I've been inspired :) Song in italics is "We Are The End" by Alexisonfire

Look around, look around.
There's no affection, only infection.
Search yourself, search yourself.
Can I depend on you to surrender?

He was about ready to give up with her. She comes and she goes like passing seasons. Sometimes he felt so connected to her, so close that he could practically read her mind. But, those moments are becoming scarce as the days drag by. Sometimes he feels like he has no idea who she is anymore. Those feelings were becoming more frequent, overtaking his hope and crushing it like a bug. She told him she's needed her space, and he'd given it to her after several warnings and the pain of being mentally stung by her failure to see his pain.

He felt like he was being pushed away, used, and that prodded him to see her more, to try and talk to her more. Unfortunately for him, her answering machine was becoming the only way he had to hear her voice, and the more she pushed the more he wondered if it was even a chance worth taking. It didn't really bother him though, because what did he have left to lose? She was the only thing left in his life that actually mattered. He was confused though, he wasn't pushing her lately, wasn't calling her to try and straighten things out. It seemed like things weren't changing. He knew of her feelings, she didn't have to say anything for him to know that she does care about him, she just wants to be alone for now. For how long, though? This wasn't a problem that couldn't be fixed, just a bit of miscommunication, but how does one go about fixing something like that?

And we will storm their shores,
Eyes suffocating all they see.
Feet sturdy on the rubble that will soon be dust.
And there will be no ruins, no memory, no history
Only our unrelenting march side by side,
We will comb the earth and sweep it clean, hearts and feet unified.
The hand of man is no match for our warless army.

Sometimes when they sat in on a debriefing, he could feel her eyes on the back of his head. Sometimes out of the corner of his eye, he would catch her laughing at one of his jokes. It hurt him, he felt like he blew his chances with her by being annoying. He always mentally kicked his teeth for thinking like that. She just needs time and space. He wasn't sure about how much, but he knew she did. The attention's still there, as well as the potential. There was a beautiful relationship waiting to bust. They just need a little push on the right direction. They've both had their fair share of relationships with other people. Well, she did at least. Once night stands, dates on her free time. She even saw someone for a few weeks, but, eventually the same thing happened to them that happened to her and Batou. She felt suffocated and backed out, saying that 'it was annoying' or 'I just want to be single for a while.' It was clear she was making up excuses.

Please tell me that this is the end of the world.
(And we will strike with the arms of Gods and leave nothing in our wake)
It's time that we erase history
Without a trace or a memory
(On my word, we will seize fate)
Please tell me that this is the end of the world.
It's time that we erase history
Without a trace or a memory
(Destiny choked in our wage)

Once again, it didn't bother him. She came back to him once, and he knows she'll do it again. It was clear that all of the men she was seeing were just a joke to him. He was different; he was willing to push when everything seemed impossible. He was willing to anything for her. He was willing to sacrifice whatever he needed just to stand by her side. If it meant not calling her, so be it. He was almost positive that not one man was ever willing to try this hard for her. Most people eventually give up wondering what the use of trying is. He was definitely different. The two of them just needed to communicate, work things out, because he understands where she's coming from, but she needs to also understand where he's coming from. The two of them need to come to an agreement, a stand-off. They needed to make a deal. Yes, that was it, a deal.

Steadfast soldiers with hands of Gods
And the numbers to succeed.
We will persist until all that's left is a perfect sphere.
Never a break in the chain,
Never a folly of conviction,
And may the traitors' ashes seal the barren landscape.

They'd draw an imaginary line, where she could tell him when enough is enough, and he can coax her to the very end of her comfort zone so that he could at least get to be with her. This can work. They can be together, just with some boundaries, so restrictions. One step at a time, just go with the flow. Batou might not seem like the type, but, he believes that good things happen to people who wait; and wait is what he will do. He's been though Op's that far surpass the wit of a woman. If he can handle navigating a Tachikoma up and down a building, bust millions of perps a year for planned murder, premeditated assassinations, terrorist actions, and brains bent on total world domination and complete control over the Japanese government, then he was pretty sure he could handle working out a compromise with a certain stubborn purple haired commander. It just takes time and patience. And he has a lot of that.

Look around, look around.
There's no affection, only infection.
Search yourself, search yourself.
Can I depend on you to surrender?

So, you all remember the guy I was telling you about in the beginning of my last drabble? Well, he's baaaaaack. What did I tell ya? They all come crawling back for more. I for my situation into this drabble perfectly, so I hope you all paid close attention. Put my mystery man in Motoko's shoes and myself in Batou's and you'll understand what's going on in my love life. Mhm. The part that I really like fitting in was when she stares at the back of his head during their meetings. Turns out this boy of mine sits right behind me in first period, and I catch him staring and laughing at my jokes sometimes. But, it's true, problems like these can be fixed. Don't ever let a communicaton error get in your way, Be patient, but at the same time, get in there and seriously work shit out. Haha, make sense? It all works out in the end. It is what it is, and everything's gonna work out how it should, but, never give up a winning battle :) There's always a way to make it work. And, boys secretly never stop liking you ;) I'm just gonna go with the flow. So for all you ladies out there who have boyfriends that are freaking retarded when it comes to shit like this, let 'em chill. They always come around sooner or later ;)