A/N: I just wanted to take a moment and be grateful for all of the wonderful people who continued to review for me
and check in for updates, it helps fuel you to write more so people can enjoy your story. Thank you and kisses to all
who supported me and read my story.


2 Years Later

"Mom, come on we are going to be late." Peyton stuck out her head from the nursery and said "Jenny, if you wake up your sister I'm going to…."

Jenny put her hands on her hips and said "Mom, you know that we have to get there early to help Aunt Haley setup….besides I want to talk to Uncle Nathan about something."

Peyton stepped out of her daughter's nursery with 16 months old, Ella Grace Jagleski on her hip. Although Ella had been toddling around since she was 10 months old she still liked to hold on to the memories of when Ella depended on her for everything. As she came face to face with her oldest her held out her arms for her sister who went willingly she studied Jenny. She was blossoming into a beautiful young woman who would surely cause Jake and her many headaches in the years to come as the boys would swarm around her.

"What do you need to talk to Nathan about that you can't discuss with us, your parents?"

Jenny rolled her eyes, "Mom, you don't have to know everything about what I'm doing, don't worry I'm not going to ask where I can buy condoms or anything I just had a question about something else."

Peyton put her hand on her chest, "God, you are going to be the death of me yet. Well anyway back to what you were saying, I am ready as you can see we are only waiting on your father to come out of the entertainment room. He was working on a new song for a CD and wanted to finish his thought before he forget his thought."

At that moment Jake came running out of his studio with a grin on his face as he shrugged on a new shirt and placed a kiss on all of his women. He turned to his wife and said, "So are we ready for the party."


"Broody, would you get your butt down here now! We are going to be late for Nathan and Haley's party and you know how I hate to be late…Well that's not really true, I don't mind being late as long as it's fashionably late." She was met with silence as she turned to the baby sleeping quietly in his car seat.

She leaned over and graced her newborn son with a gentle kiss. The arrival of Ethan James Scott had been a surprise to both Brooke and Lucas who had been prepared to wait until the time was right for both of them so when one morning 12 months ago she had started vomiting up her breakfast Brooke had immediately called for Lucas.


"Lucas, get your butt in here." Brooke leaned against the toilet bowl trying to regain her strength as she was finishing vomiting the contents of her stomach.

Lucas walked into the restroom and pulled Brooke into his arms and carried her into the bedroom and said, "We didn't go out drinking last night so we have to go to the doctor." She had been getting violently ill for the last couple of weeks in the morning and so initially she assumed that she had a bout of food poisoning. However it was quickly going on two weeks and the vomiting was not going anywhere.

Brooke shook her head as Lucas helped her back in bed, "It's not necessary, you finally win Broody."

Lucas sat on the edge of the bed pressing a warm washcloth against her face and said, "What are talking about Brooke? What did I win?"

Brooke smiled softly and said, "You finally knocked me up. I'm pregnant Lucas."

End of Flashback

Lucas came running down the stairs and immediately went over to his son and said, "How's my guy doing?"

Brooke smiled as she watched the two of them, from the moment that Ethan was born no one had been more important in his life. He had promised her and Ethan that he would always put them first and they were going to be happy forever. Brooke put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Come on, I don't want to imagine Haley's face if we don't get there on time."


Nathan James Scott looked out his second-story window at his five year old twins playing with their mother in the backyard. It had been a wakeup call for him to realize how important life was to him and how he couldn't take each day for granted. So after he realized that his mother was serious about putting her best foot forward and winning her way back into his heart, he decided to put his best foot forward and put his family first. He had called a press conference and officially resigned from the NBA and instead took a job at Tree Hill High School teaching basketball. In the months since he made his decision he had never regretted putting his family first although his wife had at first…

Flashback (2 Years Ago shortly post her surgery)

"Nathan you don't think this is something we should've discussed as a family together?"

Nathan looked at Haley from across the table. She had been taking it easier since the surgery and although she would never be free of the possibility that the cancer could return she was living life to the fullest and with his mother living right next door she was taking the doctor's advice easily.

"Hales, there's not much to discuss. You have to take it easy because the doctor says your still delicate. I don't want to be away from you and the children that much."

Haley smiled and said, "But Nathan, your mom's here and she's not going anywhere. I don't want you to give up your dreams because of…"

Nathan cut her off and said, "Make no mistake my dreams consist of being a good husband to you and a father to my children they have nothing to do with whether I'm able to play basketball. I got to live out my dream, most men don't even get to make it to the NBA, not only did I make it but I was giving a chance to play for a wonderful team and under I coach I respected almost as much as Whitey. I got fulfillment out of that, my only goal in this life is to repair my relationship with my mother and spoil my wife and help raise our children nothing else."

Haley felt the tears come to her eyes at the determination in his voice as she uttered a weak argument but an argument nonetheless, "And what about the money? I don't want to sound like a gold-digger but we have lived pretty well off your million dollar paycheck."

