you want me to help you talk to Neji?" Ino asked.

Sakura nodded.

Ino smiled

"No problem"

Sakura smirked

"Let's get going then" Sakura said.


"We'll go ahead Hinata and just...investigate more about Katsuo" Sakura said.

Hinata nodded.

'This is going to be a blast'

Hyuuga Neji.

Also known as a stoic, cold-hearted and egotistical person. So why is he feeling something for his ex-team mate? Even his great mind can't figure that out. And it isn't normal for him to be so angry so fast. So why did he become angered when he saw the sight of Tenten and Shizuka together? No genius can figure that out. And most importantly why did he insult her? It wasn't normal for him to do that not unless it was an enemy or rival but to an innocent person? Being Hyuuga Neji right now ain't easy...so many unanswerable questions so little time----

Neji groaned as somebody suddenly knocked on his door.

'Who is it this time?' Neji thought as he slowly opened the door.

"Hi Neji!" Two familiar women greeted happily.

"What do you want?" Neji demand rather than asked.

The two frowned.

"We just wanted to talk to you" They said and let themselves in.

Neji frowned and closed the door looking at his two unwanted guests.

"What do you want?" Neji asked again.

"We just wanted to ask you about Tenten" Sakura said.

"What about her?" Neji asked coldly.

"First things first I hear that you insulted her" Ino said.


"And we want to know why" Sakura said.

"It's nothing"

"Okay...if you're that stubborn you don't have to explain but I warn you...it's not easy to be forgiven by Tenten so don't blame us if she never does I mean we are trying to help you" Ino said.

Neji's eyes narrowed.

Sakura sighed.

"Fine if you really don't want to say anything but I'll give you an advice apologize to her before it's too late and give her something that she'll like so she can really forgive you" Sakura said.

"One more question, do you know the guy Tenten was with a while ago he had raven hair and amethyst eyes...they seemed to be going on a date" Sakura lied. Drastic times need drastic measures and if lying is the only way to get through Neji then so be it as long as they get what they need.

They both smirked as they soon saw veins protruding from the Hyuuga's face

'He's jealous' They both thought.

"They...were...on a what?" Neji asked angrily.

Ino suddenly fidgeted from the stare they were getting from the Hyuuga prodigy

"They were on a date" Sakura said confidently. Not at all freaked out by the Hyuuga.

"You're not jealous are you?" Ino asked innocently trying to stay as composed as possible.

Neji glared at them

"What makes you say that?" Neji said through gritted teeth.

"Let's see... your byakugan is activated and you look like you're about to kill someone and did I mention that you have the byakugan activated" Ino stated.

Ino mentally sighed a sigh of relief as the Hyuuga prodigy slowly calmed down and seeing that the byakugan was deactivated.

"Well do you know him?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah..." He answered.

"Who is he?" Ino asked.

"He's a family friend of ours"


"Neji I ask again, are you jealous?" Ino asked.


"Well?" Sakura asked impatiently.

Neji looked away

"You are jealous..." Sakura said slyly.

"Well I suggest that you move faster he's getting a lot closer to Tenten than you so why don't you apologize first to her" Ino said.

"Just one more question, did you insult Tenten because you were feeling confuse about her?" Sakura asked seriously.

"I...don't know" Neji spoke

Sakura smiled and clapped her hands together

"Okay then we'll be off now" Sakura said dragging Ino with her to the door.

"Good luck!" She shouted before completely going out.

"Case closed!" Sakura exclaimed as soon as they were far away from Neji's room.

"What?" Ino asked.

"He said an I don't know and we never hear Neji say that so that must mean that he does like her!" Sakura said happily.

"I guess but there's still a problem..." Ino said.

"Don't worry I'm sure Neji will do nothing I don't know what but I'm sure he'll do something" Sakura said.

'He just has to'


a/n: sigh I've been having a series of writer's block lately so I'll probably update next week or the week after that...but hope you liked this chapter! Please review and if you do I'll update faster!

Thanks for reviewing:

little kitsune






hiei's hime 2