Nathan laughed and pulled her into his arms and said, "You do know I didn't spend all of that money don't you. I learned young that we needed to invest our money so we don't end up broke. I have a couple million in the bank and we are sitting comfortably for the rest of our lives."

Haley leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, "I didn't want to say anything but I'm glad your retiring. I love you."

End of Flashback

He was startled out of his memories at the sound of the door closing downstairs. He jogged down the stairs to see Nicole and Nathaniel running in with their arms around Haley. In the time since the surgery, his children had somehow become more perceptive. It was almost as if they sensed that they could've lost their mother and out of fear they stuck closer to her.

Nathaniel grinned at his Dad and said, "You want me to beat you in basketball?"

Nathan met Haley's eyes with a look of humor and said, "Don't you think your getting a little cocky there? I can still whoop you anytime, anyplace."

Nathaniel ran over to his father with a grin and said, "Don't be so sure….Grandma Deb was telling me that you use to talk like that to your Dad all the time and he couldn't beat you either."

Haley smiled as she listened to the two of them banter as Nicole held her mother's hand as they both rolled their eyes in laughter. Haley clapped her hands and said, "Okay you two enough of that. In case you forget, this place has to be ready for a barbecue in less than an hour now we've had our fun time we need to make this place ready for our guests."

Nicole laughed and said, "Mom, come on who's our guests? Everyone that's coming over is family."

Haley looked to Nathan for help who shook his head, "I agree with our daughter. We can keep this pretty low-key as far as I'm concerned. We have all the meat in the kitchen, the vegetables just need to be cut which you, Brooke, Jenny and Peyton usually take care of…Keith and Karen are bringing the drinks. What more do we need?"

Haley smirked and said, "Fun you guys win but I want you two to go upstairs and wash up. You got pretty sweaty out there playing with Dad."

Nicole and Nathaniel grumbled but raced up the stairs to do their mother's bidding. Haley turned to Nathan and said, "You are supposed to be on my side. You don't get to undermine me."

Nathan walked over and pulled her in his arms as best he could considering the fact that she was pregnant with their third child. That had certainly been a shock and a time for affirmation at the same time.

Flashback (4 months earlier)


Nathan came rushing into the room and looked at his wife who was staring at her reflection in the mirror. She turned to her husband in fear and said, "Nathan, I think I may need to go to the doctor."

Nathan exhaled sharply and said, "You think you're sick? Is it the cancer?"

Haley shook her head and said, "No, I think I may have something else. I've been feeling really weak lately and my energy is decreasing. The doctor said it should get better with time but I…"

Nathan pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead and said, "Don't worry whatever it is we will face it like we always have, together."

Haley nodded against his chest and said, "Nathan, I'm scared."

Nathan closed his eyes as he felt the tears threatening and said, "So am I baby, so am I."

End of Flashback

The two days until they had the appointment had been the longest days of Nathan and Haley's life. Worrying about having to fight another occurrence of the cancer or worse yet something more serious had both of them on the edge. They had sent the twins to stay with Deb so they could support each other and even though at times they both lashed out at each other in the end they came together to support and love each other. It wasn't until the doctor stared at them amused from across their desk did they release the breath they didn't know they had been holding.


"Mrs. Scott, I must say I was shocked to receive a call from you. I am the doctor who treated your cancer and while you are scheduled for your 6 month checkup shortly, I'm not sure how I may be of assistance to you today."

Haley quickly outlined for the doctor a list of the symptoms she had been plagued with lately and her fear that it could be the cancer back or something else.

Dr. Stockman leaned back in her chair and said, "Yes, I can see why you would be concerned. Let me just take a look at the blood work I had them perform before you came in."

Haley nodded as Nathan gripped her hand in anxiety as they both looked towards the doctor for confirmation of their fears. Dr. Stockman felt a grin come to her lips as she closed the file, "Well this will be the shortest visit in all of my time and I won't even bill you for it. There's nothing I can do for you."

Nathan scowled and said, "Dr. Stockman I don't think that's right considering…."

Dr. Stockman interrupted him and said, "Mr. Scott please let me finish, I only wanted to say that I'm probably not the best physician to help you with your issue because according to your blood work you're pregnant."

Haley leaned back against the chair in shock, "I'm pregnant?"

Dr. Stockman smiled and said, "Pregnant."

End of Flashback

"Nathan where were you?"

Nathan squeezed her and said, "Just thinking about these last couple of years and how happy I've been and how happy you've made me. There was a time when I thought I would have to face life without you and although I know that can still happen, I just like knowing that I have you by my side."

Haley smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him softly, "I'm right here with you, holding on to our life, our love and our family with both of my hands tightly. Always and Forever."


Thoughts!! Pretty please, for the last time:)